[LON-CAPA-users] Restart manual grading after problem correction

Justin Gray lon-capa-users@mail.lon-capa.org
Sat, 8 May 2010 21:03:23 -0700

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I do not think there is any straightforward way to automatically regrade the
submissions after the problem is edited and republished.

This is a bit tricky because students with submissions fall under one of
four categories:

   1. Students with correct submissions graded correct.
   2. Students with incorrect submissions graded incorrect.
   3. Students with correct submissions graded incorrect.
   4. Students with incorrect submissions graded correct.

The students in categories 3 and 4 would have received incorrect feedback,
and so in any case I would draw the error to the attention of your students.

If it is still well before the due date you could assign extra tries to the
problem and tell your students to continue working on it.

Otherwise it is probably better to omit the problem from the grades
calculation (i.e., assign it 0 weight). If you manually regrade the problem
now, students in category 4 will likely argue that they could have gotten
the correct answer within the number of tries allotted if they knew their
answer was incorrect before the due date.


Justin Gray | Senior Lecturer
Department of Mathematics | Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive, Burnaby | V5A 1S6 | Canada
Tel: +1 778.782.4237

On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 3:58 AM, Stefan Bisitz <st.bisitz@ostfalia.de>wrote:

> Hi,
> The students have submitted their answers to a problem with four out of
> eight options (four concept groups with two options each, all in one part).
> This problem had unfortunately an incorrect programmed answer for one of
> the eight options. This has been corrected by the author now. Since this has
> happened _after_ the students already submitted their answers, the assigned
> grades are not correct now.
> Can I now manually restart the automated grading for this specific problem?
> I can't find any function like this on the manual grading pages.
> Otherwise all four options for all students have to be manually graded. We
> already figured out that "only" 30 students are affected. Still a lot of
> manual work.
> Thanks for any hints,
> Stefan Bisitz
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I do not think there is any straightforward way to automatically regrade
 the submissions after the problem is edited and republished.<br>
<br>This is a bit tricky because students with submissions fall under one o=
f four categories:<br><br><ol><li>Students with correct submissions graded =
correct.</li><li>Students with incorrect submissions graded incorrect.</li>

<li>Students with correct submissions graded incorrect.</li><li>Students wi=
th incorrect submissions graded correct.</li></ol>The students in categorie=
s 3 and 4 would have received incorrect feedback, and so in any case I woul=
d draw the error to the attention of your students. <br>

<br>If it is still well before the due date you could assign extra tries to=
 the problem and tell your students to continue working on it.<br><br>Other=
wise it is probably better to omit the problem from the grades calculation =
(i.e., assign it 0 weight). If you manually regrade the problem now, studen=
ts in category 4 will likely argue that they could have gotten the correct =
answer within the number of tries allotted if they knew their answer was in=
correct before the due date. <br>

<br>Justin<br><br clear=3D"all">Justin Gray | Senior Lecturer<br>Department=
 of Mathematics | Simon Fraser University<br>8888 University Drive, Burnaby=
 | V5A 1S6 | Canada<br>Tel: +1 778.782.4237<br><br><br>
<br><br><div class=3D"gmail_quote">On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 3:58 AM, Stefan =
Bisitz <span dir=3D"ltr">&lt;<a href=3D"mailto:st.bisitz@ostfalia.de">st.bi=
sitz@ostfalia.de</a>&gt;</span> wrote:<br><blockquote class=3D"gmail_quote"=
 style=3D"margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 2=
04); padding-left: 1ex;">

The students have submitted their answers to a problem with four out of eig=
ht options (four concept groups with two options each, all in one part).<br=
This problem had unfortunately an incorrect programmed answer for one of th=
e eight options. This has been corrected by the author now. Since this has =
happened _after_ the students already submitted their answers, the assigned=
 grades are not correct now.<br>

Can I now manually restart the automated grading for this specific problem?=
 I can&#39;t find any function like this on the manual grading pages.<br>
Otherwise all four options for all students have to be manually graded. We =
already figured out that &quot;only&quot; 30 students are affected. Still a=
 lot of manual work.<br>
Thanks for any hints,<br><font color=3D"#888888">
Stefan Bisitz<br>
LON-CAPA-users mailing list<br>
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