[LON-CAPA-dev] No Meeting, Send Status Email

Gerd Kortemeyer lon-capa-dev@mail.lon-capa.org
Wed, 26 Feb 2003 15:42:30 -0500

* Worked on textbased menus, fixed bug in RAT with too many parameters,
implemented seed parameter for randompick, fixed external URL in DOCS to
not mess up query strings, put in help for format on numericalresponse,
made script to see what users are on a box (cgi-bin/userstatus.pl), and
tried to fix clusterstatus.pl (but already ping.pl was kaputt).

* Will work on continuing to fix clusterstatus, textbased menus, go
through Bugzilla, thinking about schemes for hosting, and thinking about
schemes for pre-mounting courses (new role of "pre-approved course
coordinator) to compete with Angel - need to discuss.


* submitted paper http://www.lon-capa.org/papers/cyprusloncapa.pdf
* trying to get handle on actual costs and business plan for hosting

Guy Albertelli II wrote:

> Hi All,
> It seems that most people would be unable to make the meeting today so
> I guess I'll cancel it.
> I'd appreciate it if everyone instead sent me a quick status report
> for the last week.
> Otherwise see you next week.
> --
> guy@albertelli.com  LON-CAPA Developer  0-7-7-4-
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