[LON-CAPA-admin] Slowness in LonCapa

Stuart Raeburn raeburn at msu.edu
Mon Jun 22 23:28:38 EDT 2015

Hi Lee,

> (Missing operator before E_TRIE_MAXBUF?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at (eval 1863) line 1, near   

Thanks for reporting this message from the Apache error log, which is  
seen when LON-CAPA is installed on a Linux distro running perl 5.10 or  
newer (i.e., CentOS/Red Hat/Scientific Linux 6 and newer, and Ubuntu  
10 LTS and newer).

This message originates from run::dump(), called when a perl script  
block is rendered for display of the answer (to create the ScriptVars  

Anyway, run.pm rev. 1.64 eliminates it, and you can patch LON-CAPA  
2.11 with rev 1.64 as follows:

wget -O /home/httpd/lib/perl/Apache/run.pm  

service httpd reload     (CentOS/Red Hat/Scientific Linux)
service apache2 reload   (Ubuntu)


1. If you choose to make this change, the checkforupdates.pl script  
will detect  a version change in run.pm (as compared with the version  
in 2.11.0 or 2.11.1), and send a daily e-mail because of that discrepancy.

2. The logged message is not indicative of a bad regular expression in  
the code, or in someone's LON-CAPA problem.

Stuart Raeburn
LON-CAPA Academic Consortium

Quoting "Bynum, Lee Hamilton" <leebynum at illinois.edu>:

> Good Afternoon Listserv,
> I'm doing some debugging and I am finding a lot of these in my   
> apache config file.  Does anyone know where they are being   
> generated.  Better yet, does anyone have suggestions on how to   
> resolve the them.
>         (Missing operator before E_TRIE_MAXBUF?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at (eval 1863) line 1, near   
>         (Missing operator before E_TRIE_MAXBUF?)
> Bareword found where operator expected at (eval 2386) line 1, near   
>         (Missing operator before E_TRIE_MAXBUF?)
> I suspect there is a bad regular expression in the code or, more   
> likely, someone's problem.  Unfortunately, the eval lines are all   
> over the place and don't give me many clues on where to start looking.
> Many Thanks,
> Lee Bynum
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