[LON-CAPA-admin] more PCI compliance

Jon Hall jdh65 at bellsouth.net
Sun Jan 27 19:18:22 EST 2013

After much wailing and gnashing of teeth, and with the generous help of many on this mailing list (thank you very much!), I have been able to solve nearly all of the issues which were causing my LON-CAPA server to fail a PCI compliance scan.

Unfortunately, there are still 2 issues that I have been unable to resolve.  I am posting the complete message sent by the scanning company, in case any one can offer any suggestions.  Thanks in advance!

Issue 1:
Title: vulnerable web program (iFoto) 
Impact: A remote attacker could execute arbitrary commands, create or overwrite files, or view files or directories on the web server. 
Data Sent: GET /adm/css/index.php?dir=../../../../../../ HTTP/1.0 
User- Agent: Mozilla/4.0 
Connection: Keep-alive 
Data Received: span.LC_cusr_emph { 
Resolution: 08/07/07 CVE 2007-4092 A directory traversal vulnerability in the index.php script in iFoto 1.0 allows remote attackers to view the contents of arbitrary directories by placing dot- dot-slash strings into the dir parameter. 
Resolution: Edit the source code of index.php to remove invalid characters from the dir parameter or apply a fix from the vendor when available. 
Risk Factor: Medium/ CVSS2 
Base Score: 5.0 (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N) 
CVE: CVE-2007-4092 
BID: 25065

Issue 2:
Title: web program allows cross-site scripting in query string (/adm/login) 
Impact: A malicious web site could cause arbitrary commands to run on a client through a specially crafted link to the vulnerable server. In some cases, this could result in the compromise of the client's cookies, leading to unauthorized access to web applications. 
Data Sent: GET /adm/login?username=&domain=<SCRIPT>alert('SecurityMet rics')</SCRIPT> HTTP/1.0 
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 
Connection: Keep-alive 
Data Received: codedom = "<SCRIPT>alert('SecurityMetrics')</SCRIPT>"; 
Resolution: Cross-site scripting can be fixed either by creating a customized error page which does not display the URI, or by applying one of the following fixes: 
ocPortal: [http://ocportal.com/site/news/view/ocportal- security-update.htm] Download the ocPortal Security Release Patch. 
HP Network Automation: Apply a patch [http://support.openview.hp.com/selfsolve/patches] Network Automation 09.10.02 to resolve the vulnerabilities for HP Network Automation. You need to do: Upgrade to HP Network Automation v9.10 Apply patch 2 or subsequent (Title: Network Automation 09.10.02, NA_00015) 
CA Siteminder: [http://www.ca.com/us/default.aspx] Upgrade to version R6 SP6 CR7 or R12 SP3 CR8. 
AtMail Open: Upgrade to a version created after 1 Dec. 2011. 
ASP Fast Forum:Upgrade to a version created after 1 NOV 2005. 
PHP-Nuke: (11/13/08) [http://phpnuke.org/modules.php?name=Downloads] Upgrade PHP-Nuke to a version higher than 8.1. 
FlatNuke:[http://www.flatnuke.org/index.php?mod=Download] Upgrade to FlatNuke version 2.5.7 
RSA Security: Upgrade to RSA Security RSA Authentication Agent to a version higher than 5.3 or RSA Security ACE/Agent for Web to a version higher than 5.1.1 when they become available 
Lotus Domino: Upgrade to version 5.0.9 when it becomes available. 
Microsoft ISA 2000: Refer to [http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms01-045.mspx] Microsoft Security Bulletin 01-045. 
NetWare Web Search: (04/19/02) Apply NetWare 6 Service Pack 1. 
ColdFusion MX: (06/25/02) Apply the patch referenced in [http://www.adobe.com/devnet/security/security_zone/mpsb02-03.html] Macromedia Security Bulletin 02-03. 
Apache Tomcat: (07/12/02) [http://jakarta.apache.org/] Upgrade to version 4.1.4 or higher, and unmap the "invoker" servlet (mapped to /servlet/), which executes anonymous servlet classes that have not been defined in a web.xml file. The entry for this can be found in the /<tomcat- install- dir>/conf/web.xml file. 
Apache printenv program (12/30/02) Remove the cgi- bin/printenv program. Although this program outputs the text/plain MIME type which shouldn't be susceptible to cross-site scripting, some browsers do not correctly handle this type and would therefore be vulnerable. 
Microsoft Content Management Server 2001 (01/23/03) Apply the cumulative patch referenced in [http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms03-002.mspx] Microsoft Security Bulletin 03-002, or apply Microsoft Content Management Server 2001 Service Pack 2 if available. 
WebCalendar (09/22/03) [http://webcalendar.sourceforge.net/] Upgrade to a WebCalendar version newer than 0.9.42. 
VP-ASP (Shopping Cart) (12/22/03 06/22/04 11/30/05) See the [http://www.vpasp.com/virtprog/info/faq_securityfixes.htm] VP-ASP security fixes. 
Bitfolge snif (12/22/03) [http://www.bitfolge.de/download/] Upgrade to snif 1.2.7 or later. 
osCommerce (12/23/03) [http://www.oscommerce.com/solutions/downloads] Upgrade to osCommerce 2.2 milestone 3. 
IBM Net.Data db2www (02/04/04) Use DTW_DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE feature (or DTW_DEFAULT_MACRO feature on zOS and iServer) to ensure that error messages do not include user input in their response. For example, in the Net.Data configuration file db2www.ini, insert an entry such as: DTW_DEFAULT_ERROR_MESSAGE This Web Site is experiencing problems. Check back later. 
ASP Portal (02/27/04) Upgrade your version. 
phpBB2 (03/24/04) [http://www.phpbb.com/downloads.php] Upgrade to phpBB 2.0.7 or higher. 
ZWiki (12/01/04) [http://zwiki.org/repos/ZWiki/releases/] Upgrade to 0.37 or higher when available or 0.37.0rc1, or apply the fix described [http://zwiki.org/925ZwikiXSSVulnerability] here. 
ht://Dig (02/14/05) [http://www.htdig.org/where.html] Upgrade to higher than 3.2.0b6, or install a fixed package from your operating system vendor. 
DotNetNuke (05/26/05) [http://dotnetnuke.com/default.aspx?tabid=125] Upgrade to 3.0.12 or higher. 
Apache Struts (12/07/05) [http://struts.apache.org/download.cgi] Upgrade to 1.2.8 or higher. 
phpMyChat (12/09/05) [http://www.phpheaven.net/phpmychat:home?id_rubrique=29] Upgrade to higher than version 0.14.5 . 
Cerberus Helpdesk (01/04/06) [http://www.cerberusweb.com/downloads_helpdesk.php] Upgrade to 2.7.0 or higher. 
Apache Geronimo (01/27/06) [http://geronimo.apache.org/downloads.html] Upgrade to version 1.0.1 or 1.1 when available. 
Ashnews (02/10/06) [http://dev.ashwebstudio.com/products.php] Upgrade to a version higher than 0.83 when available. 
QwikiWiki (02/27/06) [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php? group_id=80406] Upgrade to a version higher than 1.51 when available. 
vCard (03/23/06) [http://www.belchiorfoundry.com/vcard/index.php] Upgrade to a version higher than 2.9. 
Contrexx (03/24/06) [http://www.contrexx.com/? section=news&cmd=details&newsid=54] Patch version 1.0.8 or [http://www.contrexx.com/] upgrade to a version higher than 1.0.8 . 
phpCOIN (04/05/06) [http://www.phpcoin.com/coin_addons/dload.php?id=108] upgrade to version 1.2.3 . 
PHPKIT (04/05/06) [http://phpkit.de/include.php?path=content/ne ws.php&contentid=280&PHPKITSID=90c781f9635d9416058473a6aa735927] upgrade to 1.6.1 Release 2. 
phpAdsNew/phpPgAds (04/06/06) upgrade [http://phpadsnew.com/two/index.html] phpAdsNew or [http://www.phppgads.com/one/index.html] phpPgAds to version 2.0.8. 
Confixx (04/23/06) [http://www.swsoft.com/de/products/confixx/] Upgrade to a version higher than 3.1.2 when available. 
phpLDAPadmin (05/01/06) [http://phpldapadmin.sourceforge.net/download.php] Upgrade to version or higher. 
Boardsolution (05/02/06) [http://www.script- solution.de/] Upgrade to version 1.13 or higher. 
Pivot (07/24/06) [http://www.pivotlog.net/] Upgrade to version 1.30 Final or higher. 
XOOPS (10/14/11) [http://www.xoops.org/modules/core/] Upgrade to 2.5.3. 
XOOPS packs (11/17/06) Upgrade [http://www.xoops.org/modules/core/visit.php? cid=9&lid=98] CommunityPack, [http://www.xoops.org/modules/core/visit.php? cid=9&lid=101] PersonalPack, and [http://www.xoops.org/modules/core/visit.php? cid=9&lid=100] IntranetPack to a version higher than 1.0 or fix as [http://worldphantom .org/foro/index.php? PHPSESS=475e274a8eeb5ffa159e890b2a9cae64&topic=4 17.new] described. 
cPanel (01/11/10) [http://www.cpanel.net/support/downloads/downloads.htm] Upgrade to version 11.25 or higher. 
OsTicket (01/02/07) [http://www.osticket.com/downloads.php] Upgrade to 2.0 when available. 
PHP iCalendar (01/04/07) [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?g roup_id=62270&package_id=58811] Upgrade to version 2.23 or later when available. 
Citrix MetaFrame (03/07/08) Apply a fix as described in [http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX101996] Document ID CTX101996. 
Campus Bulletin Board (05/29/08) [http://netlab.kh.edu.tw/download/index.htm] Upgrade to a version higher than 3.4 when available. 
Apache Roller (01/27/09) Apply the fix described in [https://svn.apache.org/viewvc?view=rev&revision=668737] Revision 668737. 
MercuryBoard (02/04/10) [http://www.mercuryboard.com/index.php?a=downloads] Upgrade to a version higher than 1.1.5 when available. 
Cisco Secure Desktop (02/12/10) [http: //tools.cisco.com/support/downloads/pub/Redirect.x?mdfid=280277835] Upgrade to version 3.5.841 or higher when available. 
Cisco Collaboration Server (03/04/10) [http://tools.cisco.com/support/downloads/pub/Redirect .x?mdfid=268439684] Upgrade to version higher than 5 when available. 
RSA SecurID (03/04/10) Upgrade to version higher than 6.1 when available. 
Juniper IVE (08/16/10) Ensure that the firewall's management interface is disabled on the Internet connected interface, by disabling WeBUI within service options on the Internet connected interface. 
GuestBook Script (07/11/12) [http://www.guestbookscripts.com/index.php] Upgrade to a version higher than 1.5 when available. 
Web at All (07/19/12) [http://webatall.org/] Updates are available. Please see Web at All homepage for more information. 
X-Cart (08/01/2012) [http://www.x-cart.com/] Upgrade to version higher than 4.5.1 when available. 
Greenstone (11/29/12) [http://www.greenstone.org/download] Upgrade to version higher than 2.85 when available. 
All other products: Retrieve an upgrade or a patch from the vendor. See the posting to [http://www.securityfocus.com/archive/1/194464] Bugtraq for information about specific types of web servers. See references below. If a fix is unavailable, then work around the problem by creating a customized error page. 
Risk Factor: Medium/ CVSS2 
Base Score: 4.0 (AV:N/AC:H/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N)

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