[LON-CAPA-admin] autoenroll.log

Stuart Raeburn raeburn at msu.edu
Mon Jan 7 13:01:45 EST 2013


> I have no idea what class 1W7361372b42a500dbsul1 is.

According to the LON-CAPA course catalog that is:

PHYC110FA12 Physics 110 Fall Semester 2012 1W7361372b42a500dbsul1 Cancio

For the record, the publicly accessible LON-CAPA Course Catalog:

lists the following "official" courses:
(the CourseID can be found by mousing over the syllabus link in each course.

Inst code   Title    CourseID               Owner
ASTR302SP13 No title 4A32613094acb5067bsul1 Robertson
ASTR120FA12 Astronomy 120 Fall Semester 2012 8i284153d3b11503ebsul1 Robertson
ASTR302SP13 Astronomy 302 Spring Semester 2013 3r311159858cb503absul1  
ASTR100FA12	Independent Learning ASTR 100 Fall Semester 2012  
2b739135e6f2a50e9bsul1 Robertson
ASTR100SP13 Independent Learning ASTR 100 Spring Semester 2013  
2U380410d38cf5008bsul1 Robertson
PHYC110FA12 Physics 110 Fall Semester 2012 1W7361372b42a500dbsul1 Cancio
PHYC110FA12 Physics 110 Fall Semester 2012 9R16001d9d3335073bsul1 Joe
PHYC110SP13 Physics 110 Spring Semester 2013 1V30571752ecf5004bsul1 Cancio
PHYC110S13 Physics 110 Spring Semester 2013 9b37931a02dcf50febsul1 Joe
PHYC112FA12 Physics 112 Fall Semester 2012 4K62211bd092c504ebsul1 Nelson
PHYC112SP13 Physics 112 Spring Semester 2013 2Z32670ae41cb505fbsul1 Wijesinghe
PHYC120FA12 Physics 120 Fall 2012 5428413893a11505cbsul1 Wijesinghe
PHYC120FA12 Physics 120 Fall Semester 2012 5J5179132092c5099bsul1 Grosnick

> Unfortunately, /home/httpd/perl/logs/autoenroll.log arrives every   
> morning with hundreds of lines, most of which are of the form:
> Auto-enrollment not currently enabled for 1Q746312661a84458bsul1

I have filed an enhancement request:

requesting the ability for a domain coordinator to choose what is  
logged in autoenroll.log.

> Basically, I'd like to  filter out the past courses from  
> autoenroll.log so I can see what is  happening to the current  
> courses without all the noise from  irrelevant courses.

Currently, autoenroll.log is rotated, so only the last three days are  
preserved, unless you have implemented other procedures to copy older  
autoenroll.log files elsehwere.

A regards monitoring nightly auto-enrollment in the current semester's  
classes one suggestion is to become Domain Coordinator, and from the  
roles screen use:

"Ad hoc roles in domain msu -- Coordinator: Select Course/Community"

to select the Course Coordinator role in each of the five Spring  
semester 2013 courses at BSU which have official course codes in  

Then use:

Main Menu -> Manage course users ->  Automated Enrollment ->  
Notification of changes

and do:

(a) Notification of LON-CAPA course roster changes resulting from  
nightly automated enrollment process? Yes

(b) Check "Notification?" checkbox for yourself (as a Domain  
Coordinator) from the Course's domain

If you have also set up e-mail notification for that username,  
LON-CAPA will send an e-mail as well as an internal LON-CAPA message  
whenever there enrollment changes result from auto-enrollment in each  
of the five spring 2013 courses.

Stuart Raeburn
LON-CAPA Academic Consortium

Quoting "Neubauer, Paul" <pneubauer at bsu.edu>:

> Hi all,
> Thanks to a lot of good help from Stewart, we have autoenrollment   
> working and shibboleth is providing authentication.
> Now I'm trying to make better use of the log so that I have a   
> reasonable chance of catching errors or other problems.
> Unfortunately, /home/httpd/perl/logs/autoenroll.log arrives every   
> morning with hundreds of lines, most of which are of the form:
> Auto-enrollment not currently enabled for 1Q746312661a84458bsul1
> It appears that the autoenroll process logs the fact that every   
> course we have ever had on LON-CAPA is not currently being   
> autoenrolled. Course 1Q746312661a84458bsul1 may be ASTR100 Fall   
> 2003, but I can't tell what it is from the log.
> And then there are messages like:
> No institutional classlist data could be retrieved for 1W7361372b42a500dbsul1
> I have no idea what class 1W7361372b42a500dbsul1 is.  I know it is   
> not one of the current ones, so I am guessing that it is one from a   
> past term that somehow got marked for autoenrollment even though we   
> were not doing autoenrollment before this immediately past semester.
> So my most urgent question is: is there a way to retrieve course   
> information based on the "affiliate" id? It doesn't have to be   
> something within LON-CAPA proper, in fact, I'd prefer something that  
>  could generate a plain text file. If anyone has a clue for me on   
> constructing a MySQL query against the database so that I can   
> extract that information, I could use that.  Basically, I'd like to   
> filter out the past courses from autoenroll.log so I can see what is  
>  happening to the current courses without all the noise from   
> irrelevant courses. I can do that in many different ways, I'm sure,   
> but it strikes me that simply generating a list of what all the   
> courses in the database are/have been (particularly by "affiliate"   
> id, which is all the course identification that is in the log) would  
>  give me a relatively straightforward start on such a filter so I  
> can  say:
> I don't need 1Q746312661a84458bsul1
> I DO need 2U380410d38cf5008bsul1
> I don't need 2b739135e6f2a50e9bsul1
> ...
> etc.
> Any thoughts or ideas would be welcome.
> Thanks,
> Paul

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