[LON-CAPA-admin] LON-CAPA Version 2.9.0

Stuart Raeburn raeburn at msu.edu
Fri Jun 4 07:04:03 EDT 2010


Thabks for reporting the dependencies issue when updating  
LONCAPA-prerequisites on a Red Hat 4 installation.

As you indicate the packages are in the LON-CAPA repository at  

Unfortunately the headers directory for the noarch directory (where  
these particular packages are found) had not been updated after the  
packages had been transferred from LON-CAPA's testing repos to  
production repos for redhat 4ES, so up2date was not finding them.

I have now updated the headers directory in  
redhat/linux/enterprise/loncapa/4ES/noarch/ on install.loncapa.org so

up2date -u LONCAPA-prerequisites

should no longer complain about unresolvable dependencies.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Suggested use of EPEL (which Todd described) occurred with CentOS 5 in  
August 2007, and had a slightly different origin - namely second order  
dependencies for some packages required by LON-CAPA 2.7.  The second  
order dependencies which were initially absent from the LON-CAPA repos  
were subsequently added.

As discussed in that thread (see  
LON-CAPA does not currently rely on the EPEL 5 repositories, for  Red  
Hat 5Server, CentOS 5 and Scientific Linux 5, or on the EPEL 4  
repositories for Red Hat 4ES and 4AS, although in most cases these is  
no problem in using packages from EPEL in place of the equivalents  
from the LON-CAPA repositories.

In this particular case, EPEL 4 does not include the unresolvable  
dependencies (perl-CAM-PDF, perl-LaTeX-Table, perl-Tie-IxHash-Easy,  
tetex-acrotex, tetex-xcolor) reported by up2date.

Stuart Raeburn

Quoting Woonki Chung <chung at georgetown.edu>:

> Todd (and Stuart),
> Thank you for your suggestion. However, all the packages seem to be in
> the loncapa repository already and some are named as loncapa rpms
> (*.lc.*.rpm) as usual. Since the repository has been already added to
> the system, we should be able to use the right packages as intended.
> There are many different repositories out there, and I don't think it
> is a good idea to mix different repositories for some packages. Before
> I try anything, I would like to ask Stuart the following:
> 1. Any suggestion or fix on the repository soon?
> 2. Did you get those packages from EPEL (as Todd mentioned)?
> 3. Do you really recommend to use/mix the additional repository to get
> around the problem?
> Thanks,
> Woonki
> On 6/3/2010 6:12 PM, Todd Ruskell wrote:
>> Woonki,
>> I've had similar issues before.  Stuart pointed me to the EPEL   
>> repositories, and that generally fixed everything nicely.
>> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL
>> Hopefully it will also work for you.
>> Todd
>> On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 9:33 AM, Woonki Chung <chung at georgetown.edu   
>> <mailto:chung at georgetown.edu>> wrote:
>>    For a RedHat Enterprise 4 system, "up2date -u
>>    LONCAPA-prerequisites" complains dependencies.  (See the output
>>    below) Do I have to install them manually??
>>    Thanks,
>>    Woonki
>>    # up2date -u LONCAPA-prerequisites
>>    Fetching Obsoletes list for channel: rhel-x86_64-as-4...
>>    Fetching Obsoletes list for channel: rhel-x86_64-as-4-extras...
>>    Fetching Obsoletes list for channel: loncapa-updates...
>>    Fetching Obsoletes list for channel: loncapa-updates-noarch...
>>    Fetching rpm headers...
>>    ########################################
>>    Name                                    Version              Rel  
>>                  Arch
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>    LONCAPA-prerequisites                   1                        
>> 18.EAS4             x86_64
>>    Testing package set / solving RPM inter-dependencies...
>>    Downloading headers to solve dependencies...
>>    #######################################
>>    Downloading headers to solve dependencies...
>>    There was a package dependency problem. The message was:
>>    Unresolvable chain of dependencies:
>>    LONCAPA-prerequisites  1-18.EAS4         requires perl-CAM-PDF
>>    LONCAPA-prerequisites  1-18.EAS4         requires perl-LaTeX-Table
>>    LONCAPA-prerequisites  1-18.EAS4         requires perl-Tie-IxHash-Easy
>>    LONCAPA-prerequisites  1-18.EAS4         requires tetex-acrotex
>>    LONCAPA-prerequisites  1-18.EAS4         requires tetex-xcolor
>>    R-core  2.10.1-1.el4                     requires
>>    perl(File::Copy::Recursive)
>>    The following packages were added to your selection to satisfy
>>    dependencies:
>>    Package                                Required by
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>    Stuart Raeburn wrote:
>>        New Version 2.9.0 Released
>>        Changes from 2.8.1:
>>        Authoring Resources
>>        - CSS, javascript and plain text files (.css, .js, and .txt
>>        extensions) can be edited.
>>        - Assistant Co-authors can browse directories in the
>>        repository of published resources
>>         belonging to author(s) to whom they are assigned as assistant
>>        co-author.
>>        - The "Edit Math" button (which launches a pop-up Math
>>        expression editor) is available
>>         when editing HTML files.
>>        - Adaptive hints are available for reactionresponse and
>>        organicresponse types.
>>        - The R statistics package can be used in place of Maxima as a
>>        Computer Algebra
>>         system (CAS) in mathresponse and formularesponse problems.  R
>>        can also be used to
>>         generate data sets in problems by using calls to appropriate
>>        cas routines within a
>>         script block. Example templates are provided.
>>        - Custom Response problems can award partial credit for
>>        problems containing multiple
>>         answers.
>>        - In dynamic plots (GNUplot) - x and y axis zero lines can be
>>        displayed as regular lines,
>>         thick lines, or as dotted lines.
>>        - Checkbox attribute for simple two-option optionresponse type
>>        allows checkboxes to be
>>         used instead of two item select box (e.g., for True/False).
>>        See: SimpleTrueFalse
>>         problem template.
>>        Student Interface
>>        - Information about resources for which access is controlled
>>        by reservation (i.e., slots)
>>         is displayed on the "Table of Contents" page (renamed from
>>        "Navigate Contents").
>>        - Students within a course can access a "Manage Reservations"
>>        utility from the Main Menu.
>>         This may be used to view and change reservations, and also
>>        display a log of reservation
>>         transactions.
>>        - When a user initiates the reset password process for an
>>        internally authenticated
>>         account, the e-mail address entered in the web form can now
>>        be any of: permanent email,
>>         critical notification email or regular notification email.
>>        - Courses with access start dates which were in the future
>>        when the student logged in,
>>         will become selectable from the courses screen, once the
>>        start date has been reached,
>>         without the need for logout/login.
>>        - Course Configuration for "Grading" includes a mode to not
>>        show total parts when a
>>         student displays his/her grading information.
>>        Communication
>>        - When rendering discussion posts and other feedback for the
>>        web, new lines will no
>>         longer be automatically converted to <br /> tags if HTML
>>        block elements are detected
>>         (suggesting the author had used HTML originally during
>>        composition).
>>        Course/Community Management
>>        - A "Course/Community requests" icon is included in the "My
>>        Roles" or "My Courses"
>>         category if the user has rights to create courses or
>>        communities in their home domain,
>>         and/or in another domain.
>>        - Course Configuration (previously "Set Course Environment")
>>        has been moved to the top
>>         level ("Main Menu") and divided into separate sections, with
>>        permitted user input
>>         constrained by radio buttons, select boxes, checkboxes, etc.,
>>        in place of unrestricted
>>         entry via textboxes.
>>        - The Course Owner can assign the Course Coordinator role in a
>>        course to other users.
>>        - The Course Owner can declare other Course Coordinators as
>>        "Co-owners", who can choose
>>         to accept or deny co-ownership assignment.  (Your institution
>>        may use co-ownership to
>>         permit access to institutional course rosters by the
>>        automated enrollment process).
>>         Co-owners are listed in the Course/Community Catalog, and can
>>        be used as a filter when
>>         searching for courses.
>>        - Alternative titles may be specified for standard role titles
>>        (e.g., Teaching Assistant
>>         etc.) in a course.
>>        - HTML documents uploaded directly to a course can be edited
>>        by a Course Coordinator.
>>        - The template displayed when creating custom roles depends on
>>        course type (Course or
>>         Community).
>>        - Coordinators can require all self-enrollment requests to be
>>        approved, and can specify
>>         which Coordinators should be notified when a self-enrollment
>>        request needs approval.
>>        - Coordinators can set an enrollment limit, which when reached
>>        will prevent new
>>         self-enrollments.
>>        - A link to the course request page is displayed after log-in
>>        if a user has no active
>>         roles, and has rights to request creation of courses/communities.
>>        - Slot reservation transactions are logged, and
>>        Coordinators/Instructors can view the
>>         history of reservation changes for a particular slot from the
>>        "History" link in the
>>         slots table.
>>        - "External" documents which may be included in a course (and
>>        display a web page from
>>         an external site in a frameset within LON-CAPA) are now more
>>        robust (e.g., trailing
>>         "&" trimmed from query string etc.).
>>        - Coordinators/Instructors are warned if there is a version
>>        discrepancy if the same
>>         resource is used more than once in a course, and the versions
>>        are different.
>>        - When a Coordinator uploads a file to a course, a check to
>>        determine if it is an HTML
>>         file will occur if the option to look for embedded objects
>>        was checked.
>>        Grading
>>        - Problems including randomlists are now supported for
>>        Bubblesheet grading
>>         (and verification).
>>        - When grading Bridge Tasks an additional check is made for
>>        consistency of username,
>>         domain and resource identifier between the grading key and
>>        the data to be submitted.
>>        - The Bubblesheet Data Uploader's upload screen now includes a
>>        link to the syllabus
>>         for the course selected to receive the data file.  A
>>        comparison is made between the
>>         student populations in the course roster and in the
>>        bubblesheet data (based on
>>         student/employee ID), to try to detect uploads to the wrong
>>        course.
>>        - For Bubblesheet Data Uploaders picking a destination course,
>>        the institutional code
>>         textbox is replaced with linked select boxes (e.g., year,
>>        semester, department, number),
>>         as used in Course Catalog (if configured in the domain). The
>>        course owner/co-owner" row
>>         is replaced with "Course personnel includes: " row which can
>>        be used to search for
>>         courses where a specified username:domain has active
>>        non-student role.
>>        Domain Coordination/Domain Settings
>>        - Firewall configuration for traffic between LON-CAPA servers
>>        now restricts
>>         port access to IPs for servers currently in the LON-CAPA
>>        cluster.  The nightly cron
>>         process which checks LON-CAPA connections will update the
>>        firewall for any
>>         changes in membership of the cluster.
>>        - Display of the log-in page for specific servers in a domain
>>        can be replaced by
>>         automatic redirection to a different server (e.g., to a
>>        LON-CAPA load balancer server,
>>         used solely for authentication and session switching).
>>        - Domain Coordinators can modify institutional status for
>>        users in their domain.
>>        - A new configuration is available to set which users may
>>        request creation of:
>>         (a) official courses, (b) unofficial courses, or (c) communities.
>>        - Communities are similar to courses except the Coordinator
>>        may only browse areas
>>         of the shared LON-CAPA repository for which he/she has an
>>        author or co-author role.
>>        - Course/Community requests may be set to be processed
>>        automatically, queued for approval
>>         by a Domain Coordinator, or (for official courses) validated
>>        against the institutional
>>         instructor of record.
>>        - Domain Coordinators can permit course requests to be made by
>>        users from other domains,
>>         on a user-by-user basis.
>>        - A Domain Coordinator can set which affiliations within the
>>        institution (e.g., Faculty,
>>         Staff etc.) may create his/her own account (applies to
>>        institutional login/SSO only).
>>        - The course creation menu includes additional links: (a)
>>        display course requests queued
>>         pending approval by a Domain Coordinator; (b) display
>>        requests for official courses
>>         queued pending institutional validation; (c) display a log of
>>        course creation history.
>>        - The "Edit this resource" link is displayed to a Domain
>>        Coordinator in course context,
>>         if the domain of the resource author is the domain of the
>>        current role.
>>        - The aggregate database of courses in a domain used when
>>        searching for a course (e.g.,
>>         when selecting an ad hoc role, choosing a course to clone
>>        etc.) is rebuilt nightly
>>         by cron from permanent data stored in each course's
>>        environment.db file.
>>        - Domain Coordinators may filter by time elapsed since course
>>        creation when using the
>>         course picker (e.g., to select an ad hoc role, assign a
>>        Course Coordinator role etc.).
>>        - A domain may be configured to automatically assign
>>        co-ownership status when a Course
>>         Coordinator role becomes active in an official course, if the
>>        Coordinator is official
>>         course personnel (requires customization of localenroll.pm
>>        <http://localenroll.pm>).
>>        - Domain Coordinators may delete entries in personal
>>        information fields (i.e., name,
>>         permanent e-mail address) if a value has been set previously.
>>        - Domain Coordinators may allow users to choose (via a User
>>        Preference) to prevent
>>         updates to information fields by a nightly automated update
>>        which synchronizes LON-CAPA
>>         with institutional directory data.
>>        - Nightly removal of stale files in /home/httpd/perl/tmp will
>>        descend into sub-directories
>>         and also remove stale files from them.
>>        Printing
>>        - Printouts of PDF files within a folder (both in a course and
>>        in Construction Space)
>>         can be generated.
>>        - The default font size in printouts can be set by Course
>>        Coordinators and
>>         Authors/Co-authors.
>>        - Composite pages (.page) can be printed in Construction Space
>>        and also printed with
>>         answers.
>>        - Composite pages (.page) containing numerical problems can be
>>        printed when set to exam
>>         mode.
>>        - Composite pages (.page) can be printed for selected students.
>>        - The syllabus can be printed when generating printouts of
>>        resources for selected
>>         students.
>>        - Printing of tables has been standardized to use the perl
>>        LaTeX::Table module.
>>        Localization
>>        - New translations and improvements are provided for both the
>>        German and Spanish
>>         interfaces.
>>        - UTF-8 encoding is used for all browsers (including Internet
>>        Explorer).
>>        - The time zone of the local server is cached, and
>>        translations of phrases are also
>>         cached to improve performance.
>>        Accessibility
>>        - An alt attribute (which includes the raw TeX) is supplied
>>        for use by screen readers
>>         when MimeTex images are used to render math expressions.
>>        - Raw mode (will output raw TeX) is available as an additional
>>        option for rendering
>>         math expressions.
>>        Appearance
>>        - More interface standardization using the following display
>>        elements:
>>          - Data tables with rows of alternating light/dark background
>>        colors, and a
>>            colored header.
>>          - Two column data tables with a colored left column, and
>>        light gray right column.
>>          - Boxes with a thin border used to group similar items together.
>>        - More muted colors, and standard data table used for
>>        Roles/Courses screen.
>>        Installation Notes:
>>        To use this release you need to have version 1-18 of
>>        LONCAPA-prerequisites
>>        installed.
>>        To install this update:
>>        1) You will need to be running Fedora Core 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
>>        or 12,
>>        RHEL (AS|ES) 4 or 5, SUSE 10.2, 10.3, 11.1 or 11.2, SLES 9, 10
>>        or 11,
>>        CentOS 5, or Scientific Linux 5.
>>        (Fedora Core 5 should continue to work but is deprecated.)
>>        2) Update LONCAPA-prerequisites to 1-18.
>>        (a) Fedora
>>        yum update
>>        (b) RedHat Enterprise 4
>>        up2date -u LONCAPA-prerequisites
>>        (c) Red Hat 5/Centos 5/Scientific Linux 5
>>        yum update
>>        (d) SuSE/SLES
>>        Use yast-> Installation Source to refresh the LON-CAPA repository
>>        Use yast->Software Management->Search to update
>>        LONCAPA-prerequisites
>>        On all distributions, it is recommended that you check that
>>        you have
>>        the correct versions of LONCAPA-prerequisites installed before
>>        proceeding.
>>        rpm -q LONCAPA-prerequisites
>>        should report:
>>        LONCAPA-prerequisites-1-18.X
>>        (where X is a distro identifier e.g., fc12.lc <http://fc12.lc>)
>>        3) Download the new LON-CAPA tarball from
>>        wget http://install.lon-capa.org/versions/loncapa-2.9.0.tar.gz
>>        and untar it
>>        tar xzvf loncapa-2.9.0.tar.gz
>>        4) stop the LON-CAPA system services
>>        /etc/rc.d/init.d/loncontrol stop
>>        5) stop the webserver:
>>        Fedora/RHEL/Centos/Scientific Linux
>>        /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd stop
>>        SLES 9:
>>        /etc/init.d/apache stop
>>        SUSE 10.2,10.3,11.1,11.2/SLES 10,11:
>>        /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
>>        6) Run the UPDATE script as root
>>        cd loncapa-2.9.0
>>        su
>>        ./UPDATE
>>        7) restart the LON-CAPA system services
>>        /etc/rc.d/init.d/loncontrol start
>>        8) restart the webserver:
>>        Fedora/RHEL/Centos/Scientific Linux
>>        /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start
>>        SLES 9:
>>        /etc/init.d/apache start
>>        SUSE 10.2,10.3,11.1,11.2/SLES 10,11:
>>        /etc/init.d/apache2 start
>>        ----NOTES
>>        1) Many questions are answered at http://help.lon-capa.org
>>        2) Defects reports, and enhancements requests can be entered at
>>        http://bugs.lon-capa.org
>>        3) Mailing lists can be joined and left at
>>        http://mail.lon-capa.org
>>        Stuart Raeburn
>>        MSU LON-CAPA group
>>        _______________________________________________
>>        LON-CAPA-admin mailing list
>>        LON-CAPA-admin at mail.lon-capa.org
>>        <mailto:LON-CAPA-admin at mail.lon-capa.org>
>>        http://mail.lon-capa.org/mailman/listinfo/lon-capa-admin
>>    --     Woonki Chung, Ph.D.           |    Systems Analyst
>>    501 Reiss Science Building    |    Georgetown University
>>    37th and O Streets, NW        |    Office: (202) 687-5983
>>    Washington, DC 20057          |    Fax: (202) 687-2087
>>    _______________________________________________
>>    LON-CAPA-admin mailing list
>>    LON-CAPA-admin at mail.lon-capa.org
>>    <mailto:LON-CAPA-admin at mail.lon-capa.org>
>>    http://mail.lon-capa.org/mailman/listinfo/lon-capa-admin
> -- 
> Woonki Chung, Ph.D.           |    Systems Analyst
> 501 Reiss Science Building    |    Georgetown University
> 37th and O Streets, NW        |    Office: (202) 687-5983
> Washington, DC 20057          |    Fax: (202) 687-2087

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