[LON-CAPA-admin] Broken Bulletin Boards

Todd Ruskell truskell at mines.edu
Thu Jun 14 00:12:49 EDT 2007

I just upgraded to 2.4.0, and unfortunately it appears to have broken
the bulletin boards.

The bulletin board can be created, but it always says I need to
re-initialize course to access, even after that has been done.  I can
never get to it.

This is on SUSE 9.3.  The only abnormality I noticed was the version of
perl-IO-Tty.  Apparently loncapa-prerequisites wants a version >1.04,
but I have perl-IO-Tty-1.02-295

Could this be my problem?  Do I have to install this by hand?  YAST
doesn't seem to pick up a newer version, although it did get the maxima
packages.  Any ideas would be appreciated.



Dr. Todd Ruskell
Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics       Office:  Meyer Hall 326
Colorado School of Mines                     Phone: 303-384-2080
1523 Illinois Street                         Fax: 303-273-3919
Golden, CO 80401

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