[LON-CAPA-admin] New LON-CAPA user accounts, LDAP user self-registration?

Guy Albertelli II guy at albertelli.com
Tue Sep 12 11:46:11 EDT 2006

Hi Stefan,

> > Main Menu -> ENRL -> Upload a class list
> > 
> > Covers instructor mediated large scale student enrollment. 
> Hm, just to be sure:
> Don?t you differentiate between LON-CAPA user accounts on the one hand
> and on the other hand course enrolled users? I thought that I need to
> create a user account before I can enroll this student in a course?!?
> The other way round:
> Is it really possible to enroll a student without creating a LON-CAPA
> user account before?

The 'Upload a classlist' procedure will create an account if needed
and assign the neccessary role.

guy at albertelli.com   0-7-1-6-27,137

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