[LON-CAPA-admin] Install 2.2.2 on Suse 9.3

Todd Ruskell truskell at mines.edu
Thu Nov 16 17:01:17 EST 2006

Don't ask why not 10.1 unless it would really help.  After running 
UPDATE, the WARNINGS file has:

**** ERROR: HTML::Parser is not working properly.
               You are using version 3.45.  For test 2 it returned
               "T{<img a="b" "='"' c=d}T{ />}"

Any ideas?  I *thought* I updated everything properly, but I've had 
those kinds of erroneous thoughts before.


Dr. Todd Ruskell
Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics       Office:  Meyer Hall 326
Colorado School of Mines                     Phone: 303-384-2080
1523 Illinois Street                         Fax: 303-273-3919
Golden, CO 80401

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