[LON-CAPA-admin] student grades have disappeared!

H. K. Ng ng at martech.fsu.edu
Wed Sep 22 07:16:42 EDT 2004

Similar thing happened to one of the users here. See discussion/diagnosis 

plus a few other that follow this one.



At 06:08 PM 9/21/2004, you wrote:
>In one of our courses the students are not able to access their grades.  The
>grade menu, when checked by a student, shows 0/0, and does not list any of
>the sub folders of the main course sequence.
>If I generate an HTML chart as a course coordinator, it shows zeros for all
>problems that have been answered; the strange thing is that if I click on
>the hyperlink of any certain "0", I get sent to the problem submission
>report (or whatever you call it) and it will show that the student did
>indeed answer the question correctly.  If I generate a csv report, all
>questions answered show a "0" for a score.  I do not see this behavior in
>the other courses we are running.
>The first thing I thought of was to restart the mysqld service, but that had
>no effect.
>Any suggestions?
>Nathan Schoenack
>Lab Technician
>Physics Department
>North Dakota State University
>South Engineering 220D
>(701) 231-7047
>LON-CAPA-admin mailing list
>LON-CAPA-admin at mail.lon-capa.org

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