[LON-CAPA-admin] cvs update - "in the way"
Guy Albertelli II
guy at albertelli.com
Wed Sep 17 16:20:41 EDT 2003
Hi Mark,
k> I am doing a cvs update -d -A on my development machine
> (capa1.phy.ohiou.edu)
> I am receiving lots of:
> C rat/images/sempty.gif
> cvs update: move away rat/images/sld.gif; it is in the way
This means the file that CVS wants to checkout exists on the local
machine but CVS never created the file in the past. This it isn't
CVS's file and it complains rather than blindly overwriting.
> This is an archaic development server, so there is a lot of old crud
> around.
I'd suggest deleting eveything and starting with a fresh checkout
guy at albertelli.com LON-CAPA Developer 0-7-5-7-
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