[LON-CAPA-admin] Due and answer dates

Felicia Berryman felicia at msu.edu
Mon Jan 26 16:05:24 EST 2009

Hi Hon-Kie,

Perhaps this is related to http://bugs.loncapa.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5795.

There is a link to the parameter change log on the parameter screen.


H.K. Ng wrote:
> Hi,
> One of the instructors here is experiencing a weird problem. The course 
> has something like 40 sections and one of the sections has due and 
> answer dates set for all parts to the same date. It doesn't seems to be 
> set at at the course or fodder level. Checking the resource.db there are 
> something like 950 instances of due/answer dates! Some questions:
> 1. Has anyone seem anything like this before?
> 2. How is it possible that all the dates are the same for all the 
> resources - at the part level? I cannot seem to be able to get rid of it 
> at higher levels.
> 3. Is there a log I can check as to any changes made to the course?
> Thanks,
> -hk
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Felicia Berryman
Instructional Systems Team
Academic Technology Services
Michigan State University

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