[LON-CAPA-users] usage stats for non-problem content in course?
Stuart Raeburn
raeburn at msu.edu
Thu Jun 25 21:49:39 EDT 2015
Hi Doug,
> I'm sure there must be a way to do this but I'm not finding it. Is
> there a way to view usage information for content uploaded into a
> course (I.e. not in authoring space anywhere)? How is that done?
Every page access in a course is recorded in the activity.log file for
the course. What usage information do you wish to view?
When you use /adm/trackstudent (e.g., by selecting the "View a user's
recent activity" item in People > Users > "List and Modify Multiple
Course Users" to view a user's activity in a course) you are viewing
the contents of this file sorted chronologically, and filtered to show
only records for that particular student.
If you delete the "selected_student=username:domain" item from the
query string appended to /adm/trackstudent you can display all page
accesses (although each page only displays 500 records at a time).
Comments 15, 16, and 17 in bug 121:
request the ability to filter trackstudent results by resource or by
map (i.e., folder).
I have re-opened that bug and re-assigned it to myself to implement a
user interface to access the filtered results (this will likely be
made available from the Statistics menu).
For now what you could do to access usage data for content uploaded
directly to a course is to call /adm/trackstudent and refresh the
display a few times until the most recent date/time for the processed
data is the current date/time.
Then contact a system administrator with command line access to the
library server in your domain and request a dump of the appropriate
MySQL tables:
(replacing coursenum_domain with the values for the course, e.g.,
22764011027874598uiuclibrary1_uiuc) so you can load them into a MySQL
instance running offline. There you will run MySQL queries to extract
the usgae data you are interested in, e.g., for a resource with id=22
in the coursenum_domain_resource table:
select distinct(student_id) from coursenum_dom_activity where res_id = '22';
In the four tables, coursenum_domain_resource maps unique IDs to
LON-CAPA's unique resource identifiers (symbs), and
coursenum_domain_activity lists timestamps and user IDs etc. for
accesses to each unique ID. Each ID is an auto_incremented number (1
.. N). Mapping of user ID to student username:domain is in
You are interested in the symbs for the content uploaded into the
course (i.e., *not* imported into the course from the shared
repository) which for content at the top level of the course will have
the form:
where <id> is LON-CAPA's index for the resource in the particular folder.
As Course Coordinator you can list all "symbs" in a course using:
Course Editor > Content Utilities > List Resource Identifiers
Let me know if you have any questions.
Stuart Raeburn
LON-CAPA Academic Consortium
Quoting "Mills, Douglas G" <dmills at illinois.edu>:
> Hi All,
> I'm sure there must be a way to do this but I'm not finding it. Is
> there a way to view usage information for content uploaded into a
> course (I.e. not in authoring space anywhere)? How is that done?
> Thanks,
> Doug
> Douglas Mills
> Director of Instructional Technology
> Department of Chemistry
> University of Illinois
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