[LON-CAPA-users] "lock and unlock assessments"

Raymond Batchelor batchelo at sfu.ca
Fri Feb 28 18:22:13 EST 2014

I just set the "Due Date" to be at the end of the lab period.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Douglas G Mills" <dmills at illinois.edu>
To: "Discussion list for LON-CAPA users" <lon-capa-users at mail.lon-capa.org>
Cc: "Douglas G Mills" <dmills at illinois.edu>
Sent: Friday, 28 February, 2014 14:52:47
Subject: [LON-CAPA-users] "lock and unlock assessments"

HI All, 

Can anyone enlighten me as to what exactly the privilege to “lock and unlock assessments” is and how one uses it? Can it be used on a per-student level? Use case: students are required to enter their lab data while in the lab (I.e. actually do the experiments and enter their actual data). However, inevitably despite numerous stern warnings about failing the course if data is entered from anywhere but the lab itself, there are always a handful of students each semester who oversleep or whatever, get up panicked and start making up and entering data from their dorms. I’d love for the IP-based restrictions to be workable as that would be a wonderfully elegant solution, but at this point anyway the campus wireless is all one big pool of IP numbers (how about GPS-based restrictions? :-). So failing that, we’re thinking if there were an easy way for a TA ten minutes into the class to take note of absent students and simply lock their labs. Can that be done with this privilege and if so, how? I’m guessing that’s not what it’s intended for, but thought it was worth asking. Thank you! 


Douglas Mills 
Director of Instructional Technologies 
Department of Chemistry 
University of Illinois 
dmills at illinois.edu 
(217) 244-5739 

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Raymond J. Batchelor, PhD.
Department of Chemistry
Simon Fraser University

Phone: 778-782-5635

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