[LON-CAPA-users] score upload and user ids

Raymond Batchelor batchelo at sfu.ca
Thu Oct 18 18:56:38 EDT 2012

Hi Stuart,
          Instead of finding two usernames with the same student ID, what we have actually found is that the dump of ids.db showed a *different* student ID associated with the particular username than what is found in the user management interface.  Thus I infer that the ids.db has incorrect info somehow.  Possibly associated with a reassigned username in about 2004.

So, either there are two IDs in that db and only one is shown in the dump, or else there is a second place where IDs are stored?



----- Original Message -----
From: "Stuart Raeburn" <raeburn at msu.edu>
To: lon-capa-users at mail.lon-capa.org
Sent: Wednesday, 17 October, 2012 21:00:04
Subject: Re: [LON-CAPA-users] score upload and user ids


> My working hypothesis, at this point, is that perhaps there is   
> another user who might have been given the same userid (presumably   
> by override... possibly by some other course coordinator).

Not an unreasonable hypothesis since, if only student/employee IDs are  
included (no usernames) in the uploaded csv data, LON-CAPA (when  
attempting to process the grade data) will retrieve the usernames via  
a look-up of the student/employee IDs in the GDBM file:  
/home/httpd/lonUsers/<domain>/ids.db on your library server, and a  
given ID will only occur once.

If a particular username:domain is not found in the classlist,  
LON-CAPA should alert you to this, with the message:

No scores stored for the following username(s):
followed by the list of users who were not in the classlist.

Anyway, if you have command line access to your library server you  
could check for the current mapping in ids.db of a given id to a  
single username with the command:

/home/httpd/perl/debug/dump_db.pl -u  
/home/httpd/lonUsers/<domain>/ids.db |grep <id>

replacing <domain> with your domain, and <id> with the id for which  
you suspected a duplicate.

Another way to do this is to query the allusers table in the MySQL  
database, again from the command line, by starting a MySQL session:

/usr/bin/mysql -uroot -p loncapa

(You would need to enter the password you set for the MySQL root user  
when you set-up the MySQL database).  If you don't remember the  
password for that user then you can be the MySQL www user instead:

/usr/bin/mysql -uwww -p loncapa

(Contact me off-list for the password used for the MySQL www user, if  
you do not currently know it).

Once you have authenticated, and have the mysql prompt:

enter (for example):

select username from allusers where id='a12345678';

to find out the usernames of all users who have the ID: a12345678.

If you are curious to find out just how may IDs have multiple  
usernames in your domain you could enter the following query to  
display which IDs are associated with more than one username (lookng  
for the entries early in the output, where num > 1).

select username,id, count(id) as num from allusers group by id order  
by num desc;

For any where num is more than 1, you can use another query to find  
out what those usernames are for a particular ID (e.g., a23548923)

select username from allusers where id = 'a23548923';

When done use:


to end your MySQL session.

Note: ids stored in the ids.db GDBM file, and in the allusers table  
have any letters present as lower case. Similarly, if the IDs in the  
uploaded file included any upper case letters, they will be lower  
cased before being passed by the score upload process to the LON-CAPA  
look-up in the ids.db file.

Stuart Raeburn
LON-CAPA Academic Consortium

Quoting Raymond Batchelor <batchelo at sfu.ca>:

> On the odd occasion, when uploading marks to a "score upload special  
>  document", I have found that the upload fails for some individual   
> student, when the students are identified by their "Student/employee  
>  ID" rather than their "Student username".   In these cases the   
> actual Student ID in both LON-CAPA AND in my csv file being uploaded  
>  are identical.
> My working hypothesis, at this point, is that perhaps there is   
> another user who might have been given the same userid (presumably   
> by override... possibly by some other course coordinator).
> My question is:  How do I locate, in LON-CAPA, the other student   
> whose id is in conflict with my own student's?
> --
> Ray
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