[LON-CAPA-users] Referencing a part with multiple responses in a sequence

Mills, Douglas G dmills at illinois.edu
Tue Oct 9 11:38:12 EDT 2012

Yes, Stuart. That was it. So in fact I may have carelessly lost my ".solved"
when I started fooling around with the .11 because it didn't work as was so
that's why the alternates I tried didn't work.  Thank you as always!


On 10/9/12 10:14 AM, "Stuart Raeburn" <raeburn at msu.edu> wrote:

> Doug,
>> (&EXT('user.resource.resource.210.11','inlab4') eq 'excused')
> Try the following for the excused status option:
> &EXT('user.resource.resource.210.solved','inlab4') eq 'excused')
> Stuart Raeburn
> MSU LON-CAPA group
> Quoting "Mills, Douglas G" <dmills at illinois.edu>:
>> Hi All,
>> Hitting a new twist in our ongoing saga of collecting data inlab and
>>  passing it via sequence references to postlab for students to work
>> with. We're only letting them access postlabs if they have entered
>> all of their data in the lab OR if the instructor excuses their
>> first lab data entry (saves the instructor from having to excuse all
>>  entries).  The code for the conditional in the sequence allowing
>> for  the  looks like this:
>> (&EXT('user.resource.resource.210.11','inlab4') eq 'excused')
>> This has worked great for the first three labs because the first
>> three labs have each had only one response (response id 11) in the
>> first part (part id 210).  In lab 4, however, we have two responses
>> in Part 210: response id 11 and response id 12.  Excusing apparently
>>  takes place at the part level.  How should that be indicated in the
>>  conditional for the sequence?  210.11 does not work. I tried just
>> removing the response id but simply having 210 does not work either.
>>  I thought maybe it's analogous to not having parts in a problem and
>>  referencing it as 0, but 210.0 does not work.  Can anyone point me
>> in the right direction here?  Thank you!
>> Doug
>> Douglas Mills
>> Director of Instructional Technologies
>> Department of Chemistry
>> University of Illinois
>> dmills at illinois.edu
>> (217) 244-5739
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Douglas Mills
Director of Instructional Technologies
Department of Chemistry
University of Illinois
dmills at illinois.edu
(217) 244-5739 

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