[LON-CAPA-users] Help us get the word out!

Gerd Kortemeyer korte at lite.msu.edu
Sat Jul 21 00:17:56 EDT 2012

Dear LON-CAPA Users,

At the beginning of this coming fall semester, LON-CAPA will celebrate its 20th birthday, http://www.lon-capa.org/history.html .

We don't know yet what we will do for our birthday party, but I realize that we have been awfully quiet as a whole. A lot of systems have come and gone during those 20 years, and a lot of those systems had made a lot of noise at their time, but we have just been quietly chugging along and linearly growing,


As an open-source freeware system, we depend on community support to survive and strive. We realize that not everybody can contribute program code to the platform, but a lot of you have contributed content - thank you!

We now need you to also make some noise. Please support us by getting the word out: with your colleagues, in presentations, at conferences, with campus media, in papers, etc. Like us on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/loncapa , tell your friends. Make your campus or school administration aware of the capabilities of our system, and encourage expansion and support. Send us testimonies that we can publish on our website or with eduCog (if you are hosted by them).

Only as a community can we make sure that the system is going to be around for the next 20 years. Otherwise, how can a free open system be sustainable?

Finally, lets begin a community dialogue today on where we will go next. Where do you want us to be five years from now, ten years? What's next, what's missing, and how do we get there?

Thank you for your support,

- Gerd.

Gerd Kortemeyer, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Physics Education
Director, LON-CAPA Project
Michigan State University
Currently on sabbatical: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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