[LON-CAPA-users] ul/li tags and \itemize \item

Seema Ali sali at vsb.bc.ca
Sun Apr 1 20:11:25 EDT 2012

One problem can't seem to convert into pdf very easily and I'm not sure how to fix it.

Below is a portion of the tex file, which looks like the <li> tags are getting entangled with the \ensuremath{} commands.

 \strut \begin{itemize}
 \ensuremath{<}li\ensuremath{>}horizontal compression of a factor of \ensuremath{\backslash}ensuremath\{\ensuremath{\backslash}Large\ensuremath{\backslash}frac\{1\}\{10\}\}\ensuremath{<}/li\ensuremath{>}\ensuremath{<}li\ensuremath{>}horizontal translation of 80 units to the right\ensuremath{<}/li\ensuremath{>}\ensuremath{<}li\ensuremath{>}reflection along the line \ensuremath{<}m\ensuremath{>} = x501/m\ensuremath{>}\ensuremath{<}/li\ensuremath{>}\ensuremath{<}li\ensuremath{>}reflection along the x-axis \ensuremath{<}/li\ensuremath{>}

Below is the XML document, the <li></li> tags are generated through a script.

<script type="loncapa/perl">#(a,b) is the original point
# c is the hz/vt compression/expansion factor
# d is the translation amount

#function obtained from http://perl.active-venture.com/pod/perlfaq4-dataarrays.html
   sub fisher_yates_shuffle {
        my $deck = shift;  # $deck is a reference to an array
        my $i = @$deck;
        while ($i--) {
            my $j = &random(0,$i);
            @$deck[$i,$j] = @$deck[$j,$i];

$a = &random(2,6,1) * &random(-1,1,2);
  $b = &random(2,6,1) * &random(-1,1,2);
}while($a==$b or $a==-1*$b);

$c = &random(2,10,1);
#$d = &random(11,20,1);
$d = &random(7,10,1) * $c;

#to ensure integral answers.  There is probably a better way but too tired to figure it out
$a = $a * $c;
$b = $b * $c;

$index = &random(1,2,1);
$hvexpcomp = &choose($index, "horizontal ", "vertical ");

$index = &random(1,2,1);
$hvexpcomp = $hvexpcomp.&choose($index, "expansion", "compression");

$index = &random(1,2,1);
$reflectionAxis = &choose($index, "x", "y");

$index = &random(1,2,1);
$hvtranslation = &choose($index, "horizontal", "vertical");

if($hvtranslation eq "horizontal")
  $index = &random(1,2,1);
  $direction = &choose($index,"to the right", "to the left");
  $index = &random(1,2,1);
  $direction = &choose($index, "downward", "upward");


@transformations = ("compression" , "axis", "translation", "y equals x");
fisher_yates_shuffle( \@transformations );

$answerX = $a;
$answerY = $b;
$steps = "";

for($index=0; $index<4; $index++)
   if($transformations[$index] eq "compression")
      if($hvexpcomp eq "horizontal compression")
         #$answerX = $c * $answerX;  #not sure if this will work
         $answerX = $answerX * $c;
         $temp = $hvexpcomp.' of a factor of <m eval=\'on\'>$\Large\frac{1}{'.$c.'}$</m>';
         $temp = &xmlparse($temp);
         $steps .= "<li>$temp</li>";

      elsif($hvexpcomp eq "horizontal expansion")
         #$a = $c * $answerX;
         $answerX = $answerX / $c;
         $steps .= "<li>$hvexpcomp of a factor of <m eval='on'>$ $c $</m></li>";
      elsif($hvexpcomp eq "vertical compression")
         #$b = $c * $answerY;
         $answerY = $answerY / $c;
         $temp = $hvexpcomp.' of a factor of <m eval=\'on\'>$\Large\frac{1}{'.$c.'}$</m>';
         $temp = &xmlparse($temp);
         $steps .= "<li>$temp</li>";
      elsif($hvexpcomp eq "vertical expansion")
         #$answerY = $c * $answerY;
         $answerY = $c * $answerY;
         $steps .= "<li>$hvexpcomp of a factor of <m eval='on'>$ $c $</m></li>";
   elsif($transformations[$index] eq "axis")
      if($reflectionAxis eq "x")
         $answerY = -1 * $answerY;
         $answerX = -1 * $answerX;
      $steps .= "<li>reflection along the $reflectionAxis-axis </li>";
   elsif($transformations[$index] eq "translation")
      if($hvtranslation eq "horizontal" and $direction eq "to the right")
         $answerX = $answerX + $d;
      elsif($hvtranslation eq "horizontal" and $direction eq "to the left")
         $answerX = $answerX - $d;
      elsif($hvtranslation eq "vertical" and $direction eq "upward")
         $answerY = $answerY + $d;
         $answerY = $answerY - $d;
      $steps .= "<li>$hvtranslation translation of $d units $direction</li>";
   else  #reflection along y=x
      $temp    = $answerX;
      $answerX = $answerY;
      $answerY = $temp;
      $steps .= "<li>reflection along the line <m>$y = x$</m></li>";


   #$steps .= "<li> <m eval='on'>$ ($answerX , $answerY)$</m></li>";
}</script><startouttext />The point <m eval='on'>$($a, $b)$</m> is on the graph of a function.  What will the co-ordinates of this point be after all of the following transformations are performed, in the order given?

<br />
Answer: (<endouttext />
<numericalresponse answer="$answerX">
<responseparam type="tolerance" default="0%" name="tol" description="Numerical Tolerance" />
<responseparam name="sig" type="int_range,0-16" default="0,15" description="Significant Figures" />
    <textline readonly="no" />
</numericalresponse><startouttext />,<endouttext />
<numericalresponse answer="$answerY">
<responseparam type="tolerance" default="0%" name="tol" description="Numerical Tolerance" />
<responseparam name="sig" type="int_range,0-16" default="0,15" description="Significant Figures" />
    <textline readonly="no" />
</numericalresponse><startouttext />)<endouttext />

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