[LON-CAPA-users] Answer Submitted: Your final submission will be graded after the due date.

Bob Gonzales lon-capa-users@mail.lon-capa.org
Wed, 10 Sep 2008 12:44:11 -0400


This is a long email.

I've created a problem similar to one that has
been discussed on the list-serve before that is a
weak attempt at getting around the inability for 
students reset their own submissions.  
So, I've got the situation where when I test
the problem in my construction space and I enter data
that is out of range and I get the message from 
Lon-Capa that says 'Incorrect'.  Just what I
would expect from Lon-Capa for a question that
was answered incorrectly.  However, once I've
published the problem and use it from a 
course I don't get the 'Incorrect' for answers
out of range, I get the message 'Answer Submitted: 
Your final submission will be graded after the due 
date.'  You can actually re-enter the correct data
and press the submit button and move on but many of 
the students just quite right there even though we
tell them what to do.

Can someone else confirm this and is this bug

Below is a copy of the problem set. It could be
cut and pasted.  Brief description of the code:
 -conditional statements and control the display of the 
questions since some of the questions need lab data to be 
entered before answers can be calculated for them.
 -this is an attempt to allow students to re-enter that
lab data.

Thanks for any help.
Bob Gonzales
Binghamton University
Chemistry Dept

<div style="font-family: sans-serif; font-size: medium">
<script type="loncapa/perl">
$experimental = &EXT('user.resource.resource.experimental.solved');
$experimentalCheck =
$experimentalCheckYesOrNo =
$experimentalReinput =
$m1 = &EXT('user.resource.resource.experimental.m1.submission');
$m2 = &EXT('user.resource.resource.experimental.m2.submission');
$m3 = &EXT('user.resource.resource.experimental.m3.submission');

<startouttext />
<H2>Simultaneous Analysis: Determination of Percent Composition Lab
Report</H2> <hr /> <br /> <endouttext /> 

<block condition="$experimental !~/^correct/">
<part id="experimental">
<parameter name="weight" id="14" type="float_pos" default="0"
description="Weight" />
<responseparam name="maxtries" type="int_zeropos" default="10"
description="Max tries allowed" />

<b>I. Enter the following data collected in lab:</b><br /><br />

<numericalresponse answer="19.100" id="m1">
<responseparam name="tol" type="tolerance" default="19.0"
description="Numerical Tolerance" />
<responseparam name="sig" type="int_range,0-16" default="3,5"
description="Significant Figures" />
<startouttext />Weight of Empty Crucible and Cover: <textline />
g<endouttext />
<br /> 

<numericalresponse answer="19.448" id="m2">
<responseparam name="tol" type="tolerance" default="19.448"
description="Numerical Tolerance" />
<responseparam name="sig" type="int_range,0-16" default="3,5"
description="Significant Figures" />
<startouttext />Weight of Crucible, Cover, MgO and
Mg<sub>3</sub>N<sub>2</sub>: <textline /> g<endouttext />
<br /> 

<numericalresponse answer="19.453" id="m3">
<responseparam name="tol" type="tolerance" default="19.453"
description="Numerical Tolerance" />
<responseparam name="sig" type="int_range,0-16" default="3,5"
description="Significant Figures" />
<startouttext />Weight of Crucible, Cover, MgO, and Addition of
H<sub>2</sub>O and Heat: <textline /> g<endouttext />
<br />
<br /><br />

<!-- ============================================================== 
 Checking block - confirming entered data
 Block gives user "yes" or "no" confimation. 
<block condition=" $experimental =~ /^correct/  and $experimentalCheck eq ''
<part id="experimentalCheck">
<parameter name="problemstatus" id="11" type="string_yesno" default="no"
description="Show Problem Status" />
<parameter name="weight" id="15" type="float_pos" default="0"
description="Weight" />
<responseparam name="maxtries" type="int_zeropos" default="10"
description="Max tries allowed" />

<startouttext /><b><span style="color:green">The data you entered
are:</span></b><br /><br />
Weight of empty crucible and cover = $m1 g<br /> 
Weight of crucible, cover, MgO and Mg<sub>3</sub>N<sub>2</sub> = $m2 g<br />

Weight of crucible, cover, MgOand addition of H<sub>2</sub>O and heat = $m3
g<br /><br />
Are the values correct?<br />
<endouttext />
<radiobuttonresponse direction="vertical" max="2" id="yesOrNo"
      <foil value="true" name="yes">
         <startouttext />Yes<endouttext />
      <foil value="false" name="no">
         <startouttext />No<endouttext />


<!-- ==============================================================
 Re-input block 
 If user chooses "no" in previous block, they may re-enter data. 

<block condition=" $experimentalCheckYesOrNo eq 'no=1' &&
$experimentalReinput !~/^correct/ ">
<part id="experimentalReinput">
<parameter name="problemstatus" id="12" type="string_yesno" default="no"
description="Show Problem Status" />
<parameter name="weight" id="16" type="float_pos" default="0"
description="Weight" />
<responseparam name="maxtries" type="int_zeropos" default="10"
description="Max tries allowed" />

<startouttext /><b><span style="color:green">The data you entered
are:</span></b><br /><br />
Weight of empty crucible and cover = $m1 g<br /> 
Weight of crucible, cover, MgO and Mg<sub>3</sub>N<sub>2</sub> = $m2 g<br />

Weight of crucible, cover, MgOand addition of H<sub>2</sub>O and heat = $m3
g<br /><br />
<endouttext /><br />

<big><b>Please Re-Enter Your Data.</b></big><br />

<numericalresponse answer="19.0" id="m1Response">
<responseparam name="tol" type="tolerance" default="19.0"
description="Numerical Tolerance" />
<responseparam name="sig" type="int_range,0-16" default="3,5"
description="Significant Figures" />
<startouttext />Weight of Empty Crucible and Cover: <textline /><endouttext
<br /> 

<numericalresponse answer="19.448" id="m2Response">
<responseparam name="tol" type="tolerance" default="19.448"
description="Numerical Tolerance" />
<responseparam name="sig" type="int_range,0-16" default="3,5"
description="Significant Figures" />

<startouttext />Weight of Crucible, Cover, MgO and
Mg<sub>3</sub>N<sub>2</sub>: <textline /> g<endouttext />
<br /> 

<numericalresponse answer="19.453" id="m3Response">
<responseparam name="tol" type="tolerance" default="19.453"
description="Numerical Tolerance" />
<responseparam name="sig" type="int_range,0-16" default="3,5"
description="Significant Figures" />
<startouttext />Weight of Crucible, Cover, MgO, and Addition of
H<sub>2</sub>O and Heat: <textline /> g<endouttext />
<br /><br />

<!-- ============================================================== 
  Final calculations
  Appears when the user has either confirmed the original data entry or
  re-entered the data.
<block condition=" $experimentalCheckYesOrNo eq 'yes=0' ||
$experimentalReinput =~ /^correct/ ">
<parameter name="problemstatus" id="13" type="string_yesno" default="no"
description="Show Problem Status" />
<script type="loncapa/perl">
if ( $experimentalReinput =~ /^correct/ )
$m1 =
$m2 =
$m3 =
$dueDate = localtime(&EXT("resource.m4.duedate"));

<startouttext />
<b><span style="color:green">The data you entered are:</span></b><br /><br
Weight of empty crucible and cover = $m1 g<br /> 
Weight of crucible, cover, MgO and Mg<sub>3</sub>N<sub>2</sub> = $m2 g<br />

Weight of crucible, cover, MgOand addition of H<sub>2</sub>O and heat = $m3
g<br /><br /> 
<endouttext />

<span style="color:red"><p>You have completed the laboratory portion of this
<p>The questions below are part of the final analysis and are not to be
completed <br />
here in the lab today.  You may work on them at home.  They are due at the
same time that <br />
your final lab report is due, $dueDate. </p></span>
<br />

<part id="q1">
<parameter name="weight" id="17" type="float_pos" default="2"
description="Weight" />
<responseparam name="maxtries" type="int_zeropos" default="3"
description="Max tries allowed" />
<script type="loncapa/perl">
$m4 = $m3 - $m2;
<startouttext />
<p>Calculate the change in mass.</p>
<endouttext />
<numericalresponse format="3s" answer="$m4" id="m4Response">
  <responseparam name="tol" type="tolerance" default="8%"
description="Numerical Tolerance" />
  <responseparam name="sig" type="int_range,0-16" default="3,5"
description="Significant Figures" />
  <textline /> g <br />

<part id="q2">
<parameter name="weight" id="18" type="float_pos" default="2"
description="Weight" />
<responseparam name="maxtries" type="int_zeropos" default="3"
description="Max tries allowed" />
<script type="loncapa/perl">
$n1 = $m4/19.98;
<startouttext />
<p>Calculate the number of moles of <chem>Mg3N2</chem>.</p>
<endouttext />
<numericalresponse format="3s" answer="$n1" id="n1Response">
  <responseparam name="tol" type="tolerance" default="7%"
description="Numerical Tolerance" />
  <responseparam name="sig" type="int_range,0-16" default="3,5"
description="Significant Figures" />
<textline />  mol <br />

<part id="q3">
<parameter name="weight" id="19" type="float_pos" default="2"
description="Weight" />
<responseparam name="maxtries" type="int_zeropos" default="3"
description="Max tries allowed" />
<script type="loncapa/perl">
$m5 = $n1*100.95;
<startouttext />
<p>Calculate the number of grams of <chem>Mg3N2</chem>.</p>
<endouttext />
<numericalresponse format="3s" answer="$m5" id="m5Response">
  <responseparam name="tol" type="tolerance" default="7%"
description="Numerical Tolerance" />
  <responseparam name="sig" type="int_range,0-16" default="3,5"
description="Significant Figures" />
  <textline /> g <br />

<part id="q4">
<parameter name="weight" id="20" type="float_pos" default="1"
description="Weight" />
<responseparam name="maxtries" type="int_zeropos" default="3"
description="Max tries allowed" />
<script type="loncapa/perl">
$wp1 = ($m5/($m2-$m1))*100;
<startouttext />
<p>Calculate the weight % of  <chem>Mg3N2</chem>.</p>
<endouttext />
<numericalresponse format="3s" answer="$wp1" id="wp1Response">
  <responseparam name="tol" type="tolerance" default="6%"
description="Numerical Tolerance" />
  <responseparam name="sig" type="int_range,0-16" default="3,5"
description="Significant Figures" />
  <textline /> % <br />

<part id="q5">
<parameter name="weight" id="21" type="float_pos" default="1"
description="Weight" />
<responseparam name="maxtries" type="int_zeropos" default="3"
description="Max tries allowed" />
<script type="loncapa/perl">
$wp2 = 100.0-$wp1;
<startouttext />
<p>Calculate the the weight % of MgO.</p>
<endouttext />
<numericalresponse format="3s" answer="$wp2" id="wp2Response">
  <responseparam name="tol" type="tolerance" default="6%"
description="Numerical Tolerance" />
  <responseparam name="sig" type="int_range,0-16" default="3,5"
description="Significant Figures" />
  <textline /> % <br />


Bob Gonzales
Chemistry Dept