[LON-CAPA-users] Re: [LON-CAPA-users]

Felicia Berryman lon-capa-users@mail.lon-capa.org
Mon, 17 May 2004 12:14:57 -0400

Hi Ray,

Ray Batchelor wrote:

>One more wish:
>Wouldn't it be nice if  "Reply to:" was the the originator rather than the 
This list is supposed to be a discussion list so we set the list up by 
default to reply to the list to help facilitate discussion.  Also, there 
may be others who are interested in your reply.  If anyone else agrees 
with Ray, let us know and we can re-evaluate the list's settings.


Felicia Berryman
LON-CAPA Support Coordinator
Michigan State University
Phone:  (517)432-9866
Technical Support Available at:
   http://www.loncapa.msu.edu - MSU Users
   http://www.help.lon-capa.org - General