[LON-CAPA-dev] Meeting Notes 6-21-2007

Stuart Peter Raeburn lon-capa-dev@mail.lon-capa.org
Thu, 26 Jul 2007 13:28:32 -0400



Guy - sequence restoration from zombie state now works 

 - lonmaxima understands parentheses in formularesponse 

 - icon for paste buffer 

 - domain info included in student portfolio file metadata 

 - lonc reconnect more targeted 

 - integrated Phil's changes in lonplot (line width) 

 - course can specify math display engine 

 - fix directory location for jsmath fonts 

 - e-mail verification for lonparmset supports more cases 

 - lonrights supports user-specific rights (uncommitted) 

A - look at .page issues for CSM course 

 - work on random ordered sequences 

 - more robust paste buffer in londocs 

 - 2.4.2 ?? 


Rick - bug reconciliation 

 - bug 3796 - browse for image files (listed files restricted to image files) 

 - lonindexer familiarization 

A - 4733 lonindexer - select multiple resources at once via checkbox for 


Felicia - logistics for Teachers' workshop 

A - Teachers' workshop 

 - maybe create accounts (if MSU server for workshop) 


Phil - gnuplot linewidth 

 - looking at more font options in gnuplot 

A - contact teachers about courses to offer as template courses for cloning 

 - thedump requests in RT 

 - Teachers' workshop 


Stuart - Fedora 7 install instructions 

 - work on cloning capability for DCs (uncommitted) 

 - relational database for bs111 SIRS data 

 - ordered cse101.lite hardware 

A - Teachers' workshop 

 - order refurbished parts for PE440 tape drive/controller 

 - multidomain amalgamation for s12, nsdl, demo? 

 - wandering bug list 


Gerd - clicker preferences 


Ron - scantron grading: radiobutton response for > 10 foils 

     span multiple lines.