[LON-CAPA-dev] Version
Guy Albertelli II
Thu, 15 Jul 2004 18:05:22 -0400 (EDT)
Hi All,
New Version Released soon...
(Some issues that were impacting courses at MSU have been fixed.)
The 3.11 systemperl is being built and should be available tommorrow.
Notable bugfixes:
- help added
- new hosted highschools added
- new message 'Compter's answer now shown' was showing up multiple times in
some cases.
- Fedora Core 2's GD was incorrectly handling pallatized PNGs
- rightarrow was showing up incorrectly in the edit reaction screen
- course parm 'Select ... File' wasn't working
- createcourse only shows data for institutions you have acess to
- 'Mark All Posts Read' link
- help menu works in inline remote mode
- autoenroll no longer enforces all caps in kerberos domains
- printing of tables should do a better job with images
- printing tables with <th> works
- support request work for users with large numbers of roles
- support request allow attachements
- fixed so tag attributes available for variable evaluation again
- randomlabel's labels are avaialble when parsing for answer
Known Issues:
- 1.1 servers are unable to host sessions for course running on 1.2
servers, you will need to upgrade all machines in the cluster at the
same time. )or at least the access servers need to be updated
before the library servers)
- the TEST script is dysfunctional and reports errors when there are none.
To install this update:
1) You will need to be running Fedora Core 2 or RedHat 7.3
release to work
2) if you are running RedHat 7.3 and you will need to install the
3.11 systemperl rpm
First get:
Install it by doing:
rpm -e `rpm -q -a | grep systemperl`
rpm --install --force --nodeps LON-CAPA-systemperl-3.11-rh7.i386.rpm
Verify it is installed by doing:
$ rpm -q LON-CAPA-systemperl
RedHat 7.X will show
3) if you are running Fedora Core 2
A) update to mod_perl_1-1.26-6.fc2
wget http://install.loncapa.org/versions/fedora/mod_perl_1-1.26-6.fc2.i386.rpm
uninstall the current mod_perl
rpm -e mod_perl
install the new mod_perl
rpm -Uvh mod_perl_1-1.26-6.fc2.i386.rpm
B) install the SSL rpms
wget http://install.loncapa.org/resources/fedora/perl-Net-SSLeay-1.23-0.1.fc2.dag.i386.rpm
wget http://install.loncapa.org/resources/fedora/perl-IO-Socket-SSL-0.94-0.1.fc2.dag.noarch.rpm
rpm -Uvh perl-Net-SSLeay-1.23-0.1.fc2.dag.i386.rpm
rpm -Uvh perl-IO-Socket-SSL-0.94-0.1.fc2.dag.noarch.rpm
C) install the MIME rpms
wget http://install.loncapa.org/resources/fedora/perl-MIME-Types-1.13-1.noarch.rpm
wget http://install.loncapa.org/resources/fedora/perl-MIME-Lite-3.01-1.noarch.rpm
rpm -Uvh perl-MIME-Types-1.13-1.noarch.rpm
rpm -Uvh perl-MIME-Lite-3.01-1.noarch.rpm
4) Download the new LON-CAPA tarball from
RH 7.3:
wget http://install.lon-capa.org/versions/loncapa-
Fedora Core 2:
wget http://install.lon-capa.org/versions/loncapa-fedora-
and untar it
tar xzvf loncapa-
tar xzvf loncapa-fedora-
5) Run the UPDATE script as root
cd loncapa-
6) restart the system services
/etc/rc.d/init.d/loncontrol stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/loncontrol start
/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd stop
/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start
1) Many questions are answered at http://help.lon-capa.org
2) Defects reports, and enhancements requests can be entered at
3) Mailing lists can be joined and left at http://mail.lon-capa.org
guy@albertelli.com LON-CAPA Developer 0-7-4-1-