[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: loncom /localize/localize ru.pm

bisitz bisitz at source.lon-capa.org
Wed Jan 8 13:58:21 EST 2014

bisitz		Wed Jan  8 18:58:21 2014 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /loncom/localize/localize	ru.pm 
  Remove again untranslated, partly outdated phrases added in rev. 1.45 to simplify translation phrases synchronization
-------------- next part --------------
Index: loncom/localize/localize/ru.pm
diff -u loncom/localize/localize/ru.pm:1.67 loncom/localize/localize/ru.pm:1.68
--- loncom/localize/localize/ru.pm:1.67	Fri Dec  6 12:11:13 2013
+++ loncom/localize/localize/ru.pm	Wed Jan  8 18:58:21 2014
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Russian Localization Lexicon
-# $Id: ru.pm,v 1.67 2013/12/06 12:11:13 bisitz Exp $
+# $Id: ru.pm,v 1.68 2014/01/08 18:58:21 bisitz Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -4690,562 +4690,6 @@
 => 'закладка',
-#SYNC Tue Aug 15 14:23:47 2006
-   '(Enter maximum [_1] collaborators using username or username at domain, e.g. smithje or smithje@[_2].)'
-=> '(Enter maximum [_1] collaborators using username or username at domain, e.g. smithje or smithje@[_2].)',
-# (войти maximum [_1] collabилиaнаrs usвg имя пользователя или имя пользователя@domaв, e.g. smithje или smithje@[_2].)
-   '(Hand in a file you have prepared on your computer)'
-=> '(Hand in a file you have prepared on your computer)',
-# (Hи в a Файл you have pRepaRed on your computer)
-   ', select a template from the pull-down menu below.'
-=> ', select a template from the pull-down menu below.',
-# , Выберите Шаблон из the pull-down menu below.
-   '1 minute'
-=> '1 minute',
-# 1 mвute
-   '<*response>s are both inside of <part> and outside of <part>, this is not a valid problem, errors in grading may occur.'
-=> '<*response>s are both inside of <part> and outside of <part>, this is not a valid problem, errors in grading may occur.',
-# <*Response>s aRe both вside of <часть> и outside of <часть>, this is Нетt a valid задача, errилиs в gradвg Май occur.
-   'Allowed filetypes: <b>[_1]</b>'
-=> 'Allowed filetypes: <b>[_1]</b>',
-# всеoСр ФайлТипs: <b>[_1]</b>
-   'Analyzing Results'
-=> 'Analyzing Results',
-# Analyzвg Results
-   'Answer Submitted: Your final submission will be graded after the due date.'
-=> 'Answer Submitted: Your final submission will be graded after the due date.',
-# Ответ Послатьted: Your fвal submission will be graded after the дата сдачи.
-   'Answerable'
-=> 'Answerable',
-# Ответable
-   'Cannot publish directory'
-=> 'Cannot publish directory',
-# CanНетt Опубликовать diRecнаry
-   'Cannot retrieve directory'
-=> 'Cannot retrieve directory',
-# CanНетt Запросить diRecнаry
-   'Changed discussion view mode'
-=> 'Changed discussion view mode',
-# Изменитьd обсудитьion Посмотреть mode
-   'Click here for FAQ'
-=> 'Click here for FAQ',
-# Click heRe fили FAQ
-   'Click here to report bugs'
-=> 'Click here to report bugs',
-# Click heRe на Repилиt bugs
-   'Click here to return to the chart.'
-=> 'Click here to return to the chart.',
-# Click heRe на Return на the chart.
-   'Click-On Texts (comma sep):'
-=> 'Click-On Texts (comma sep):',
-# Click-On Текстs (comma sep):
-   'Closed'
-=> 'Closed',
-# Закрытьd
-   'Courses'
-=> 'Courses',
-# курсs
-   'Create User'
-=> 'Create User',
-# создать пользователь
-   'Creating a new'
-=> 'Creating a new',
-# CReatвg a new
-   'Current Ending Date: [_1]'
-=> 'Current Ending Date: [_1]',
-# Текущий Конецвg Дата: [_1]
-   'Current Ending Date: not set'
-=> 'Current Ending Date: not set',
-# Текущий Конецвg Дата: Нетt набор
-   'Current Starting Date: [_1]'
-=> 'Current Starting Date: [_1]',
-# Текущий Началовg Дата: [_1]
-   'Current Starting Date: not set'
-=> 'Current Starting Date: not set',
-# Текущий Началовg Дата: Нетt набор
-   'Currently no active roles or courses'
-=> 'Currently no active roles or courses',
-# Текущийly Нет active роли или курсs
-   'Currently no additional roles or courses'
-=> 'Currently no additional roles or courses',
-# Текущийly Нет additional роли или курсs
-   'Currently submitted: <tt>[_1]</tt>'
-=> 'Currently submitted: <tt>[_1]</tt>',
-# Текущийly Послатьted: <tt>[_1]</tt>
-   'Default:'
-=> 'Default:',
-# по умолчанию:
-   'Description:'
-=> 'Description:',
-   "Don't Show Feedback"
-=> "Don't Show Feedback",
-   'Dynamic Metadata (updated periodically)'
-=> 'Dynamic Metadata (updated periodically)',
-# Dynamic Метаданные (обновляемые периодически)
-   'Editor Errors - these errors might not effect the running of the problem, but they will likely cause problems with further use of the Edit mode. Please use the EditXML mode to fix these errors.'
-=> 'Editor Errors - these errors might not effect the running of the problem, but they will likely cause problems with further use of the Edit mode. Please use the EditXML mode to fix these errors.',
-# Ediнаr Errилиs - these errилиs might Нетt effect the runnвg of the задача, but they will likely cause задачаs with further use of the редактировать mode. Please use the редактироватьXML mode на fix these errилиs.
-   'Evaluation Error '
-=> 'Evaluation Error ',
-# Evaluation Errили
-   'Every problem in a particular folder'
-=> 'Every problem in a particular folder',
-# Every задача в a частьicular Папка
-   'Exam Problem'
-=> 'Exam Problem',
-# Exam задача
-   'Exit'
-=> 'Exit',
-# выйти
-   'Foil name <b><tt>[_1]</tt></b> appears more than once. Foil names need to be unique.'
-=> 'Foil name <b><tt>[_1]</tt></b> appears more than once. Foil names need to be unique.',
-# Foil имя <b><tt>[_1]</tt></b> appears mилиe than once. Foil имяs need на be unique.
-   'Found a <*response> outside of a <part> in a <part>ed problem'
-=> 'Found a <*response> outside of a <part> in a <part>ed problem',
-# Found a <*Response> outside of a <часть> в a <часть>ed задача
-   'Found no analyzable respones in this problem, currently only Numerical, Formula and String response styles are supported.'
-=> 'Found no analyzable respones in this problem, currently only Numerical, Formula and String response styles are supported.',
-# Found Нет analyzable Respones в this задача, Текущийly only Numerical, Fилиmula и Strвg Response styles aRe sВверхpилиted.
-   'Go'
-=> 'Go',
-   'Homework problem'
-=> 'Homework problem',
-# Homewилиk задача
-   'Invalid Significant figures detected'
-=> 'Invalid Significant figures detected',
-# вvalid Significant figuRes detected
-   'LaTeX batchmode'
-=> 'LaTeX batchmode',
-   'Leave blank on scoring form'
-=> 'Leave blank on scoring form',
-# Leave Пробел on scиливg fилиm
-   'Logout'
-=> 'Logout',
-   'Modify deadlines, etc, for this resource'
-=> 'Modify deadlines, etc, for this resource',
-# Modify deadlвes, etc, fили this ресурс
-   'Must create new subdirectory inside a directory'
-=> 'Must create new subdirectory inside a directory',
-# Must создать new subdiRecнаry вside a diRecнаry
-   'Next    '
-=> 'Next    ',
-# Далее
-   'No Access or Usages Statistics are available for this resource.'
-=> 'No Access or Usages Statistics are available for this resource.',
-# Нет Access или Usages Статистика aRe available fили this ресурс.
-   'No Assessment Statistical Data is available for this resource'
-=> 'No Assessment Statistical Data is available for this resource',
-# Нет Оценка Statistical Data is available fили this ресурс
-   'No Evaluation Data is available for this resource.'
-=> 'No Evaluation Data is available for this resource.',
-# Нет Оценочные Данные is available fили this ресурс.
-   'Not applicable - '
-=> 'Not applicable - ',
-# Нетt applicable -
-   'Not open to be viewed'
-=> 'Not open to be viewed',
-# Нетt Открыть на be vieСр
-   'Not set - '
-=> 'Not set - ',
-# Нетt набор -
-   'One particular problem'
-=> 'One particular problem',
-# One частьicular задача
-   'Online Help'
-=> 'Online Help',
-# Onlвe Помощь
-   'Open and correct'
-=> 'Open and correct',
-# Открыть и cилиRect
-   'Open with full tries'
-=> 'Open with full tries',
-# Открыть with full Попыток
-   'Output Format: [_1]'
-=> 'Output Format: [_1]',
-# Вывод Fилиmat: [_1]
-   'Please adjust significant figures.'
-=> 'Please adjust significant figures.',
-   'Please click Back on your browser and select another user, or '
-=> 'Please click Back on your browser and select another user, or ',
-# Please click Back on your bСтрокаser и ВыберитеНетther пользователь, или
-   'Please stand by.'
-=> 'Please stand by.',
-# Please stи By.
-   "Please use browser 'Back' button and pick a filename"
-=> "Please use browser 'Back' button and pick a filename",
-# Please use bСтрокаser 'Back' butнаn и pick a Файлимя
-   'Preparing Printout'
-=> 'Preparing Printout',
-# PReparвg Prвнаut
-   'Reading results from [_1]'
-=> 'Reading results from [_1]',
-# Readвg Results из [_1]
-   'Receiving results from [_1]'
-=> 'Receiving results from [_1]',
-# Receivвg Results из [_1]
-   'Recent'
-=> 'Recent',
-   'Report a Bug'
-=> 'Report a Bug',
-# Repилиt a Bug
-   'Response'
-=> 'Response',
-   'Retrieving current (most recent) version'
-=> 'Retrieving current (most recent) version',
-# Retrievвg Текущий (последний) Версия
-   'Return to DOCS'
-=> 'Return to DOCS',
-# Return на docs
-   'Sample Points:'
-=> 'Sample Points:',
-# Sample Poвts:
-   'Save entries below as a draft answer (not submitting them for credit yet)'
-=> 'Save entries below as a draft answer (not submitting them for credit yet)',
-# Сохранить enПопыток below as a draft Ответ (Нетt Послатьtвg them fили crредактировать yet)
-   'Search Complete [_1]'
-=> 'Search Complete [_1]',
-# помск Complete [_1]
-   'Search: [_1]'
-=> 'Search: [_1]',
-# помск: [_1]
-   'Set opening date for all problems in the course for. . .'
-=> 'Set opening date for all problems in the course for. . .',
-# набор дата доступа к задаче fили все задачаs в the курс fили. . .
-   'Set opening datefor all problems in the course for. . .'
-=> 'Set opening datefor all problems in the course for. . .',
-# набор дата доступа к задачеfили все задачаs в the курс fили. . .
-   'Show Answer'
-=> 'Show Answer',
-# Show Ответ
-   'Show Feedback'
-=> 'Show Feedback',
-   'Some items were not submitted'
-=> 'Some items were not submitted',
-# Some items weRe Нетt Послатьted
-   'Student Sheet Links'
-=> 'Student Sheet Links',
-# студент Sheet Lвks
-   'Student Status: [_1]'
-=> 'Student Status: [_1]',
-# студент Статус: [_1]
-   'Submissions'
-=> 'Submissions',
-   'Submit entries below as answer to receive credit'
-=> 'Submit entries below as answer to receive credit',
-# Послать enПопыток below as Ответ на Receive crредактировать
-   'Survey Question'
-=> 'Survey Question',
-   'Swedish Chef'
-=> 'Swedish Chef',
-# SСрish Chef
-   'TeX unconverted due to errors'
-=> 'TeX unconverted due to errors',
-# TeX unconverted Сдать на errилиs
-   'TeX unconverted due to previous errors'
-=> 'TeX unconverted due to previous errors',
-# TeX unconverted Сдать на Предыдущий errилиs
-   'The question can not be gotten correct, the following foils in the <optionresponse> have invalid correct options'
-=> 'The question can not be gotten correct, the following foils in the <optionresponse> have invalid correct options',
-# The question can Нетt be gotten cилиRect, the followвg Foils в the <optionResponse> have вvalid cилиRect options
-   'The requested file'
-=> 'The requested file',
-# The Requested Файл
-   'There are currently no Error Messages for this resource.'
-=> 'There are currently no Error Messages for this resource.',
-# TheRe aRe Текущийly Нет Errили Messages fили this ресурс.
-   'There are no Evaluation Comments on this resource.'
-=> 'There are no Evaluation Comments on this resource.',
-# TheRe aRe Нет Оценочные Комментарии on this ресурс.
-   'There are no currently enrolled students in the course.'
-=> 'There are no currently enrolled students in the course.',
-# TheRe aRe Нет Текущийly зачислитьed студентs в the курс.
-   'There are no currently enrolled students in the selected sections.'
-=> 'There are no currently enrolled students in the selected sections.',
-# TheRe aRe Нет Текущийly зачислитьed студентs в the Выбратьed разделs.
-   'There are no previously enrolled students in the course.'
-=> 'There are no previously enrolled students in the course.',
-# TheRe aRe Нет Предыдущийly зачислитьed студентs в the курс.
-   'There are no previously enrolled students in the selected sections.'
-=> 'There are no previously enrolled students in the selected sections.',
-# TheRe aRe Нет Предыдущийly зачислитьed студентs в the Выбратьed разделs.
-   'There are no students in the course.'
-=> 'There are no students in the course.',
-# TheRe aRe Нет студентs в the курс.
-   'There are no students in the selected sections.'
-=> 'There are no students in the selected sections.',
-# TheRe aRe Нет студентs в the Выбратьed разделs.
-   'To create a new'
-=> 'To create a new',
-# на создать a new
-   'Type-in value'
-=> 'Type-in value',
-# Тип-в Значение
-   'Type:'
-=> 'Type:',
-# Тип:
-# UNПоказатьABLE
-   'Upload file to Construction Space'
-=> 'Upload file to Construction Space',
-# Обновить файл на Construction пространство
-   'View the FAQ'
-=> 'View the FAQ',
-# Посмотреть the FAQ
-   '[_1] (what you just saw on the screen)'
-=> '[_1] (what you just saw on the screen)',
-# [_1] (то что Вы только что видели на экране)
-   '[_1] Local Authentication with argument [_2]'
-=> '[_1] Local Authentication with argument [_2]',
-# [_1] Local AuЗатемtication with argument [_2]
-   '[_1] Records per Page'
-=> '[_1] Records per Page',
-# [_1] Recилиds На Страницу
-   '[_1] minutes'
-=> '[_1] minutes',
-# [_1] минуты
-   '[_1] minutes, [_2] seconds'
-=> '[_1] minutes, [_2] seconds',
-# [_1] минуты, [_2] секунды
-   '[_1] with value [_2]'
-=> '[_1] with value [_2]',
-# [_1] with Значение [_2]
-   '[_1]prev[_2]   [_3]reload[_4]   [_5]next[_6]'
-=> '[_1]prev[_2]   [_3]reload[_4]   [_5]next[_6]',
-# [_1]pRev[_2]   [_3]ReЗагрузить[_4]   [_5]Далее[_6]
-   '[_1]prev[_2]   [_3]reload[_4]   next'
-=> '[_1]prev[_2]   [_3]reload[_4]   next',
-# [_1]pRev[_2]   [_3]ReЗагрузить[_4]   Далее
-   '[_2] seconds'
-=> '[_2] seconds',
-# [_2] секунды
-   'anno-[_1]'
-=> 'anno-[_1]',
-# anНет-[_1]
-   'backward[_1]'
-=> 'backward[_1]',
-   'bookmark[_2]'
-=> 'bookmark[_2]',
-# закладка[_2]
-   'button'
-=> 'button',
-# butнаn
-   'by'
-=> 'by',
-   'catalog[_1]'
-=> 'catalog[_1]',
-# каталог[_1]
-   'click on the'
-=> 'click on the',
-   'contacting [_1]'
-=> 'contacting [_1]',
-# Контактироватьвg [_1]
-   'currently does not exist'
-=> 'currently does not exist',
-# Текущийly does Нетt exist
-   'custom'
-=> 'custom',
-# cusнаm
-   'custom distribution file'
-=> 'custom distribution file',
-# cusнаm distribution Файл
-   'discuss[_1]'
-=> 'discuss[_1]',
-# обсудить[_1]
-   'evaluate[_1]'
-=> 'evaluate[_1]',
-   'feedback[_1]'
-=> 'feedback[_1]',
-   'file<br />extension'
-=> 'file<br />extension',
-# Файл<br />расширение
-   'for visible separation'
-=> 'for visible separation',
-# fили visible separation
-   'forward[_1]'
-=> 'forward[_1]',
-# fилиward[_1]
-   'is in this state by royal decree.'
-=> 'is in this state by royal decree.',
-# is в this state By royal decRee.
-   'may be open from a different computer.'
-=> 'may be open from a different computer.',
-# Май be Открыть из a diffeRent computer.
-   'obsolete replacement'
-=> 'obsolete replacement',
-# устаревший Replacement
-   'prev   [_3]reload[_4]   [_5]next[_6]'
-=> 'prev   [_3]reload[_4]   [_5]next[_6]',
-# pRev   [_3]ReЗагрузить[_4]   [_5]Далее[_6]
-   'private'
-=> 'private',
-   'public'
-=> 'public',
-   'publisher<br />owner'
-=> 'publisher<br />owner',
-# Опубликоватьer<br />owner
-   'set[_1]'
-=> 'set[_1]',
-# набор[_1]
-   'spellcheck_lang'
-=> 'spellcheck_lang',
-   'template'
-=> 'template',
-# Шаблон
-   'waiting on [_1]'
-=> 'waiting on [_1]',
-# waitвg on [_1]
-#SYNC Tue Aug 15 14:43:22 2006
-   'Enter my portfolio space'
-=> 'Enter my portfolio space',
-# войти мой pилиtfolio пространство
-   'No syllabus information provided.'
-=> 'No syllabus information provided.',
-# Нет Учебный План вfилиmation provided.
-   'Post Discussion'
-=> 'Post Discussion',
-# Post обсудитьion
-   'Sorry ...'
-=> 'Sorry ...',
-# Sилиry ...
-   'This resource might be part of another course.'
-=> 'This resource might be part of another course.',
-# this ресурс might be часть of aНетther курс.
-#SYNC Tue Aug 15 16:12:14 2006
-   'Agree'
-=> 'Agree',
-   'Any comments? '
-=> 'Any comments? ',
-   'Copy this column'
-=> 'Copy this column',
-# Copy this Столбец
-   'Disagree'
-=> 'Disagree',
-   'General Intro'
-=> 'General Intro',
-# общий вtro
-   'Greek Symbols'
-=> 'Greek Symbols',
-   'HTML character enties'
-=> 'HTML character enties',
-   'Highest Grade Level'
-=> 'Highest Grade Level',
-   'If you are viewing this online, copy and paste the text from any of the right columns into your text area to get the symbol on the left.'
-=> 'If you are viewing this online, copy and paste the text from any of the right columns into your text area to get the symbol on the left.',
-# If you aRe Посмотретьвg this onlвe, copy и paste the Текст из any of the right Столбецs вна your Текст aRea на get the symbol on the left.
-   'LON-CAPA Help'
-=> 'LON-CAPA Help',
-# LON-CAPA Помощь
-   'Landscape'
-=> 'Landscape',
-# Lиscape
-   'Launch navigation window'
-=> 'Launch navigation window',
-# Launch navigation wвdow
-   'Lowest Grade Level'
-=> 'Lowest Grade Level',
-   'Mark all posts read'
-=> 'Mark all posts read',
-# Mark все posts Read
-   'My question/comment/feedback:'
-=> 'My question/comment/feedback:',
-# мой question/comment/feedback:
-   'Not set -'
-=> 'Not set -',
-# Нетt набор -
-   'Other Symbols'
-=> 'Other Symbols',
-   'Please check at least one of the following feedback types:'
-=> 'Please check at least one of the following feedback types:',
-# Please check at least one of the followвg feedback Типs:
-   'Please rank the following criteria:'
-=> 'Please rank the following criteria:',
-# Please rank the followвg criteria:
-   'Portrait'
-=> 'Portrait',
-# Pилиtrait
-   'Question about resource content'
-=> 'Question about resource content',
-# Question about ресурс content
-   'Question/Comment/Feedback about course policy'
-=> 'Question/Comment/Feedback about course policy',
-# Question/Comment/feedback about курс policy
-   'Select a Course to Enter'
-=> 'Select a Course to Enter',
-# Выберите курс на войти
-   'Sending Messages'
-=> 'Sending Messages',
-# SКонецвg Messages
-   'Show Me My First Homework Problem'
-=> 'Show Me My First Homework Problem',
-# Show Me мой Имя Homewилиk задача
-   'Standards'
-=> 'Standards',
-# стандартныйs
-   'Strongly Agree'
-=> 'Strongly Agree',
-   'Strongly Disagree'
-=> 'Strongly Disagree',
-   'Symbol'
-=> 'Symbol',
-   'The material appears to be correct '
-=> 'The material appears to be correct ',
-# The material appears на be cилиRect
-   'The material is helpful '
-=> 'The material is helpful ',
-# The Материал полезен
-   'The material is presented in a clear way '
-=> 'The material is presented in a clear way ',
-# The material is pResented в a clear way
-   'The resource is technically correct (loads fast enough, does not produce errors, links work, etc) '
-=> 'The resource is technically correct (loads fast enough, does not produce errors, links work, etc) ',
-# The ресурс is technicвсеy cилиRect (Загрузитьs fast eНетugh, does Нетt produce errилиs, lвks wилиk, etc)
-#SYNC Tue Aug 15 18:55:42 2006
-#SYNC Fri Aug 18 20:46:55 2006
-   'HTML character entities'
-=> 'HTML character entities',

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