[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: loncom /html/adm/help/tex Function_Plot_Response_Custom_Rule.tex Function_Plot_Response_Object.tex Function_Plot_Response_Vector.tex Function_Plot_Response_Vector_Rule.tex Function_Plot_Response_Vector_Sum_Rule.tex
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Fri Dec 2 10:09:46 EST 2011
www Fri Dec 2 15:09:46 2011 EDT
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/loncom/html/adm/help/tex Function_Plot_Response_Custom_Rule.tex
Function Plot Response documentation
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Function_Plot_Response_Custom_Rule.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Function_Plot_Response_Custom_Rule.tex
Used to create rules that aren't options using the other rules. The coding is done in Perl and follows Perl syntax. Any variable written inside this rule will be recognized as normal and any evaluation function can be used as well.
Available evaluation functions:
\item \&fpr\_val(``label")
\item \&fpr\_f(\$x)
\item \&fpr\_dfdx(\$x)
\item (\$xs,\$xe,\$ys,\$ye)=\&fpr\_vectorcoords(``Name")
\item (\$x,\$y)=\&fpr\_objectcoords(``Name")
\item \&fpr\_vectorlength(``Name")
\item \&fpr\_vectorangle(``Name")
Returning 1 is correct, while returning 0 is incorrect.
Example comparing the lengths of two vectors:
if (&fpr_vectorlength(``Normal") < &fpr_vectorlength(``Gravity"))
{return 1;}
{return 0;}
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Function_Plot_Response_Object.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Function_Plot_Response_Object.tex
``Label on Plot" - Determines the name of the object, as well as the name that will be visible in the problem. This value MUST be capitalized and cannot include spaces or most symbols. To be safe, stick with letters and numbers.
``x" and ``y" - Determines where the object will be placed in the applet. The object is not moveable by the students, so whatever value is chosen here is fixed.
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Function_Plot_Response_Vector.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Function_Plot_Response_Vector.tex
\item ``Label on Plot" - Determines the name of the vector, as well as the name that will be visible in the problem. This value MUST be capitalized and cannot include spaces or most symbols. To be safe, stick with letters and numbers.
\item ``Tail x", ``Tail y", ``Tip x", and ``Tip y" - Determines where the vector's tail and tip will be placed in the applet when the problem is first loaded. Vectors are moveable by the students, and will not revert to these values after the student has submitted an answer.
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Function_Plot_Response_Vector_Rule.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Function_Plot_Response_Vector_Rule.tex
\item ``Index/Name" - This is an internal label for the rule. Something must be entered here, and it must be different for each rule. This same value will be used to add a conditional hint.
\item ``Comma-spearated list of vectors" - List all of the vectors that should be added up to be tested.
\item ``Length" - How long the sum of these vectors should be.
\item ``Absolute error length" - How accurate the length must be to get the answer correct.
\item ``Angle" - What direction should the sum of these vectors point. All values are measured in degrees, counterclockwise starting at the positive x-axis. Values must be $0\le\theta<360$
\item ``Absolute error angle" - How accurate the angle must be to get the answer correct.
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Function_Plot_Response_Vector_Sum_Rule.tex
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Function_Plot_Response_Vector_Sum_Rule.tex
``Index/Name" - This is an internal label for the rule. Something must be entered here, and it must be different for each rule. This same value will be used to add a conditional hint.
``Comma-spearated list of vectors" - List all of the vectors that should be added up to be tested.
``Length" - How long the sum of these vectors should be.
``Absolute error length" - How accurate the length must be to get the answer correct.
``Angle" - What direction should the sum of these vectors point. All values are measured in degrees, counterclockwise starting at the positive x-axis. Values must be $0\le\theta<360$
``Absolute error angle" - How accurate the angle must be to get the answer correct.
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