[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: loncom /build make_domain_coordinator.pl /html/adm/help/tex Course_Add_Student.tex Course_Change_Privileges.tex Course_Modify_Student_Data.tex Course_View_Class_List.tex /interface loncreateuser.pm lonpopulate.pm /localize/localize de.pm zh.pm

droeschl droeschl@source.lon-capa.org
Fri, 17 Jul 2009 22:24:13 -0000

This is a MIME encoded message

Content-Type: text/plain

droeschl		Fri Jul 17 22:24:13 2009 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /loncom/build	make_domain_coordinator.pl 
    /loncom/html/adm/help/tex	Course_Add_Student.tex 
    /loncom/interface	loncreateuser.pm lonpopulate.pm 
    /loncom/localize/localize	de.pm zh.pm 
  New categorization for User Management menu. 
  - renamed related menu items
  - added/changed related translations
  - modified related helpfiles
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="droeschl-20090717222413.txt"

Index: loncom/build/make_domain_coordinator.pl
diff -u loncom/build/make_domain_coordinator.pl:1.16 loncom/build/make_domain_coordinator.pl:1.17
--- loncom/build/make_domain_coordinator.pl:1.16	Fri Jul 17 01:11:11 2009
+++ loncom/build/make_domain_coordinator.pl	Fri Jul 17 22:23:59 2009
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network
 # make_domain_coordinator.pl - Make a domain coordinator on a system
-# $Id: make_domain_coordinator.pl,v 1.16 2009/07/17 01:11:11 raeburn Exp $
+# $Id: make_domain_coordinator.pl,v 1.17 2009/07/17 22:23:59 droeschl Exp $
 # This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
@@ -437,7 +437,7 @@
 my $hostname=`hostname`; chomp($hostname); # Read in hostname.
 print("\n".'Once LON-CAPA is running, you should log-in and use: '."\n".
       'http://'.$hostname.'/adm/createuser to further define this user.'."\n\n".
-      'From the user management menu, click the link: "Add/Modify a Single User" '."\n".
+      'From the user management menu, click the link: "Add/Modify a User" '."\n".
       'to search for the user and to provide additional information (last name, first name etc.).'."\n");
 # Output a suggested URL.
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Add_Student.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Add_Student.tex:1.7 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Add_Student.tex:1.8
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Add_Student.tex:1.7	Wed Jan  2 02:08:52 2008
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Add_Student.tex	Fri Jul 17 22:24:03 2009
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 \item Click "Manage course users" (\includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{cprv}
 \textbf{CUSR}) on the Main Menu
-\item Click the \underbar{Enroll a Single Student} link.
+\item Click the \underbar{Add/Modify a Student} link.
 \item You can use the \textbf{User Search} section to search for a user by username, or last name, in a specific LON-CAPA domain, or in an institutional directory, if the domain has access to an institutional directory search service.  You can also click the \textbf{Select User} link and a window will open with a list of all the users in the course.
 \textbf{Note}: If you know the exact username, you can either use a ``username is ...'' search in the search section, or  type the username in the textbox in the \textbf{Create a new user} section.
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Change_Privileges.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Change_Privileges.tex:1.6 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Change_Privileges.tex:1.7
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Change_Privileges.tex:1.6	Wed Jan  2 02:08:52 2008
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Change_Privileges.tex	Fri Jul 17 22:24:03 2009
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 \item Click "Manage course users" (\includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{cprv} or \textbf{CUSR}) in the \textbf{Main Menu} page.
-\item Click the \underbar{Add/Modify a Single Course User} link.
+\item Click the \underbar{Add/Modify a Course User} link.
 \item You can use the \textbf{User Search} section to search for a user by username, or last name, in a specific LON-CAPA domain, or in an institutional directory, if the domain has access to an institutional directory search service.  You can also click the \textbf{Select User} link and a window will open with a list of all the users in the course.  
 \textbf{Note}: If you know the exact username, you can either use a ``username is ...'' search in the search section, or  type the username in the textbox in the \textbf{Create a new user} section.
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Modify_Student_Data.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Modify_Student_Data.tex:1.7 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Modify_Student_Data.tex:1.8
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Modify_Student_Data.tex:1.7	Tue Jan 22 07:16:29 2008
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_Modify_Student_Data.tex	Fri Jul 17 22:24:03 2009
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 \item Click "Manage course users" (\includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{cprv} 
 \textbf{CUSR}) on the Main Menu, or the remote control (if used).
-\item Click the \underbar{Display Class Lists and Manage Multiple Users} link. At the \textbf{List Users} screen, if necessary set the user status to Currently Has Access, and set the role type to student, from the status and role pulldown menus.
+\item Click the \underbar{Manage Course Users} link. At the \textbf{List Users} screen, if necessary set the user status to Currently Has Access, and set the role type to student, from the status and role pulldown menus.
   The screen will then display the current class list. 
   (The user may also change the status filter to display previously enrolled
   or some other enrollment status for the class.) 
Index: loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_View_Class_List.tex
diff -u loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_View_Class_List.tex:1.4 loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_View_Class_List.tex:1.5
--- loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_View_Class_List.tex:1.4	Wed Jan  2 02:08:52 2008
+++ loncom/html/adm/help/tex/Course_View_Class_List.tex	Fri Jul 17 22:24:03 2009
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 \item Click "Manage course users" (\includegraphics[width=0.03\paperwidth]{cprv}
 \textbf{CUSR}) on the Main Menu, or the remote control (if used).
-\item Click the \underbar{Display Class Lists and Manage Multiple Users} link.
+\item Click the \underbar{Manage Course Users} link.
 \item At the \textbf{List Users} screen, select the user status, and role type you wish to view from the status and role pulldown menus.  If the course contains users affiliated with sections, and additional pulldown will be available to select the section. A groups pulldown menu is included if groups have been created in the course.
Index: loncom/interface/loncreateuser.pm
diff -u loncom/interface/loncreateuser.pm:1.297 loncom/interface/loncreateuser.pm:1.298
--- loncom/interface/loncreateuser.pm:1.297	Tue Jul 14 12:04:50 2009
+++ loncom/interface/loncreateuser.pm	Fri Jul 17 22:24:08 2009
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Create a user
-# $Id: loncreateuser.pm,v 1.297 2009/07/14 12:04:50 bisitz Exp $
+# $Id: loncreateuser.pm,v 1.298 2009/07/17 22:24:08 droeschl Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -3655,141 +3655,160 @@
 sub print_main_menu {
     my ($permission,$context) = @_;
     my %links = (
-                       domain => {
-                                   upload => 'Upload a File of Users',
-                                   singleuser => 'Add/Modify a Single User',
-                                   listusers => 'Manage Multiple Users',
-                                 },
-                       author => {
-                                   upload => 'Upload a File of Co-authors',
-                                   singleuser => 'Add/Modify a Single Co-author',
-                                   listusers => 'Display Co-authors and Manage Multiple Users',
-                                 },
-                       course => {
-                                   upload => 'File of Course Users',
-                                   singleuser => 'Single Course User',
-                                   listusers => 'Course User Lists',
-                                 },
-                     );
-  my @menu = ( {categorytitle => 'Add Users',
-	     items =>
-	     [{
-	         linktext => $links{$context}{'upload'},
-	         icon => 'sctr.png',
-	         #help => 'Course_Create_Class_List',
-	         url => '/adm/createuser?action=upload',
-	         permission => $permission->{'cusr'},
-	         linktitle => 'Upload a CSV or a text file containing users.',
-	     },
-	     {
-	         linktext => $links{$context}{'singleuser'},
-	         icon => 'edit-redo.png',
-	         #help => 'Course_Change_Privileges',
-	         url => '/adm/createuser?action=singleuser',
-	         permission => $permission->{'cusr'},
-	         linktitle => 'Add a user with a certain role to this course.',
-	     }]},
-	     {categorytitle => 'Administration',
-	     items =>
-	     [{	
-	         linktext => $links{$context}{'listusers'},
-                 icon => 'edit-find.png',
-                 #help => 'Course_View_Class_List',
-                 url => '/adm/createuser?action=listusers',
-	         permission => ($permission->{'view'} || $permission->{'cusr'}),
-	         linktitle => 'Show and manage users of this course.',
-	     }]},
-	     {categorytitle => 'Configuration',
-	     items =>
-	     [
-	     ]},
-	   );
+                domain => {
+                            upload     => 'Upload a File of Users',
+                            singleuser => 'Add/Modify a User',
+                            listusers  => 'Manage Users',
+                            },
+                author => {
+                            upload     => 'Upload a File of Co-authors',
+                            singleuser => 'Add/Modify a Co-author',
+                            listusers  => 'Manage Co-authors',
+                            },
+                course => {
+                            upload     => 'Upload a File of Course Users',
+                            singleuser => 'Add/Modify a Course User',
+                            listusers  => 'Manage Course Users',
+                            },
+                );
+  my @menu = ( {categorytitle => 'Single Users', 
+         items =>
+         [
+            {
+             linktext => $links{$context}{'singleuser'},
+             icon => 'edit-redo.png',
+             #help => 'Course_Change_Privileges',
+             url => '/adm/createuser?action=singleuser',
+             permission => $permission->{'cusr'},
+             linktitle => 'Add a user with a certain role to this course.',
+            },
+         ]},
+         {categorytitle => 'Multiple Users',
+         items => 
+         [
+            {
+             linktext => $links{$context}{'upload'},
+             icon => 'sctr.png',
+             #help => 'Course_Create_Class_List',
+             url => '/adm/createuser?action=upload',
+             permission => $permission->{'cusr'},
+             linktitle => 'Upload a CSV or a text file containing users.',
+            },
+            {
+             linktext => $links{$context}{'listusers'},
+             icon => 'edit-find.png',
+             #help => 'Course_View_Class_List',
+             url => '/adm/createuser?action=listusers',
+             permission => ($permission->{'view'} || $permission->{'cusr'}),
+             linktitle => 'Show and manage users of this course.',
+            },
+         ]},
+         {categorytitle => 'Administration',
+         items => [ ]},
+       );
     if ($context eq 'domain'){
-		push(@{ $menu[1]->{items} },
-		{	linktext => 'Custom Roles',
-			icon => 'emblem-photos.png',
-			#help => 'Course_Editing_Custom_Roles',
-			url => '/adm/createuser?action=custom',
-			permission => $permission->{'custom'},
-			linktitle => 'Configure a custom role.',
-		});
+        push(@{ $menu[2]->{items} }, #Category: Administration
+            {
+             linktext => 'Custom Roles',
+             icon => 'emblem-photos.png',
+             #help => 'Course_Editing_Custom_Roles',
+             url => '/adm/createuser?action=custom',
+             permission => $permission->{'custom'},
+             linktitle => 'Configure a custom role.',
+            },
+        );
     }elsif ($context eq 'course'){
-    	my ($cnum,$cdom) = &Apache::lonuserutils::get_course_identity();
-        push(@{ $menu[0]->{items} },
-		{	linktext => 'Single Student',
-            		#help => 'Course_Add_Student',
-			icon => 'list-add.png',
-            		url => '/adm/createuser?action=singlestudent',
-			permission => $permission->{'cusr'},
-            		linktitle => 'Add a user with the role student to this course.',
-        	});
-        push(@{ $menu[1]->{items} },  
-		{	linktext => 'Drop Students',
-			icon => 'edit-undo.png',
-           		#help => 'Course_Drop_Student',
-           		url => '/adm/createuser?action=drop',
-			permission => $permission->{'cusr'},
-           		linktitle =>'Remove a student from this course.',
-        	},
-		{	linktext => 'Custom Roles',
-			icon => 'emblem-photos.png',
-           		#help => 'Course_Editing_Custom_Roles',
-           		url => '/adm/createuser?action=custom',
-			permission => $permission->{'custom'},
-			linktitle => 'Configure a custom role.',
-        	});
+        my ($cnum,$cdom) = &Apache::lonuserutils::get_course_identity();
+        push(@{ $menu[0]->{items} }, #Category: Single Users
+            {   
+             linktext => 'Add/Modify a Student',
+             #help => 'Course_Add_Student',
+             icon => 'list-add.png',
+             url => '/adm/createuser?action=singlestudent',
+             permission => $permission->{'cusr'},
+             linktitle => 'Add a user with the role student to this course.',
+            },
+        );
+        push(@{ $menu[1]->{items} }, #Category: Multiple Users 
+            {
+             linktext => 'Drop Students',
+             icon => 'edit-undo.png',
+             #help => 'Course_Drop_Student',
+             url => '/adm/createuser?action=drop',
+             permission => $permission->{'cusr'},
+             linktitle =>'Remove a student from this course.',
+            },
+        );
+        push(@{ $menu[2]->{items} }, #Category: Administration
+            {    
+             linktext => 'Custom Roles',
+             icon => 'emblem-photos.png',
+             #help => 'Course_Editing_Custom_Roles',
+             url => '/adm/createuser?action=custom',
+             permission => $permission->{'custom'},
+             linktitle => 'Configure a custom role.',
+            },
+            {
+             linktext => 'Course Groups',
+             icon => 'conf.png',
+             #help => 'Course_Manage_Group',
+             url => '/adm/coursegroups?refpage=cusr',
+             permission => $permission->{'grp_manage'},
+             linktitle => 'Manage course groups.',
+            },
+            {
+             linktext => 'Change Logs',
+             icon => 'document-properties.png',
+             #help => 'Course_User_Logs',
+             url => '/adm/createuser?action=changelogs',
+             permission => $permission->{'cusr'},
+             linktitle => 'View change log.',
+            },
+        );
         if ($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.internal.selfenroll_approval'}) {
-            push(@{ $menu[1]->{items} },
-                    {   linktext => 'Enrollment Requests',
-                        icon => 'selfenrl-queue.png',
-                        #help => 'Course_Approve_Selfenroll',
-                        url => '/adm/createuser?action=selfenrollqueue',
-                        permission => $permission->{'cusr'},
-                        linktitle =>'Approve or reject enrollment requests.',
-                });
+            push(@{ $menu[2]->{items} },
+                    {   
+                     linktext => 'Enrollment Requests',
+                     icon => 'selfenrl-queue.png',
+                     #help => 'Course_Approve_Selfenroll',
+                     url => '/adm/createuser?action=selfenrollqueue',
+                     permission => $permission->{'cusr'},
+                     linktitle =>'Approve or reject enrollment requests.',
+                    },
+            );
         if (!exists($permission->{'cusr_section'})){
-		push(@{ $menu[2]->{items} },
-		{	linktext => 'Automated Enrollment',
-			icon => 'roles.png',
-         		#help => 'Course_Automated_Enrollment',
-        		permission => (&Apache::lonnet::auto_run($cnum,$cdom)
-                                	&& $permission->{'cusr'}),
-			url  => '/adm/populate',
-			linktitle => 'Automated enrollment manager.',
-		},
-		{	linktext => 'User Self-Enrollment',
-			icon => 'cstr.png',
-	       		#help => 'Course_Self_Enrollment',
-			url => '/adm/createuser?action=selfenroll',
-			permission => $permission->{'cusr'},
-			linktitle => 'Configure user self enrollment.',
-       		});
-	}
-	push(@{ $menu[2]->{items} },
-	{	linktext => 'Course Groups',
-		icon => 'conf.png',
-        	#help => 'Course_Manage_Group',
-           	url => '/adm/coursegroups?refpage=cusr',
-		permission => $permission->{'grp_manage'},
-		linktitle => 'Manage course groups.',
-        },
-        {	linktext => 'Change Logs',
-		icon => 'document-properties.png',
-        	#help => 'Course_User_Logs',
-        	url => '/adm/createuser?action=changelogs',
-		permission => $permission->{'cusr'},
-		linktitle => 'View change log.',
-        });
+            push(@{ $menu[2]->{items} },
+                {
+                 linktext => 'Automated Enrollment',
+                 icon => 'roles.png',
+                 #help => 'Course_Automated_Enrollment',
+                 permission => (&Apache::lonnet::auto_run($cnum,$cdom)
+                                     && $permission->{'cusr'}),
+                 url  => '/adm/populate',
+                 linktitle => 'Automated enrollment manager.',
+                },
+                {
+                 linktext => 'User Self-Enrollment',
+                 icon => 'cstr.png',
+                 #help => 'Course_Self_Enrollment',
+                 url => '/adm/createuser?action=selfenroll',
+                 permission => $permission->{'cusr'},
+                 linktitle => 'Configure user self enrollment.',
+                },
+            );
+        }
 return Apache::lonhtmlcommon::generate_menu(@menu);
 #               { text => 'View Log-in History',
Index: loncom/interface/lonpopulate.pm
diff -u loncom/interface/lonpopulate.pm:1.63 loncom/interface/lonpopulate.pm:1.64
--- loncom/interface/lonpopulate.pm:1.63	Fri Jun  5 12:49:50 2009
+++ loncom/interface/lonpopulate.pm	Fri Jul 17 22:24:08 2009
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # automated enrollment configuration handler
-# $Id: lonpopulate.pm,v 1.63 2009/06/05 12:49:50 bisitz Exp $
+# $Id: lonpopulate.pm,v 1.64 2009/07/17 22:24:08 droeschl Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -1291,7 +1291,7 @@
          'fnew' => 'for new students added when you update the class roster',
          'ifad'  => 'If automated adds are enabled, then when students are added their student roles will become active on the date set here for first access, and their roles will become inactive on the date set here for last access.  These default access dates will be overridden for specific students if the institutional classlist data supplied to the automatic enrollment process includes entries for the startdate and enddate fields for those students.',
          'ncds'  => 'changing default start and end access dates will affect <b>future enrollments</b> and also <b>currently inactive</b> students (i.e., those for whom access will begin in the future).',
-         'tcha' => 'To change access dates for <b>currently active</b> students, use User Management -> "Display Class Lists and Manage Multiple Users" to display currently active students, then use the dropdown menu for "Action to take for selected users:" to choose "Change starting/ending dates", select the students to change, and click "Proceed".',
+         'tcha' => 'To change access dates for <b>currently active</b> students, use User Management -> "Manage Course Users" to display currently active students, then use the dropdown menu for "Action to take for selected users:" to choose "Change starting/ending dates", select the students to change, and click "Proceed".',
     my $dateshow;
     if ( ($oldendshow eq '') && ($oldstartshow eq '') ) {
@@ -1623,7 +1623,7 @@
 	    } else {
 	        $response .= "The last access date for students being added via automated enrollment has been changed to $showend.<br/>";
-            $response .= '<br />'.&mt('Any change in access dates will only apply to students who are not currently active, i.e., those who currently have access start dates in the future, and to those added by future automated enrollment.').'<br /><br />'.&mt('To change access dates for any currently active students, use User Management -> "Display Class Lists and Manage Multiple Users" to display currently active students, then use the dropdown menu for "Action to take for selected users:" to choose "Change starting/ending dates", select the students to change, and click "Proceed".').'<br />';
+            $response .= '<br />'.&mt('Any change in access dates will only apply to students who are not currently active, i.e., those who currently have access start dates in the future, and to those added by future automated enrollment.').'<br /><br />'.&mt('To change access dates for any currently active students, use User Management -> "Manage Users" to display currently active students, then use the dropdown menu for "Action to take for selected users:" to choose "Change starting/ending dates", select the students to change, and click "Proceed".').'<br />';
 # Generate message in case where old first access date was later than today, but new first access date is now today or earlier.
Index: loncom/localize/localize/de.pm
diff -u loncom/localize/localize/de.pm:1.315 loncom/localize/localize/de.pm:1.316
--- loncom/localize/localize/de.pm:1.315	Tue Jul 14 17:33:47 2009
+++ loncom/localize/localize/de.pm	Fri Jul 17 22:24:12 2009
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # German Localization Lexicon
-# $Id: de.pm,v 1.315 2009/07/14 17:33:47 bisitz Exp $
+# $Id: de.pm,v 1.316 2009/07/17 22:24:12 droeschl Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -11753,11 +11753,8 @@
    'Upload a File of Course Users'
 => 'Datei mit Kursteilnehmern hochladen',
-   'Add/Modify a Single Course User'
-=> 'Einzelnen Teilnehmer hinzufügen/ändern',
-   'Display Class Lists and Manage Multiple Users'
-=> 'Kursteilnehmerliste / Verwaltung mehrerer Teilnehmer',
+   'Add/Modify a Course User'
+=> 'Teilnehmer hinzufügen/ändern',
    'Edit Custom Roles'
 => 'Benutzerdefinierte Benutzerrollen',
@@ -12335,14 +12332,14 @@
    'Upload a File of Users'
 => 'Hochladen einer Datei mit Benutzern',
-   'Add/Modify a Single User'
-=> 'Einzelnen Benutzer hinzufügen/ändern',
+   'Add/Modify a User'
+=> 'Benutzer hinzufügen/ändern',
    'create new user if required'
 => 'falls notwendig, neuen Benutzer erstellen',
-   'Manage Multiple Users'
-=> 'Verwaltung mehrerer Benutzer',
+   'Manage Users'
+=> 'Benutzer verwalten',
    'Create/Modify user'
 => 'Benutzer erstellen/ändern',
@@ -12443,11 +12440,11 @@
    'Upload a File of Co-authors'
 => 'Datei mit Co-Autoren hochladen',
-   'Add/Modify a Single Co-author'
-=> 'Einzelnen Co-Autor hinzufügen/ändern',
+   'Add/Modify a Co-author'
+=> 'Co-Autor hinzufügen/ändern',
-   'Display Co-authors and Manage Multiple Users'
-=> 'Co-Autoren anzeigen/Verwaltung mehrerer Benutzer',
+   'Manage Co-authors'
+=> 'Co-Autoren verwalten',
    'No courses match the criteria you selected.'
 => 'Es existieren keine Kurse, die der getroffenen Auswahl entsprechen.',
@@ -16071,11 +16068,8 @@
    'Course Initialization'
 => 'Kursinitialisierung',
-   'Add Users'
-=> 'Benutzer hinzufügen',
-   'File of Course Users'
-=> 'Datei mit Kursteilnehmern',
+   'Single Users'
+=> 'Einzelne Teilnehmer',
    'Upload a CSV or a text file containing users.'
 => 'Eine CSV- oder Textdatei mit Kursteilnehmern hochladen.',
@@ -16086,8 +16080,8 @@
    'Add a user with a certain role to this course.'
 => 'Einen Kursteilnehmer mit einer bestimmten Benutzerrolle hinzufügen.',
-   'Single Student'
-=> 'Einzelne/r Student/in',
+   'Add/Modify a Student'
+=> 'Student/in hinzufügen/ändern',
    'Add a user with the role student to this course.'
 => 'Einen Kursteilnehmer mit der Benutzerrolle Student/in hinzufügen.',
@@ -16116,8 +16110,8 @@
 => 'Administration',
-   'Course User Lists'
-=> 'Benutzerlisten des Kurses',
+   'Manage Course Users'
+=> 'Teilnehmer verwalten',
    'Show and manage users of this course.'
 => 'Anzeigen und verwalten von Benutzern dieses Kurses.',
@@ -16136,6 +16130,9 @@
    'Approve or reject enrollment requests.'
 => 'Belegungswünsche bestätigen oder abweisen',
+   'Multiple Users'
+=> 'Mehrere Teilnehmer',
    'Statistics and Analyses'
Index: loncom/localize/localize/zh.pm
diff -u loncom/localize/localize/zh.pm:1.68 loncom/localize/localize/zh.pm:1.69
--- loncom/localize/localize/zh.pm:1.68	Tue Jul 14 17:33:47 2009
+++ loncom/localize/localize/zh.pm	Fri Jul 17 22:24:12 2009
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Chinese Simplified Localization Lexicon
-# $Id: zh.pm,v 1.68 2009/07/14 17:33:47 bisitz Exp $
+# $Id: zh.pm,v 1.69 2009/07/17 22:24:12 droeschl Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -11813,11 +11813,8 @@
    'Upload a File of Course Users'
 => 'Datei mit Kursteilnehmern hochladen',
-   'Add/Modify a Single Course User'
-=> 'Einzelnen Teilnehmer hinzufügen/ändern',
-   'Display Class Lists and Manage Multiple Users'
-=> 'Kursteilnehmerliste / Verwaltung mehrerer Teilnehmer',
+   'Add/Modify a Course User'
+=> 'Teilnehmer hinzufügen/ändern', #SD please translate
    'Edit Custom Roles'
 => 'Benutzerdefinierte Benutzerrollen',
@@ -12392,14 +12389,14 @@
    'Upload a File of Users'
 => 'Hochladen einer Datei mit Benutzern',
-   'Add/Modify a Single User'
-=> 'Einzelnen Benutzer hinzufügen/ändern',
+   'Add/Modify a User'
+=> 'Benutzer hinzufügen/ändern',
    'create new user if required'
 => 'falls notwendig, neuen Benutzer erstellen',
-   'Manage Multiple Users'
-=> 'Verwaltung mehrerer Benutzer',
+   'Manage Users'
+=> 'Benutzer verwalten',
    'Create/Modify user'
 => 'Benutzer erstellen/ändern',
@@ -12497,11 +12494,11 @@
    'Upload a File of Co-authors'
 => '上传共同作者的文件',
-   'Add/Modify a Single Co-author'
-=> '添加/修改一个共同的作者',
+   'Add/Modify a Co-author'
+=> '添加/修改一个共同的作者', #SD Please verify
-   'Display Co-authors and Manage Multiple Users'
-=> '显示共同作者和管理多个用户',
+   'Manage Co-authors'
+=> '管理共同作者', #SD Please verify
    'No courses match the criteria you selected.'
 => '没有选择相对应的课程。',
@@ -16192,23 +16189,17 @@
    'Course Initialization'
 => '课程初始化',
-   'Add Users'
-=> '添加用户',
-   'File of Course Users'
-=> '课程参加者文件',
+   'Single Users'
+=> 'Einzelne Teilnehmer', #SD please translate
    'Upload a CSV or a text file containing users.'
 => 'Eine CSV- oder Textdatei mit Kursteilnehmern hochladen.',
-   'Single Course User'
-=> '单个的课程参加者',
    'Add a user with a certain role to this course.'
 => 'Einen Kursteilnehmer mit einer bestimmten Benutzerrolle hinzufügen.',
-   'Single Student'
-=> '个别学生',
+   'Add/Modify a Student'
+=> 'Student/in hinzufügen/ändern', #SD please translate
    'Add a user with the role student to this course.'
 => 'Einen Kursteilnehmer mit der Benutzerrolle Student hinzufügen.',
@@ -16237,8 +16228,8 @@
 => '管理',
-   'Course User Lists'
-=> '课程用户列表',
+   'Manage Course Users'
+=> 'Teilnehmer verwalten', #SD please translate
    'Show and manage users of this course.'
 => 'Anzeigen und verwalten von Benutzern dieses Kurses.',
