[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: rat / lonratsrv.pm

albertel lon-capa-cvs@mail.lon-capa.org
Thu, 02 Nov 2006 21:26:54 -0000

This is a MIME encoded message

Content-Type: text/plain

albertel		Thu Nov  2 16:26:54 2006 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /rat	lonratsrv.pm 
  - complete switch to LONCAPA::map
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="albertel-20061102162654.txt"

Index: rat/lonratsrv.pm
diff -u rat/lonratsrv.pm:1.37 rat/lonratsrv.pm:1.38
--- rat/lonratsrv.pm:1.37	Fri Jul 21 04:30:57 2006
+++ rat/lonratsrv.pm	Thu Nov  2 16:26:54 2006
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Server for RAT Maps
-# $Id: lonratsrv.pm,v 1.37 2006/07/21 08:30:57 albertel Exp $
+# $Id: lonratsrv.pm,v 1.38 2006/11/02 21:26:54 albertel Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -30,289 +30,8 @@
 use strict;
 use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
-use Apache::File;
-use HTML::TokeParser;
-use Apache::lonnet;
-# ------------------------------------------------------------- From RAT to XML
-sub qtescape {
-    my $str=shift;
-    $str=~s/\:/\:/g;
-    $str=~s/\&\#58\;/\:/g;
-    $str=~s/\&\#39\;/\'/g;
-    $str=~s/\&\#44\;/\,/g;
-    $str=~s/\"/\&\#34\;/g;
-    return $str;
-# ------------------------------------------------------------- From XML to RAT
-sub qtunescape {
-    my $str=shift;
-    $str=~s/\:/\&colon\;/g;
-    $str=~s/\'/\&\#39\;/g;
-    $str=~s/\,/\&\#44\;/g;
-    $str=~s/\"/\&\#34\;/g;
-    return $str;
-# --------------------------------------------------------- Loads map from disk
-sub loadmap {
-    my ($fn,$errtext,$infotext)=@_;
-    if ($errtext) { return('',$errtext); }
-    my $outstr='';
-    my @obj=();
-    my @links=();
-    my $instr='';
-    if ($fn=~/^\/*uploaded\//) {
-        $instr=&Apache::lonnet::getfile($fn);
-    } elsif (-e $fn) {
-        my @content=();
-        {
-	    my $fh=Apache::File->new($fn);
-            @content=<$fh>;
-        }
-        $instr=join('',@content);
-    }
-    if ($instr eq -2) {
-        $errtext.='Map not loaded: An error occured while trying to load the map.';
-    } elsif ($instr) {
-        my $parser = HTML::TokeParser->new(\$instr);
-        my $token;
-        my $graphmode=0;
-        $fn=~/\.(\w+)$/;
-        $outstr="mode<:>$1";
-        while ($token = $parser->get_token) {
-	    if ($token->[0] eq 'S') {
-                if ($token->[1] eq 'map') {
-		    $graphmode=($token->[2]->{'mode'} eq 'rat/graphical');
-                } elsif ($token->[1] eq 'resource') {
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------- Resource
-                    $outstr.='<&>objcont';
-                    if (defined($token->[2]->{'id'})) {
-			$outstr.='<:>'.$token->[2]->{'id'};
-                        if ($obj[$token->[2]->{'id'}]==1) {
-                           $errtext.='Error: multiple use of ID '.
-                                     $token->[2]->{'id'}.'. ';
-                        }
-                        $obj[$token->[2]->{'id'}]=1; 
-                    } else {
-                        my $i=1;
-                        while (($i<=$#obj) && ($obj[$i]!=0)) { $i++; }
-                        $outstr.='<:>'.$i;
-                        $obj[$i]=1;
-                    }
-                    $outstr.='<:>';
-                    $outstr.=qtunescape($token->[2]->{'title'}).":";
-                    $outstr.=qtunescape($token->[2]->{'src'}).":";
-                    if ($token->[2]->{'external'} eq 'true') {
-                        $outstr.='true:';
-                    } else {
-                        $outstr.='false:';
-                    }
-                    if (defined($token->[2]->{'type'})) {
-			$outstr.=$token->[2]->{'type'}.':';
-                    }  else {
-                        $outstr.='normal:';
-                    }
-		    if ($token->[2]->{'type'} ne 'zombie') {
-			$outstr.='res';
-		    } else {
-                        $outstr.='zombie';
-		    }
-                } elsif ($token->[1] eq 'condition') {
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------- Condition
-                    $outstr.='<&>objcont';
-                    if (defined($token->[2]->{'id'})) {
-			$outstr.='<:>'.$token->[2]->{'id'};
-                        if ($obj[$token->[2]->{'id'}]==1) {
-                           $errtext.='Error: multiple use of ID '.
-                                     $token->[2]->{'id'}.'. ';
-                        }
-                        $obj[$token->[2]->{'id'}]=1; 
-                    } else {
-                        my $i=1;
-                        while (($i<=$#obj) && ($obj[$i]!=0)) { $i++; }
-                        $outstr.='<:>'.$i;
-                        $obj[$i]=1;
-                    }
-                    $outstr.='<:>';
-                    $outstr.=qtunescape($token->[2]->{'value'}).':';
-                    if (defined($token->[2]->{'type'})) {
-			$outstr.=$token->[2]->{'type'}.':';
-                    } else {
-                        $outstr.='normal:';
-                    }
-                    $outstr.='cond';
-                } elsif ($token->[1] eq 'link') {
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Links
-                    $outstr.='<&>objlinks';
-                        if (defined($token->[2]->{'index'})) {
-			   if ($links[$token->[2]->{'index'}]) {
-                               $errtext.='Error: multiple use of link index '.
-			       $token->[2]->{'index'}.'. ';
-                           }
-			   $outstr.='<:>'.$token->[2]->{'index'};
-                           $links[$token->[2]->{'index'}]=1;
-                        } else {
-                           my $i=1;
-                           while (($i<=$#links) && ($links[$i]==1)) { $i++; }
-                           $outstr.='<:>'.$i;
-                           $links[$i]=1;
-		       }
-                    $outstr.='<:>'.$token->[2]->{'from'}.
-                             ':'.$token->[2]->{'to'};
-                    if (defined($token->[2]->{'condition'})) {
-			$outstr.=':'.$token->[2]->{'condition'};
-                    } else {
- 			$outstr.=':0';
-                    }
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------- Parameter
-                } elsif ($token->[1] eq 'param') {
-                    $outstr.='<&>objparms<:>'.$token->[2]->{'to'}.'<:>'.
-                            $token->[2]->{'type'}.'___'.$token->[2]->{'name'}
-                                                 .'___'.$token->[2]->{'value'};
-                } elsif ($graphmode) {
-# --------------------------------------------- All other tags (graphical only)
-                    $outstr.='<&>'.$token->[1];
-                    if (defined($token->[2]->{'index'})) {
-			$outstr.='<:>'.$token->[2]->{'index'};
-                        if ($token->[1] eq 'obj') {
-			    $obj[$token->[2]->{'index'}]=2;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    $outstr.='<:>'.$token->[2]->{'value'};
-                }
-            }
-        }
+use LONCAPA::map();
-    } else {
-        $errtext.='Map not loaded: The file does not exist. ';
-    }
-    return($outstr,$errtext,$infotext);
-# ----------------------------------------------------------- Saves map to disk
-sub savemap {
-    my ($fn,$errtext)=@_;
-    my $infotext='';
-    my %alltypes;
-    my %allvalues;
-    if (($fn=~/\.sequence(\.tmp)*$/) ||
-        ($fn=~/\.page(\.tmp)*$/)) {
-# ------------------------------------------------------------- Deal with input
-        my @tags=split(/<&>/,$env{'form.output'});
-        my $outstr='';
-        my $graphdef=0;
-        if ($tags[0] eq 'graphdef<:>yes') {
-	    $outstr='<map mode="rat/graphical">'."\n";
-            $graphdef=1;
-        } else {
-            $outstr="<map>\n";
-        }
-        foreach (@tags) {
-	   my @parts=split(/<:>/,$_);
-           if ($parts[0] eq 'objcont') {
-               my @comp=split(/:/,$parts[$#parts]);
-# --------------------------------------------------------------- Logical input
-	       if (($comp[$#comp] eq 'res') || ($comp[$#comp] eq 'zombie')) {
-                   $comp[0]=qtescape($comp[0]);
-                   $comp[1]=qtescape($comp[1]);
-                   if ($comp[2] eq 'true') {
-		       if ($comp[1]!~/^http\:\/\//) {
-			   $comp[1]='http://'.$comp[1];
-                       }
-                       $comp[1].='" external="true';
-                   } else {
-		       if ($comp[1]=~/^http\:\/\//) {
-			   $comp[1]=~s/^http\:\/\/[^\/]*\//\//;
-                       }
-                   }
-		   $outstr.='<resource id="'.$parts[1].'" src="'
-                          .$comp[1].'"';
-                   if (($comp[3] ne '') && ($comp[3] ne 'normal')) {
-		       $outstr.=' type="'.$comp[3].'"';
-                   }
-                   if ($comp[0] ne '') {
-		       $outstr.=' title="'.$comp[0].'"';
-                   }
-                   $outstr.=" />\n";
-               } elsif ($comp[$#comp] eq 'cond') {
-                   $outstr.='<condition id="'.$parts[1].'"';
-                   if (($comp[1] ne '') && ($comp[1] ne 'normal')) {
-		       $outstr.=' type="'.$comp[1].'"';
-                   }
-                   $outstr.=' value="'.qtescape($comp[0]).'"';
-                   $outstr.=" />\n";
-               }
-           } elsif ($parts[0] eq 'objlinks') {
-               my @comp=split(/:/,$parts[$#parts]);
-               $outstr.='<link';
-               $outstr.=' from="'.$comp[0].'"';
-               $outstr.=' to="'.$comp[1].'"';
-               if (($comp[2] ne '') && ($comp[2]!=0)) {
-                  $outstr.=' condition="'.$comp[2].'"';
-               }
-               $outstr.=' index="'.$parts[1].'"';
-               $outstr.=" />\n";
-           } elsif ($parts[0] eq 'objparms') {
-               undef %alltypes;
-               undef %allvalues;
-               foreach (split(/:/,$parts[$#parts])) {
-                   my ($type,$name,$value)=split(/\_\_\_/,$_);
-                   $alltypes{$name}=$type;
-                   $allvalues{$name}=$value;
-               }
-               foreach (keys %allvalues) {
-                  if ($allvalues{$_} ne '') {
-                   $outstr.='<param to="'.$parts[1].'" type="'
-                          .$alltypes{$_}.'" name="'.$_
-                          .'" value="'.$allvalues{$_}.'" />'
-                          ."\n";
-	          }
-               }
-           } elsif (($parts[0] ne '') && ($graphdef)) {
-# ------------------------------------------------------------- Graphical input
-               $outstr.='<'.$parts[0];
-               if ($#parts==2) {
-		   $outstr.=' index="'.$parts[1].'"';
-               }
-               $outstr.=' value="'.qtescape($parts[$#parts]).'" />'."\n";
-           }
-        }
-        $outstr.="</map>\n";
-	if ($fn=~/^\/*uploaded\/(\w+)\/(\w+)\/(.*)$/) {
-	    $env{'form.output'}=$outstr;
-            my $result=&Apache::lonnet::finishuserfileupload($2,$1,
-							     'output',$3);
-	    if ($result != m|^/uploaded/|) {
-		$errtext.='Map not saved: A network error occured when trying to save the map. ';
-	    }
-        } else {
-          my $fh;
-          if ($fh=Apache::File->new(">$fn")) {
-             print $fh $outstr;
-             $infotext.="Map saved as $fn. ";
-	  } else {
-             $errtext.='Could not write file '.$fn.'.  Map not saved. ';
-	  }
-        }
-    } else {
-# -------------------------------------------- Cannot write to that file, error
-        $errtext.='Map not saved: The specified path does not exist. ';
-    }
-    return ($errtext,$infotext);
 # ================================================================ Main Handler
@@ -331,7 +50,7 @@
   my $fn=$r->filename;
   my $lonDocRoot=$r->dir_config('lonDocRoot');
-  if ( $fn =~ /$lonDocRoot/ ) {
+  if ( $fn =~ /\Q$lonDocRoot\E/ ) {
       #internal authentication, needs fixup.
       $fn = $url;
@@ -342,9 +61,9 @@
   my $outtext='';
   if ($mode ne 'loadonly') {
-     ($errtext,$infotext)=&savemap($fn,$errtext);
+     ($errtext,$infotext)=&LONCAPA::map::savemap($fn,$errtext);
-  ($outtext,$errtext,$infotext)=&loadmap($fn,$errtext,$infotext);
+  ($outtext,$errtext,$infotext)=&LONCAPA::map::loadmap($fn,$errtext,$infotext);
   my $start_page =
