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Index: modules/gerd/roleclicker/description.tex
diff -u modules/gerd/roleclicker/description.tex:1.65 modules/gerd/roleclicker/description.tex:1.66
--- modules/gerd/roleclicker/description.tex:1.65	Wed May 18 17:32:52 2005
+++ modules/gerd/roleclicker/description.tex	Thu May 19 11:34:56 2005
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 Peer Instruction has been around for almost 15 years; its effect has been well-researched, and the techniques have found broad adoption, particularly in science teaching. As part of the classroom activities, the instructor would 
 present a question (typically multiple-choice style), and students are asked to respond individually (through hand signs, colored cards, 
-or technological means such as Personal Response Systems (PRSs, ``clickers'')).
+or technological means such as Personal Response Systems (PRSs, ``clickers'').
 Based on the initial response distribution, the educator might decide to follow up with a second round of having the learners
 discuss the problem with each other (``think-pair-share''), and then responding again.
@@ -508,9 +508,64 @@
 % Broader
+\bibitem{mref21} {\it The Boyer Commission on Educating Undergraduates in the Research University,                                                                                                              Reinventing Undergraduate Education: A Blueprint for America's Research Universities}
+(1998) Cited at http://notes.cc.sunysb.edu/Pres/boyer.nsf
+\bibitem{mref22} {\it Transforming Undergraduate Education}, National Academy Press, Washington, DC
+\bibitem{mref23} {\it Science Teaching Reconsidered: A Handbook}, National Academy Press, Washington, DC
 \bibitem{aapt} American Association of Physics Teachers, {Final Report: Project SPIN-UP (Strategic Programs for Innovations in Undergraduate Physics)}, available online (2003)
+% LON-CAPA                                                                                                                                                                                                       
+\bibitem{features} LON-CAPA feature overview,
+{\tt http://www.lon-capa.org/features.html}
+\bibitem{edutools} EDUTOOLS Course Management System Decision Making Tools,
+\newline {\tt http://www.edutools.info/course/compare/}
+\bibitem{discpaper} Gerd Kortemeyer, {\it An Analysis of Asynchronous Online Homework Discussions in Introductory Physics Courses}, Am. J. Phys., submitted. Available online at 
+\bibitem{mref1}  R., W. J. Gerace, P. T. Hardiman, and J. P. Mestre, {\it Constraining novices to                                                                                                                
+perform expert-like problem analyses: Effects on schema acquisition}, Journal of the
+Learning Sciences, 2 (3), 307-331 (1992).
+\bibitem{mref2} Gerace, W., R. Dufresne, W. Leonard, and J. Mestre, {\it Minds-On Physics: An integrated                                                                                                         
+curriculum for developing concept-based problem-solving skills in physics} (1999), Cited at
+\bibitem{mref3} Hake, Richard, {\it Socratic Pedagogy in the Introductory Physics Lab}, The Physics Teacher,
+30, 546 (1992).
+\bibitem{mref4} Heller, P., R. Keith, and S. Anderson, {\it Teaching problem solving through cooperative                                                                                                         
+grouping. Part 1: Group vs. individual problem solving}, and P. Heller and M. Hollabaugh,
+{\it Teaching problem solving through cooperative grouping. Part 2: Designing problems and                                                                                                                       
+structuring groups}, American Journal of Physics, 60, 627-644 (1992).
+\bibitem{mref5} Laws, Priscilla, Workshop Physics Activity Guide, John Wiley \& Sons, New York (1997);
+McDermott, Lillian C., and members of the Physics Education Group, {\it Physics by Inquiry,                                                                                                                      
+Vols. I and II}, John Wiley \& Sons, New York (1996).
+\bibitem{mref6} Novak, Gregor, Evelyn T. Patterson, Andrew D. Gavrin, and Wolfgang Christian, {\it Just-in-                                                                                                      
+Time Teaching: Blending Active Learning with Web Technology}, Prentice Hall, Upper
+Saddle River, NJ (1999).
+\bibitem{mref7} Redish, E.F., J. M. Saul, and R. N. Steinberg, {\it On the Effectiveness of Active-Engagement                                                                                                   Microcomputer-Based Laboratories}, American Journal of Physics, 65, 45-54 (1997).
+\bibitem{mref8} Reif, F., {\it Instructional design, cognition, and technology: Applications to the teaching of                                                                                                 scientific concepts}, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 24 (4), 309-324 (1987).
+\bibitem{mref9} Sokoloff, David, Priscilla Laws, and Ronald Thornton, {\it RealTime Physics}, Vernier
+Software, Portland, OR (1995).
+\bibitem{mref10} Halloun, I. A., and D. Hestenes, {\it Modeling instruction in mechanics}, American Journal of
+Physics, 55, 455-462 (1987).
+\bibitem{mref13} Crouch, Catherine H., Emily Fair Oster, and Eric Mazur, {\it Factors Affecting Gender                                                                                                          Disparity in Introductory Physics}, presented at the American Physical Society Centennial
+Meeting, Atlanta, GA, March, cited at http://mazurwww.harvard.edu/Talks/pdf\_files/Talk\_262.pdf (1999)
+\bibitem{mref28} Hake, R.R, {\it Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods: A six-thousand-student                                                                                                      survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses}, American Journal of
+Physics, 66 (1). 64-74 (1998).
+\bibitem{mref11} Mazur, E., {\it Peer Instruction: A User's Manual}, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ
+\bibitem{mref12} Crouch, Catherine H.; and Eric Mazur, {\it Peer Instruction: Ten Years of Experience and                                                                                                       Results}, American Journal of Physics, 69, 970-977 (2001), Cited at
+\bibitem{bq1} William F. Junkin III and Ann J. Cox, {\it Enhancing student learning in laboratory through collaborative grouping}, Phys. Teach {\bf 35}, 556 (1997)
+\bibitem{bq2} Ann J. Cox and William F. Junkin III, {\it Enhanced student learning in the introductory laboratory}, Phys. Educ. {\bf 37}, cited at
+http://www.iop.org/EJ/article/0031-9120/37/305/pe2105.pdf (2002)
 % Methodology
 \bibitem{EBAPS} A. Elby, J. Fredriksen, C. Schwarz, and B. White, {\it Epistemological Beliefs Assessment for Physical Science (EBAPS) Instrument}, {\tt http://www2.physics.umd.edu/$\sim$elby/EBAPS/EBAPS\_items.htm} (2001)
@@ -556,35 +611,6 @@
 % Quantitative
-\bibitem{mref1}  R., W. J. Gerace, P. T. Hardiman, and J. P. Mestre, {\it Constraining novices to
-perform expert-like problem analyses: Effects on schema acquisition}, Journal of the
-Learning Sciences, 2 (3), 307-331 (1992).
-\bibitem{mref2} Gerace, W., R. Dufresne, W. Leonard, and J. Mestre, {\it Minds-On Physics: An integrated
-curriculum for developing concept-based problem-solving skills in physics} (1999), Cited at
-\bibitem{mref3} Hake, Richard, {\it Socratic Pedagogy in the Introductory Physics Lab}, The Physics Teacher,
-30, 546 (1992).
-\bibitem{mref4} Heller, P., R. Keith, and S. Anderson, {\it Teaching problem solving through cooperative
-grouping. Part 1: Group vs. individual problem solving}, and P. Heller and M. Hollabaugh,
-{\it Teaching problem solving through cooperative grouping. Part 2: Designing problems and
-structuring groups}, American Journal of Physics, 60, 627-644 (1992).
-\bibitem{mref5} Laws, Priscilla, Workshop Physics Activity Guide, John Wiley \& Sons, New York (1997);
-McDermott, Lillian C., and members of the Physics Education Group, {\it Physics by Inquiry,
-Vols. I and II}, John Wiley \& Sons, New York (1996).
-\bibitem{mref6} Novak, Gregor, Evelyn T. Patterson, Andrew D. Gavrin, and Wolfgang Christian, {\it Just-in-
-Time Teaching: Blending Active Learning with Web Technology}, Prentice Hall, Upper
-Saddle River, NJ (1999).
-\bibitem{mref7} Redish, E.F., J. M. Saul, and R. N. Steinberg, {\it On the Effectiveness of Active-Engagement
-Microcomputer-Based Laboratories}, American Journal of Physics, 65, 45-54 (1997).
-\bibitem{mref8} Reif, F., {\it Instructional design, cognition, and technology: Applications to the teaching of
-scientific concepts}, Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 24 (4), 309-324 (1987).
-\bibitem{mref9} Sokoloff, David, Priscilla Laws, and Ronald Thornton, {\it RealTime Physics}, Vernier
-Software, Portland, OR (1995).
-\bibitem{mref10} Halloun, I. A., and D. Hestenes, {\it Modeling instruction in mechanics}, American Journal of
-Physics, 55, 455-462 (1987).
-\bibitem{mref13} Crouch, Catherine H., Emily Fair Oster, and Eric Mazur, {\it Factors Affecting Gender
-Disparity in Introductory Physics}, presented at the American Physical Society Centennial
-Meeting, Atlanta, GA, March, cited at http://mazurwww.harvard.edu/Talks/pdf\_files/Talk\_262.pdf (1999)
 \bibitem{mref19} Dougherty, R.C., C.W. Bowen, T. Berger, W. Rees, E.K. Melton, and E. Pulliam,
 {\it Cooperative learning and enhanced communication: Effects on student performance,
 retention, and attitudes in general chemistry}, Journal of Chemical Education, 72 (9), 793-
@@ -592,33 +618,9 @@
 \bibitem{mref20} Kovac, Jeffrey, {\it Student Active Learning Methods in General Chemistry}, Journal of
 Chemical Education 76 (1), 120-124 (1999), Cited at
-\bibitem{mref21} {\it The Boyer Commission on Educating Undergraduates in the Research University,
-Reinventing Undergraduate Education: A Blueprint for America's Research Universities}
-(1998) Cited at http://notes.cc.sunysb.edu/Pres/boyer.nsf
-\bibitem{mref22} {\it Transforming Undergraduate Education}, National Academy Press, Washington, DC
-\bibitem{mref23} {\it Science Teaching Reconsidered: A Handbook}, National Academy Press, Washington, DC
 \bibitem{mref27} Fagen, A., C.H. Crouch and E. Mazur, {\it Peer Instruction: Results from a Range of
 Classrooms}, The Physics Teacher, 40, 206-209 (2002), cited at
-\bibitem{mref28} Hake, R.R, {\it Interactive-engagement versus traditional methods: A six-thousand-student
-survey of mechanics test data for introductory physics courses}, American Journal of
-Physics, 66 (1). 64-74 (1998).
-% BQ
-\bibitem{bq1} William F. Junkin III and Ann J. Cox, {\it Enhancing student learning in laboratory through collaborative grouping}, Phys. Teach {\bf 35}, 556 (1997) 
-\bibitem{bq2} Ann J. Cox and William F. Junkin III, {\it Enhanced student learning in the introductory laboratory}, Phys. Educ. {\bf 37}, cited at
-http://www.iop.org/EJ/article/0031-9120/37/305/pe2105.pdf (2002)
-\bibitem{features} LON-CAPA feature overview, 
-{\tt http://www.lon-capa.org/features.html}
-\bibitem{edutools} EDUTOOLS Course Management System Decision Making Tools,
-\newline {\tt http://www.edutools.info/course/compare/} 
@@ -649,14 +651,6 @@
 \bibitem{riffell1} Samuel K. Riffell and Duncan F. Sibley, {\it Can hybrid course formats increase attendance in undergraduate environmental science courses?},  Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education, in press (2003)  
 \bibitem{riffell2} Samuel K. Riffell and Duncan F. Sibley, {\it Student perceptions of a hybrid learning format: can online exercises replace traditional lectures?}, Journal of College Science Teaching, {\bf 32}(6), 394-399 (2003)
-\bibitem{mref11} Mazur, E., {\it Peer Instruction: A User's Manual}, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ
-\bibitem{mref12} Crouch, Catherine H.; and Eric Mazur, {\it Peer Instruction: Ten Years of Experience and
-Results}, American Journal of Physics, 69, 970-977 (2001), Cited at
 \bibitem{mref14} Johnson, David W., Roger T. Johnson, and Karl A. Smith, {\it Active Learning: Cooperation in
 the College Classroom}, Interaction Book Co., Edina, MN (1991), and references therein;
 Bruffee, Kenneth A., {\it Collaborative Learning: Higher Education, Interdependence and the
