[LON-CAPA-announce] LON-CAPA Workshop Registration
Helen Keefe
Mon, 05 May 2003 11:22:23 -0400
Please join us for the
LON-CAPA Spring Training Workshops
June 5 through June 8 at
Michigan State University in East Lansing, MI.
Specialized sessions will focus on the particular needs of new users,
system administrators, and experienced users. The preliminary schedule
is below.
A workshop fee of $380** will cover costs of the workshops, continental
breakfasts and lunches for all three days, and dinner on Friday evening.
Checks should be made out to Michigan State University.
**We have some funds available from our NSF ITR grant to support
stipends to aid with registration and travel costs. To be eligible for
assistance, you must be an active CAPA or LON-CAPA user, and plan to run
courses on either system in the Fall at your institution. Please let us
know whether you would like to be considered for such support.
Please make your own flight arrangements with your preferred carrier to
the Lansing, Michigan airport.
Lodging is provided by the Candlewood Suites. We have arranged a
discounted price of $69/night plus taxes for a studio suite. These
rooms include a small kitchenette. Please see: http://www.candlewoodsuites.com/main/suite_tour.cfm
To book your room, please call 1-888-Candlewood (226-353-9663), and use
the “LON-CAPA Group” when making your reservation. Do NOT book online
because you will not receive the discount.
You must register by May 14 to receive the discount.
Candlewood Suites East Lansing, MI at MSU
3545 Forest Road
Lansing, MI 48910
Phone 517-351-8181
Fax 517-351-8101
The workshop will be held at the James B. Henry Center, which is
adjacent to the hotel.
Shuttle service will be provided to and from the hotel and the airport.
You will need to send your flight information to helen@lon-capa.org to
ensure pickup at the airport.
To aid in planning, please fill out the registration and email to helen@lon-capa.org
Mailing Address:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
_____ I will attend the LON-CAPA Spring Workshop on the following days
Th __ Fri ___ Sat ___ Sun ___
Please note that Th and Sun are optional.
I need assistance with registration fees ____ amount: $______
I need assistance with travel expenses ____ amount: $______
My flight information is:
I will send my flight information later.__________
Please email the registration to helen@lon-capa.org
Workshop Schedule
June 5, 2003 Thursday (pre-workshop, optional)
9:00 am Introduction to LON-CAPA
10:00 Break
10:15 Beginners’ Workshop
12:30 pm Lunch
1:30 Course Coordinator Workshop
3:30 Break
Concurrent Sessions
Intended for new users Intended for System Intended for
Administrators current users
3:45 Beginning Author Installation and Guided
Administration Work-time
5:45 End of Day 1 Activities
June 6, 2003 Friday
9:00am LON-CAPA as a tool for collaborations among faculty
Concurrent Sessions
Intended for CAPA users Intended for new users
10:00 Feature review/CAPA comparison Feature review
Problem conversion Q & A
Q & A
11:00 Break
11:15 “Show and Tell” Faculty Presentations using CAPA and/or LON-CAPA
15-minute sessions
1:00 pm Lunch
1:45 Guided Work-time and Demonstrations
4:00 Discussion Groups and Collaborations
5:00 End of Day 2 Activities
6:30 Casual Dinner
June 7, 2003 Saturday
Intended for all users
9:00 am Course Structure Overview
10:30 Break
10:45 Exams Overview
12:30 pm Lunch
1:30 Spreadsheet and Statistics Overview
3:15 Break
3:30 Advanced Authoring
5:30 End of Day 3 Activities
June 8, 2003 Sunday (post-workshop, optional)
Work sessions available by prior arrangement