[LON-CAPA-admin] RAT Advanced Editor Not Loading

Bynum, Lee Hamilton leebynum at illinois.edu
Fri Oct 12 16:14:25 EDT 2018

Hello Everyone,

I am having difficulty accessing sequences with the Advanced Editor (RAT).  Where the interface for editing the sequence would normally exists, I am seeing the Lon-Capa logo.  The top frame with display and version actions is being loaded correctly.

I've confirmed the sequences exist in /home/httpd/html/priv/.  I also see can error caught in the console that I will be tracing shortly.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'closed' of null
    at infcheck (adveditmenu:1597)
    at infoclear (adveditmenu:1545)
    at main (adveditmenu:2963)
    at adveditmenu:3303

Is it possible RAT is dependent on a tool we missed when we recently updated the OS?  If not, does anyone have any suggestions on where to look for RAT issues?

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