[LON-CAPA-admin] XML Course Creation and Clone Permissions

Young, Joyce E young257 at purdue.edu
Mon Nov 14 10:47:12 EST 2016

We are currently creating/cloning courses via the Course Attribute XML file. We'd like to create new courses with the "General Course Settings" option of Users Allowed to Clone Course = Any User in (our) Domain. Is it possible to set this from within the XML attribute file, and if so, how should it be listed?
                We're working towards implementing the Auto-Course Create setting (Create pending official courses from XML files) and are looking to thwart the error message of "The new course could not be cloned from the existing course because the new course owner does not have cloning rights in the existing course." In our domain, we don't really need to protect cloning rights and it would be nice if we could make "any user" a default.

Joyce Young
ITAS - Student Systems Competency Center
Purdue University
3495 Kent Avenue, Suite 100
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Phone: (765) 427-6340
Fax: (765) 464-2233
Campus Mail: ROSS
young257 at purdue.edu<mailto:young257 at purdue.edu>

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