[LON-CAPA-admin] Invalid Authentication Type
Stuart Raeburn
raeburn at msu.edu
Fri Jan 22 09:46:26 EST 2016
> Authentication type mismatch for <USERID> - 'localauth' in system,
> '' based on information in classlist or default for this course.
This message in autoenroll.log means that neither a default
authentication type for the course is set, nor are entries included in
the XML roster file for <authtype></authtype> for each student. (If
those entries are absent from the XML, auto-enrollment uses the
default authentication type for the course).
If courses in your domain are created individually by a Domain
Coordinator using /adm/createcourse (i.e., via the web GUI), then one
of the radio buttons in the "Authentication mechanism" row needs to be
checked, when the course is created. Which mechanisms are advertised
depends on which authentication types have been set as assignable in
the "Creating users when a Domain Coordinator" context (see: Main Menu
> Set domain configuration > Display (User creation checkbox checked).
If no default authentication mechanism was set when the course was
created, a Domain Coordinator can use:
Main Menu > View or modify a course or community > Select course >
View/Modify course owner, institutional code, default authentication,
credits, and self-enrollment
to set the "Default Authentication method".
Stuart Raeburn
LON-CAPA Academic Consortium
Quoting "Bynum, Lee Hamilton" <leebynum at illinois.edu>:
> Hello,
> I am seeing some odd errors in autoenroll.log associated with
> students that weren't added to courses they are supposed to be
> enrolled in:
> An invalid authentication type was provided for the new user -
> <USERID>, so the user was not enrolled in the course.
> An error occurred adding the new user <USERID> because the authcheck
> failed for authtype and parameter . The authcheck response was
> invalid.
> The problem resolves itself when the students are manually enrolled.
> Afterwards, the following is placed in the autoenroll.log file:
> Authentication type mismatch for <USERID> - 'localauth' in system,
> '' based on information in classlist or default for this course.
> User information updated for user: <USERID>prior to enrollment.
> Existing user <USERID> detected in institutional classlist -
> switched from 'manual' to 'auto' enrollment in section <SECTIONNUM>.
> Access starts: immediately, ends: Sat May 14 05:00:00 pm 2016 (CDT).
> Existing uiuc user <USERID> enrolled successfully.
> It seems to me as though something has changed regarding
> authentication of new students. Specifically, I am failing to get
> an authtype or parameter associated with the user. We recently
> updated some things regarding Shibboleth, which may be the culprit.
> Before I get too far down the murky path of authentication
> protocols, I wanted to see if those log entries ring any bells for
> the rest of you.
> Thanks,
> Lee
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