[LON-CAPA-admin] Java Applet fails because of permissions

Raymond Batchelor batchelo at sfu.ca
Wed Oct 15 21:05:27 EDT 2014

That formula editor sounds great!
Any chance it might be patched into 2.11?
If not, I wonder what the timeline is looking like for 2.12?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Damien" <damieng at msu.edu>
To: "list about administration and system updating" <lon-capa-admin at mail.lon-capa.org>
Sent: Wednesday, 15 October, 2014 05:32:29
Subject: Re: [LON-CAPA-admin] Java Applet fails because of permissions

This is a scam to make us buy certificates. But even if we did, there 
would still be recently added compatibility problems and security alerts 
in web browsers. All Java applets should be converted to Javascript 
applications. I wrote a new formula editor in Javascript for LON-CAPA 3, 
ant it is being backported to 2.12 so that you won't have to wait for 
too long. LON-CAPA authors should also try to find alternatives to Java 
applets they are using in the content.


> Hello all together again,
> ich have another question on LON-CAPA 2.11.0 regarding the formula
> editor the user gets when clicking on the small pencil-icon right to the
> answer-box where a formula is required as correct answer:
> I got a request, the editor does not start correctly. I verified that by
> klicking the icon described above and got a "blocked by security
> settings"-Error in Java (using actual Firefox on patched Windows, actual
> Java RE). The error ist described on
> https://www.java.com/en/download/help/java_blocked.xml and the third
> characteristic occurs ("Missing required Permissions manifest attribute
> in main jar"). The described workarounds (see my link) are functional
> but not the favored solution as not all users realize what they are doing.
> As the cause of the error for me seems to be the missing "permissions"
> attribute in MainApplet.java which I associate is part of and maintained
> by LON-CAPA (is it?), I hereby communicate the problem hoping for a
> solution in a coming relase - is this possible? If you need more
> information on that issue, just send me an email :)!
> Greetins from germany
> Martin Diedrich
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Raymond J. Batchelor, PhD.
Department of Chemistry
Simon Fraser University

Phone: 778-782-5635

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