[LON-CAPA-admin] 2.11 construction space

H. K. Ng hkng at fsu.edu
Wed Jul 2 19:16:38 EDT 2014

Hi Stuart,

Thanks for your response.

On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 6:08 PM, Stuart Raeburn <raeburn at msu.edu> wrote:

> Hi Hon-Kie,
> > The latest release version takes a long time (~30 s) to render a problem
> in
> > the construction space. 2.10 takes only a couple of seconds.
> I assume this is for your development server (tycho) in the dev
> cluster, as your production library server is still running 2.10.1

Yes, I am testing it out first before installing 2.11 on the production

> Were you ever able to resolve the yum update issues on your dev server
> caused by epel repo conflicts?

Leaving the disable flag did the trick.

> The construction space rendering behavior you report has not been my
> experience on MSU single domain library servers in both the production
> cluster and dev cluster.  When I compare rendering times for the same
> problem in Authoring Space on the same hardware, both before and after
> upgrade to 2.11.0, I find rendering times the same (about 2 s).
> Has the problem which you find takes ~30 s to render been published?

Yes, they are the problems in openstax-CollegePhysics library. I have added
you as co-author so can poke around. Just view the
openstax-CollegePhysics/02_Kinematics/01_Displacement.problem - it took
more than 30 s sometimes.

> If so, I could replicate the resource, and then measure rendering
> times on the MSU development server, and debug, if I also found
> anomalous (long) rendering times.
> What files (and return codes) do you find listed in the Apache
> ssl_access_log log file when rendering the problem?

The log files have the following output.

ssl_access.log  shows the following:

146.xx - openstax-CollegePhysics [02/Jul/2014:18:42:04 -0400] "POST
/adm/createuser HTTP/1.1" 200 18798
146.xx - openstax-CollegePhysics [02/Jul/2014:18:48:57 -0400] "GET
/priv/fsu/openstax-CollegePhysics/ HTTP/1.1" 200 69158
146.xx - openstax-CollegePhysics [02/Jul/2014:18:49:12 -0400] "GET
/priv/fsu/openstax-CollegePhysics/02_Kinematics/ HTTP/1.1" 200 169377
128.xx - openstax-CollegePhysics [02/Jul/2014:18:49:18 -0400] "POST
HTTP/1.1" 200 2516
128.xx - openstax-CollegePhysics [02/Jul/2014:18:49:23 -0400] "POST
HTTP/1.1" 200 -
128.xx - openstax-CollegePhysics [02/Jul/2014:18:49:24 -0400] "POST
HTTP/1.1" 200 -

ssl_request.log shows the following:

[02/Jul/2014:18:42:04 -0400] TLSv1.2 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA
"POST /adm/createuser HTTP/1.1" 18798
[02/Jul/2014:18:48:57 -0400] TLSv1.2 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA "GET
/priv/fsu/openstax-CollegePhysics/ HTTP/1.1" 69158
[02/Jul/2014:18:49:12 -0400] TLSv1.2 DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA "GET
/priv/fsu/openstax-CollegePhysics/02_Kinematics/ HTTP/1.1" 169377
[02/Jul/2014:18:49:18 -0400] TLSv1.2
HTTP/1.1" 2516
[02/Jul/2014:18:49:23 -0400] TLSv1.2

error.log - lots of entries like the ones below.

Bareword found where operator expected at (eval 7341) line 1, near
        (Missing operator before E_TRIE_MAXBUF?)
Bareword found where operator expected at (eval 7343) line 1, near
        (Missing operator before E_TRIE_MAXBUF?)

> Looking at diagnostics for tycho it appears that you still have rev
> of /home/httpd/html/res/adm/includes/default_homework.lcpm
> installed (i.e., the version included with 2.10.1) instead of rev.
> 1.169 (the version shipped with 2.11.0).  Is there a reason for that?

Hum, not sure why. I run UPDATE so not sure why the old file was not
replaced. I replaced it manually but do not see any improvement.

Thanks again,

> Stuart Raeburn
> LON-CAPA Academic Consortium
> Quoting "H. K. Ng" <hkng at fsu.edu>:
> > Hi,
> >
> > The latest release version takes a long time (~30 s) to render a problem
> in
> > the construction space. 2.10 takes only a couple of seconds. Any reason
> why
> > it takes so long? Is there any configurations that can be changed to
> speed
> > it up?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > -hk
> >
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