[LON-CAPA-admin] How to Uninstall Lon Capa on Our Test Server so We Can Retest Upgrade Process

Stefan Bisitz st.bisitz at ostfalia.de
Fri Jun 17 12:31:58 EDT 2011

Hi Jana and Paula,

The best way to be sure to have a clean environment would be to 
reinstall the OS with the choice made to overwrite existing partitions. 
At least, this is what I can tell from my experience.

For further tests like that you might want to backup the full HDD 
(dd?!?) after the OS installation and latest updates but before adding 

By the way, you probably mean 2.10.0, not 2.1.0, right?

Stefan Bisitz

On 17.06.2011 18:07, Jana C Avery/FS/VCU wrote:
> We would like to wipe the existing version (2.1.0) of Lon Capa from our
> test server so we can have a clean environment and go back to an older
> version (2.9.0) of Lon Capa and then retest the upgrade process. Can you
> tell us the best way to do uninstall Lon Capa?
> Thanks very much for your help,
> Jana Avery and Paula Smith
> Learning Systems, Technology Services
> Virginia Commonwealth University

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