[LON-CAPA-admin] LON-CAPA version 2.10.0.RC2
Lars Jensen
ljensen at mail.tmcc.edu
Sat Jan 15 04:13:15 EST 2011
Hi Stuart,
When I as DC click the "View or modify a course or community" I get an error:
Internal info:
The effect is that modify course doesn't work, and the URL
/adm/modifycourse is not accessible.
On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 7:45 PM, Stuart Raeburn <raeburn at msu.edu> wrote:
> New Testing Version 2.10.0.RC2 Released
> This version is currently installed on production servers at MSU.
> I expect to release this as the 2.10.0 final release within a few days.
> This new version contains some changes in default colors and changes
> in CSS styles. It is recommended that users logging into LON-CAPA 2.10.0
> with a web browser which they have used recently to log-in to an
> earlier version of LON-CAPA, use a shift-reload, after log-in and role
> selection, to force reload of any cached css files.
> In addition, if a Domain Coordinator has previously configured the
> domain with background colors or font colors which are different from
> the defaults, she/he should select a Domain Coordinator role,
> Author role, Course Coordinator role and Student role, in turn, to confirm
> that text and background color choices for the different contexts provide
> sufficient contrast. There have been one or two changes in the way color
> settings are used in the new interface, as well as in the default color
> choices themselves.
> Changes from 2.9.1
> General User Interface
> - User interface styles, colors and fonts are now more uniform
> throughout LON-CAPA.
> - A consistent style is used for menus and sub-menus.
> - Breadcrumb trails are more ubiquitous.
> - The use of icons is now more common, and in many cases existing
> icons have been replaced with new ones which depict functionality
> more clearly.
> - A compact display is used for common elements on each page.
> In order, from the top:
> - A primary menu which contains links to features which are
> independent of the current role. This includes a "Messages"
> link which will change to "New Messages" if new LON-CAPA messages
> have been received.
> - A secondary menu containing links to features specific to the
> current role.
> - A breadcrumb trail which encapsulates the context of the
> current page in the hierarchy of menus and sub-menus.
> In the case of resources in a course, the right hand side
> of the breadcrumb bar contains icons for common utilities
> (feedback, printout generation etc.).
> - A functions list which contains specific functions for the
> current page available for the current role.
> - Where colors are used to highlight things, colors used are
> subtler and deployed more sparingly within a page.
> - Text Areas which support a Rich Text (or WYSIWYG) Editor, now
> include a link for each instance to toggle the editor on/off
> for that instance alone.
> - Rich Text Editor updated to CKEditor 3.
> - Updated design for "templated pages: "About Me", Simple Page,
> Syllabus, standalone Discussion Board.
> - Redesigned log-in page.
> - LON-CAPA standard display (tables with alternating light/darker
> gray tables) used in Construction Space and Portfolio.
> - "Global" WYSIWYG preference in "Set my user preferences" and
> single link on pages containing textareas eliminated.
> (Replaced with link to toggle for each textarea).
> Authoring Resources
> - New Problem Templates:
> - Custom Response using Computer Algebra System and Hints
> - External Response
> - Drop Box
> - Input-Dependent Problems:
> - Using Learner Answer in Multipart Numerical Problem,
> - Using Learner Formula in Graph with Formula Response
> - Using Learner Formula in Graph with Math Response
> - Randomized Question Stem Radio Button Response
> - Upload of HTML files with references to embedded objects etc.
> - More comprehensive feedback on reference detection.
> - Reference updates in HTML file for changed paths originally
> only available for upload of HTML file in course,
> now available for uploads in all contexts.
> - Consistent set of colors used in colorful editor.
> - Colorful editor provides insert item to wrap content within a
> problem part.
> - Optionresponse problems:
> - Can suppress display of checkbox choices.
> - Display of bullet suppressed if there is only one foil.
> - Improvements in printouts for problems with a part which
> contains multiple responses.
> Student Interface
> - Portfolio: No upload to portfolio if the uploaded file is zero
> bytes in size.
> - Dropbox: Improved student interface for managing files submitted
> to dropbox over multiple tries.
> - Display of submitted files for dropbox and Bridge Task
> includes warning about consequences of file deletion.
> - Clarification on how to disassociate previously submitted
> files for dropbox or Bridge Task assessment items.
> - Course Catalog will display the end date for self-enrollment
> both before and during availability of self-enrollment.
> - Fonts and icons used for the Course Contents screen are more
> compact. Icons replace the "Select Action" dropdown list.
> - Can choose to overwrite when uploading a file to the portfolio
> if a file with the same name already exists in the same path
> (unless the file is locked).
> - If the portfolio file is locked for an assignment with access
> controlled by a slot which is currently open for the user,
> overwrite is still possible.
> - If the "Course roster" is included within a course, forward and
> backward arrows are now included to permit navigation to adjacent
> course items.
> - For assignments for which collaborators can be specified:
> collaborators can be modified when new submissions are made.
> - Files submitted to dropbox items directly from the student's
> desktop instead of by selecting from the portfolio are now also
> stored in the student's portfolio (thereby allowing return of
> a version with instructor comments to the student).
> Communication
> - Transactions which were to hide/unhide or delete posts do not
> contribute to the count of visible postings.
> - New set of "smilies"/emoticons. Smilies that could conflict
> with URLs and mathematical expressions disallowed.
> Course/Community Management
> - Information about specific LON-CAPA version required is
> available in Course Configuration (General Settings) -
> determined by content, and parameters in use (e.g. questiontypes).
> - Course Editor
> - A tabbed interface separates editing of items in the main
> course contents area from editing of items in the (optional)
> supplemental documents area.
> - Editor Functionality is separated into: Import Documents,
> Published Resources, Special Documents and Tools. These items
> are now below the listing of resources in the current folder,
> and buttons have been replaced with icons/links.
> - Parameter Manager
> - Overview/Table Mode: List of selectable Folders includes
> indentation to show course hierarchy of folders and sub-folders;
> "Parameters to View" is a list which can be expanded or collapsed.
> - Modify Mode: Radio buttons replace free form textbox to assist
> in assignment of appropriate value for "Question Type".
> - Browsing LON-CAPA shared repository: Style and icons consistent
> with listing of files in Course Contents display for a course.
> - For roles in Courses/Communities requiring a specific minimum
> LON-CAPA version, in cases where the server hosting the session
> is not running a sufficiently recent version:
> (a) If server hosting the session is running 2.10 or later, a
> link is provided for the role on roles/courses screen to switch
> to a server in the user's domain or to a server in the course's
> domain (if any have required version).
> (b) For servers hosting sessions running 2.9 or earlier, only roles
> which can be run on the version on the server hosting the session
> are available.
> - New problem modes (i.e., "questiontypes")
> - Anonymous survey (submission information not tied to
> identifiable user information).
> - Anonymous survey with credit for submission
> - Survey with credit for submission
> - New Randomization after N tries (N set as a parameter; default = 1).
> - Simple Problem Type (added directly to a course via Course
> Editor) now includes a "simple numerical" type.
> - Time intervals are supported for resources for which access is
> slot-controlled.
> - For case sensitive and case insensitive stringresponse problems,
> the computer's answer is available in the detailed submission display
> for each submission.
> - Groups: the link to the group homepage supports cases where the
> group homepage has an encrypted url.
> - Course Requests: now allow users without existing accounts to be
> included in course creation requests, as long as a default
> authentication
> type has been set for the domain.
> - Slots: for slots schedulable by student slot can set slot to
> send message(s) when student reserves slot or releases reservation.
> Domain Coordination/Domain Settings
> - Domain Coordinators can control:
> (a) where their users may have sessions hosted (by internet
> domain and/or LON-CAPA version).
> (b) which other domains may have user sessions hosted on
> servers in the domain.
> - Domain configuration to set a portal or default URL, e.g., a
> loadbalancer server or a specific alias on a multidomain server.
> - Linked select boxes in course catalog can support names of
> categories for components of the institutional codes used for
> official courses which differ from the standard names: Year,
> Semester, Department, Number.
> - Number of responders to anonymous survey items required before
> displaying anonymized submission data can be set for domain.
> Internals/system behavior
> - No longer stop and start firewall rules for existing hosts when
> nightly loncron connection check is made for new servers in the
> cluster.
> - LON-CAPA log files contain less superfluous logging (e.g., for
> non-existent metadata files).
> - LON-CAPA's Apache configuration file includes a directive for
> cacheable files which allows a user's browser to use the disk cache
> for such files served via SSL.
> Printing
> - Breadcrumbs added to "Preparing Printout" and "Download PDF" pages.
> Localization
> - New translations and improvements for German interface.
> - Default to English for any untranslated phrases in simplified
> Chinese interface.
> Accessibility
> - Need for pre-2.10 "Text-based Interface Login" and
> "Accessibility Options" items eliminated by improving accessibility
> of regular pages (e.g., alt tags standard).
> Documentation
> - Course Coordination Manual updated to include new icons and discussion
> of redesigned general user interface.
> - Domain Coordination Manual expanded to include entries about
> access to Server Status pages, course defaults, and hosting of
> user sessions.
> Installation Notes:
> To use this release you need to have version 1-18 of LONCAPA-prerequisites
> installed.
> *****
> SuSE/SLES only:
> If you are running SuSE/SLES you will need to modify:
> /etc/sysconfig/apache2
> to include:
> headers
> in APACHE_MODULES, if it is not already included.
> You can do this using a text editor, or you can download the
> installation tarfile for your SLES/SuSE version file from:
> http://install.loncapa.org/versions/suse and then replace the existing
> /etc/sysconfig/apache2 with the sysconfig_apache2 included in
> the installation directory extracted by untarring the slesN_install.tar or
> suseN.M_install.tar tarfile, appropriate for your distro.
> *****
> To install this update:
> 1) You will need to be running CentOS 5, RHEL (AS|ES) 4, 5 or 6,
> Scientific Linux 5, SLES 9, 10 or 11, Fedora Core 10, 11, 12, 13 or 14,
> or SuSE 11.1, 11.2 or 11.3. (Fedora Core 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9, and
> SuSE 10.1, 10.2 & 10.3 should continue to work, but are deprecated.)
> 2) Update LONCAPA-prerequisites to 1-18.
> (a) Fedora
> yum update
> (b) RedHat Enterprise 4
> up2date -u LONCAPA-prerequisites
> (c) Red Hat 5 and 6/Centos 5/Scientific Linux 5
> yum update
> (d) SuSE/SLES
> Use yast-> Installation Source to refresh the LON-CAPA repository
> Use yast->Software Management->Search to update LONCAPA-prerequisites
> On all distributions, it is recommended that you check that you have
> the correct versions of LONCAPA-prerequisites installed before proceeding.
> rpm -q LONCAPA-prerequisites
> should report:
> LONCAPA-prerequisites-1-18.X
> (where X is a distro identifier e.g., centos5.lc)
> 3) Download the new LON-CAPA tarball from
> wget http://install.lon-capa.org/versions/loncapa-2.10.0.tar.gz
> and untar it
> tar xzvf loncapa-2.10.0.tar.gz
> 4) stop the LON-CAPA system services
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/loncontrol stop
> 5) stop the webserver:
> Fedora/RHEL/Centos/Scientific Linux
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd stop
> SLES 9:
> /etc/init.d/apache stop
> SUSE 11.1,11.2,11.3/SLES 10,SLES 11:
> /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
> 6) Run the UPDATE script as root
> cd loncapa-2.10.0
> su
> 7) restart the LON-CAPA system services
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/loncontrol start
> 8) restart the webserver:
> Fedora/RHEL/Centos/Scientific Linux
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start
> SLES 9:
> /etc/init.d/apache start
> SUSE 11.1,11.2,11.3/SLES 10,11:
> /etc/init.d/apache2 start
> 9) It is also recommended that loncron is run
> (as the www user) after installation/update is complete.
> su www
> /home/httpd/perl/loncron
> This will write to files in /home/httpd/lonTabs used to
> store information about LON-CAPA versions on other servers in
> the cluster to which the server belongs. It may take some
> minutes to complete as the script will contact other servers
> in the LON-CAPA network sequentially.
> ----NOTES
> 1) Many questions are answered at http://help.lon-capa.org
> 2) Defects reports, and enhancements requests can be entered at
> http://bugs.lon-capa.org
> 3) Mailing lists can be joined and left at http://mail.lon-capa.org
> Stuart Raeburn
> LON-CAPA Academic Consortium
> _______________________________________________
> LON-CAPA-admin mailing list
> LON-CAPA-admin at mail.lon-capa.org
> http://mail.lon-capa.org/mailman/listinfo/lon-capa-admin
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