[LON-CAPA-admin] loncron error after 2.10 upgrade

Stuart Raeburn raeburn at msu.edu
Tue Aug 16 13:14:54 EDT 2011


> tail: cannot open `/etc/httpd/logs/access_log' for reading: Permission
> denied
> tail: cannot open `/etc/httpd/logs/error_log' for reading: Permission
> denied

> This error occurred on all 3 servers.  The owner of the log files is
> "root".  We're running Linux RH5.

This is a known issue, not specific to 2.10; see:  

However, it is not a significant issue -- it just means that the tail  
of those Apache log files will not show up in the lon-status page,  
where a Domain Coordinator can view server status information stored  
by the last run of loncron.  That page is accessed by a user with the  
DC role via:

Main Menu -> Status of domain servers -> Connection Status

> "reloading httpd"...would eventually time out.

I am not sure what you mean by that. httpd is currently running on  

As noted in the 2.10.0 release notes:

> 9) It is also recommended that loncron is run
> (as the www user) after installation/update is complete.
> su www
> /home/httpd/perl/loncron
> This will write to files in /home/httpd/lonTabs used to
> store information about LON-CAPA versions on other servers in
> the cluster to which the server belongs.  It may take some
> minutes to complete as the script will contact other servers
> in the LON-CAPA network sequentially.

As indicated it may take some minutes for loncron to complete. You  
might want to see if loncron has completed this process and has now  

ps -ef |grep loncron |grep -v grep

will return nothing if loncron has run to completion.

You could also confirm that non-zero byte length files for  
loncaparevs.tab and serverhomeIDs have been successfully written by  

ls -al /home/httpd/lonTabs/loncaparevs.tab
ls -al /home/httpd/lonTabs/serverhomeIDs.tab

Stuart Raeburn
LON-CAPA Academic Consortium

Quoting Jana C Avery/FS/VCU <jcavery at vcu.edu>:

> Sorry if you get this twice...I think I had the email address wrong the
> first time I sent it.
> Jana Avery
> Learning Systems, Technology Services
> Virginia Commonwealth University
> From:   Jana C Avery/FS/VCU
> To:     lon-capa-admin-admin at mail.lon-capa.org
> Date:   08/16/2011 08:54 AM
> Subject:        loncron error after 2.10 upgrade
> I upgraded our 3 production servers to 2.10.0 today (from 2.9.0) and ran
> into one issue.  Whenever I ran "./loncron" I received the following:
> Closing firewall access on port 5663.
> No IP addresses required discontinuation of access.
> Opening firewall access on port 5663.
> Port already open for 127 IP addresses
> ok
> tail: cannot open `/etc/httpd/logs/access_log' for reading: Permission
> denied
> tail: cannot open `/etc/httpd/logs/error_log' for reading: Permission
> denied
> checking logs
> lonmemcached    running
> lonsql          running
> lond            running
> lond            reloaded
> lonc            running
> lonmaxima       running
> lonr            running
> checking buffers
> lon-status webpage updated
> Retrieving LON-CAPA version information
> Reloading httpd:                                           [  OK  ]
> "reloading httpd"...would eventually time out.
> This error occurred on all 3 servers.  The owner of the log files is
> "root".  We're running Linux RH5.
> Any ideas on what the problem might be?  Is this critical?
> Thanks!
> Jana Avery
> Learning Systems, Technology Services
> Virginia Commonwealth University

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