[LON-CAPA-admin] Map not loaded; sequence does not exist

Stuart Raeburn raeburn at msu.edu
Mon Sep 13 14:08:08 EDT 2010


To gather more information I'd recommend finding the reference to the  
missing sequence file in the sequence files which do exist in the new  

So on the file system, do:

cd /home/httpd/lonUsers/ndsu/4/e/2/4e24219a3cf874c08ndsul1/userfiles

grep 'default_1087484056' *.sequence

If this finds a .sequence file, the next thing to do would be to  
compare the contents of that file with the corresponding file in the  
course which was cloned.


where $filename is the name of the sequence file containing the  
reference to default_1087484056.sequence and $oldcourse is the  
courseID of the old course (with $1,$2, and $3 the first, second and  
third characters of the courseID).

> The faculty that reported the issue apparently had little success uploading
> his CSV roster file as well, reportedly getting "squigglies" after
> associating the values.

I'm not sure what is meant by squigglies".

Enrollment of students/account creation from an uploaded file is a  
slow process ( ~ 2s/student) - see:  
http://bugs.loncapa.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5596 (now fixed).
The fix for that bug will be in the next LON-CAPA release.

At present the following is displayed, on screen while enrollment is  
in progress:

with more dots added for each batch of 10 students enrolled.

The plan is to replace that with the standard LON-CAPA progress  
indicator (i.e., N/M students processed, X seconds for last student).

In the meantime, the advice is to patient when using CSV uploads of  
class rosters.

Stuart Raeburn

Quoting Paul Omernik <paul.omernik at ndsu.edu>:

> Greetings,
> I get this message upon logging in to a cloned course:
>> The following problems occurred:
>> Map not loaded: The file
>> /home/httpd/lonUsers/ndsu/4/e/2/4e24219a3cf874c08ndsul1/userfiles/default_1087484056.sequence
>> does not exist.
> It seems that this has been been 'kind of' an issue before, but no solution
> was posted?
> locate 4e24219a3cf874c08ndsul1 | grep sequence
> /home/httpd/lonUsers/ndsu/4/e/2/4e24219a3cf874c08ndsul1/userfiles/default.sequence
> /home/httpd/lonUsers/ndsu/4/e/2/4e24219a3cf874c08ndsul1/userfiles/default_1085580429.sequence
> /home/httpd/lonUsers/ndsu/4/e/2/4e24219a3cf874c08ndsul1/userfiles/default_1085596183.sequence
> /home/httpd/lonUsers/ndsu/4/e/2/4e24219a3cf874c08ndsul1/userfiles/default_1086184399.sequence
> /home/httpd/lonUsers/ndsu/4/e/2/4e24219a3cf874c08ndsul1/userfiles/default_1086188659.sequence
> The faculty that reported the issue apparently had little success uploading
> his CSV roster file as well, reportedly getting "squigglies" after
> associating the values.
> Paul

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