[LON-CAPA-admin] ldap authentication
Lars Jensen
ljensen at mail.tmcc.edu
Tue Jun 1 02:07:01 EDT 2010
Hi Stuart,
Sorry - everything is working after all. I didn't realize I had to
restart loncontrol. After a restart, ldap authentication worked
On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 10:46 PM, Lars Jensen <ljensen at mail.tmcc.edu> wrote:
> Hi Stuart,
> Do you have a localauth.pm configured for LDAP that works on some
> system? So far I haven't had any luck configuring lon-capa for ldap.
> It may help to have another sample (including a bind user) to look at
> that is known to work. I know exactly what information lon-capa needs
> to send to the ldap server, I am just not sure how to configure it in
> localauth.pm.
> Also, do I need to restart any services (loncontrol or apache2?)before
> ldap authentication takes effect?
> Lars.
> On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 8:41 AM, Lars Jensen <ljensen at mail.tmcc.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Craig and Stuart,
>> Thanks for the reply. I tried to code, but it isn't working for me. I
>> have included two versions of localauth.pm I have tried (see below) -
>> none of them works, and I'm not sure where the problem lies. My guess
>> is it is in the $ldap->search line. I'm not exactly sure what the
>> filter => and the attr => lines should be. I have another system
>> (WeBWorK) I have successfully configured to authenticate with the same
>> ldap server, this one includes the following $ldap->search
>> configuration
>> $mesg = $ldap->search(base => $base, filter => "sAMAccountName=$username");
>> but I still can't get lon-capa to authenticate... Any obvious errors
>> in the configuration? Any help is greatly appreciated.
>> Notes:
>> * I installed the Net::LDAP module on the server
>> * I created a lon-capa user with a username equal to the one the user
>> has in the ldap directory and set the lon-capa authentication to
>> "Local Authentication with argument " (I left the argument empty).
>> %%%%% 1st try - localauth.pm %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> use Net::LDAP;
>> use Net::LDAPS;
>> sub localauth {
>> my ($username,$password,$optional_argument,$domain) = @_;
>> my $ldap_host_name = '';
>> my $ldap_ca_file_name = ' ';
>> my $ldap_dn = "cn=acadjensen,ou=Service
>> Accounts,dc=acad,dc=tmccadmn,dc=tmcc,dc=edu";
>> my $ldap = Net::LDAPS->new($ldap_host_name,
>> verify => 'none', # certificate not needed
>> cafile => $ldap_ca_file_name,
>> );
>> if (not defined $ldap) {
>> return -3;
>> }
>> # Bind with password
>> # This should be enough to authenticate user
>> my $mesg = $ldap->bind($ldap_dn,
>> password => "XXXXXXXX");
>> if ($mesg->code) {
>> $ldap->unbind;
>> $ldap->disconnect;
>> return -2;
>> }
>> # But let's search for the ugaAuthCheck attribute too
>> $mesg = $ldap->search(base =>
>> "ou=Students,dc=acad,dc=tmccadmn,DC=tmcc,DC=edu",
>> filter => "sAMAccountName=$username",
>> attrs => ['dn'],
>> );
>> $ldap->unbind;
>> $ldap->disconnect;
>> if ($mesg->count < 1) {
>> return -1;
>> }
>> return 1;
>> }
>> 1;
>> __END__
>> %%%%%%%%%%% 2nd try - localauth.pm %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
>> use strict;
>> use Net::LDAP;
>> use Net::LDAPS;
>> sub localauth {
>> my ($username,$password) = @ ;
>> my $ldap_host_name = ’’; # insert the host name of your
>> ldap server, e.g., ldap.msu.edu
>> my $ldap_ca_file_name = ’’; # insert the ldap certificate filename
>> - include absolute path
>> # certificate is required if you wish to encrypt the password.
>> # e.g., /home/http/perl/lib/local/ldap.certificate
>> my $ldap_dn = "cn=acadjensen,ou=Service
>> Accounts,dc=acad,dc=tmccadmn,dc=tmcc,dc=edu";
>> my $bindpassword = "XXXXXXXX";
>> my $ldap_search_base =
>> "ou=Students,DC=acad,DC=tmccadmn,DC=tmcc,DC=edu"; # ldap search base,
>> this might be set to ’o=msu.edu’.
>> my $ldap = Net::LDAPS->new(
>> $ldap_host_name,
>> verify => ’none’, # ’require’ -> a certificate is needed, ->
>> ’none’ if no certificate used
>> cafile => $ldap_ca_file_name,
>> );
>> if (!(defined($ldap))) {
>> return (0);
>> }
>> $ldap->bind( $ldap_dn, password => $bindpassword );
>> my $search_string = ’(uid=’.$username.’)’;
>> my $mesg = $ldap->search (
>> base => $ldap_search_base,
>> filter => "sAMAccountName=.'$username.'",
>> attrs => [’dn’] ,
>> );
>> if ($mesg->code) {
>> $ldap->unbind;
>> $ldap->disconnect;
>> return (0);
>> }
>> my @entries = $mesg->all entries;
>> if (@entries > 0) {
>> $ldap->unbind;
>> $ldap->disconnect;
>> return (0);
>> }
>> $mesg = $ldap->bind (
>> dn => $entries[0]->dn,
>> password => $password,
>> );
>> $ldap->unbind;
>> $ldap->disconnect;
>> if ($mesg->code) {
>> return (0)
>> }
>> return (1);
>> }
>> 1;
>> 1;
>> __END__
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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