[LON-CAPA-admin] Forcing a resource refresh

Guy Ashkenazi guy at fh.huji.ac.il
Wed May 21 09:15:18 EDT 2008

A couple of years ago our server crashed, and only then I realized the 
system manager never backed up the system. Luckily, I had all the source 
code for my problems backed up on a different machine, so I copied them to 
the new server and published all of them.

The problem is that when I re-publish a resource, huji no longer knows which 
machines have a copy of this problem, and doesn't contact any other machines 
which have a copy of the resource. Specifically, I also teach at jce and 
can't get an updated version of a problem I re-published.

Is there a way to tell jce to look for a newer version?


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