[LON-CAPA-admin] Using a program to print capa results

Ray Batchelor batchelo at sfu.ca
Thu May 8 14:07:05 EDT 2008

I kind of like the idea of having the TA's look in LON-CAPA for themselves.
Saves the trees a tiny bit.

I'm not sure if you are able to prevent a give TA from viewing the
grades for all students in the course.
I know you "can" assign a TA role to a specific section (or at lest
make that choice when granting the role) however from my observation
it does not seem to apply a restriction as to which grade results they
can view.

It seems to me that if you grant TAs the privilege to view grades
(which is default for the preset TA role),
then they can see all results in CHART and just make their own
selections as to what to view or download.

Of course you may have scale and security concerns which preclude that approach.

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