[LON-CAPA-admin] Changing cloning rights

Guy Albertelli II guy at albertelli.com
Fri Aug 24 14:45:03 EDT 2007

Hi Hon-Kie,

> >> I got the following message in autocreate.log for one of the
> >> instructors who had requested a course. It looks like 2.5 checks for
> >> cloning rights. How do I change the cloning right to anyone?
> >
> >Currently you can only allow specific users to get a cloned course.
> How do I specify the users?

in the course -> PARM -> Set Course Environment 

The option:
Users allowed to clone course

comman separated list of user:domain

> >Was this a clone of a fsu course to an fsu course? (Intra domain
> >cloning should always be allowed.)
> Yes, in physics we have team taught course but the instructor of 
> record changes, so I like the instructors wo be able to clone another 
> instructor's course.

Looks like there was a bug in the intra domain check that should have
allowed this clone to proceed without you having to do anything. (Only
cross domain clonings should have needed permission.)

loncommon.pm 1.564.2.2 has this fixed (and will be in 2.5.1)

guy at albertelli.com   0-7-0-9-27,137

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