[LON-CAPA-admin] authentification method for authors

Ray Batchelor batchelo at sfu.ca
Mon Jun 26 14:20:51 EDT 2006

On Monday 26 June 2006 11:08, Guy Albertelli II wrote:
> > And how can a domain coordinator see which authentification method a
> > user has?
> When doing CUSR on a user it will list what the current authentication
> mechanism is.

In which role is that? and with which version of LON-CAPA?
In 2.1.3 I don't see this listed although I do get options to change the 
current authentication mechanism. 

Thus I still usually still open a linux shell and look in the users individual 
directory, if I really want to know what it was previously set to.  
Otherwise, if I suspect that it is wrong, I just go ahead and change it 
without looking (usind CUSR).


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