[LON-CAPA-admin] Separate server for High Schoolers

lucasm at ohiou.edu lucasm at ohiou.edu
Fri Jul 7 15:08:35 EDT 2006


I need some advice. I've been running two of the local schools on our 
regular library server off the ohiou domain. I have a couple new 
servers coming in, so I'm inclined to split off one of the old servers to 
act as a library server for a separate ohiouK12 domain. I do not have 
enough money/resources to run separate machines for each school (adds to 
maintenance as well.)

What are the pros and cons of the following scenarios?

(1) Domain ohiouK12: all schools use the same domain
     + Only one domain to worry about maintaining
     - need to have unique name space and student ID space
     +/- resources created in domain available for others in domain unless
          take extra step of custom publishing

(2) Single library server with multiple domains
     + Domain names make more sense to students
     +/-(?) Can student name spaces overlap? I presume author namespaces
     + Student IDs only have to be unique within the domain
     - More hassle with multiple DCs/
     + More protective of information (representative of school can more
       easily take over some DC responsiblities)

Hon-Kie, Guy, Gerd, Felicia, .... Any guidance?


Mark Lucas					email: lucasm at ohiou.edu
252D Clippinger Lab  				phone: (740)597-2984
Department of Physics and Astronomy             fax:   (740)593-0433
Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701

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