[LON-CAPA-admin] L-C log rotation

Gerd Kortemeyer korte at lite.msu.edu
Mon Sep 19 11:28:57 EDT 2005

Hi Peter,

The dog ate my homework ...

Yes, there is a student activity log, logging all of his/her  
activities, in the student's home directory. It doesn't rotate.

The course coordinator can view it from email messages or from the  
student's home screen.

Smart practice that stops all of this: don't accept any "the computer  
ate my homework" from any student who cannot present a valid receipt  
number for that problems. Students need to write down the receipt  
numbers - if they don't, their fault. Those are unique algorithmic  
proof that they solved the homework, and does not depend on any data  
stored on the server. You can validate those numbers from the PGRD  

Proof-positive is much easier than proof-negative.

BTW, a frequent scenario is the following: room mate or study partner  
left LON-CAPA logged in. Student A walks up to open terminal of  
student B and solves B's homework instead of their own. B is  
convinced that they did the homework, A naturally does not complain.  
Receipts would also detect this situation.

- Gerd.

On Sep 19, 2005, at 11:18 AM, Peter Kovac wrote:

>    So, we have a student we think is trying to pull a fast one.   
> Claims he answered L-C questions properly and now the system  
> miraculously claims he didn't.  The logs in /home/httpd/perl/logs  
> rotate every three days it appears.  Is there a config file  
> somewhere to change that time frame?  Are there any trackings of  
> logins anywhere else?  I pulled a complete submission record for  
> this guy and I have complete apache logs for his IP which should be  
> enough data to shut him up but more data is always fun.
>    -P
> -- 
> "Wait!  I'm getting one of those things.  You know, a headache with  
> pictures." --Fry
> --
> Peter Kovac
> Systems Coordinator
> e: kovac at gwu.edu
> o: (202) 994-3811
> f: (202) 994-3001
> 725 21st St. NW
> Physics Department, GWU
> Washington, DC 20052
> Public key for kovac at gwu.edu
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> RhMlBgNLfbYYZkhuDvPV74JyKOjSRlZ20Y7GOPZgvkaFSgKNc4l7scuAcWydSEIO
> yxPoDIv2CpmCpfRdzPQX4qoPRPqVeYNuvcBmeRN/vrpl89VuLZnKS4ZyF3UoCrEL
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> mRO1RshbhUyXOGtKbMIlGixjY7tjsw5t7YsXCCT0SIcxKY6D9LQbUGV0ZXIgS292
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> zACfUrUaa3qbtOiYv5POxwyEMpRHX2M=
> =5cYt
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