[LON-CAPA-admin] Spreadsheet Woes and questions

Jon Hall hall_jon at bellsouth.net
Tue Nov 1 20:20:50 EST 2005

yup,  i had the exact same experience after loading in the 1.57 and  
1.51 files.

just did ./UPDATE back to the "pure" 2.02 and everything worked fine  

not much help here, but at least you know it wasn't just you.

On Nov 1, 2005, at 3:32 PM, Todd Ruskell wrote:

> First, in general thanks bunch for the speedier spreadsheets.  A  
> marked
> improvement that was met with much rejoicing.
> Now to the woes:
> As Guy and Gerd can attest, last Friday I upgraded my 2.0.2 servers  
> with
> Spreadsheet.pm 1.57 and assesscalc.pm 1.51 as suggested in
> http://mail.lon-capa.org/pipermail/lon-capa-admin/2005-October/ 
> 001145.html
> Spreadsheet 1.57 had a bug, so I have now updated to Spreadsheet.pm  
> 1.58.
> Stopped and Started loncontrol and httpd.
> But now I have some serious spreadsheet issues on both access and  
> my library
> servers. *Most* of the time (but not quite all) as CC when looking  
> at a
> student spreadsheet, none of the values from the resource  
> spreadsheet seem to
> get passed up to the student spreadsheet.  If I click on a particular
> resource spreadsheet, and then go back to the student sheet, the  
> values from
> that particular assessment appear, but not the others.  I have  
> reports that
> the same thing happens for students when they try to view the  
> "Detailed
> Spreadsheet" from GRDS.  The same thing happens when I try to view  
> grades as
> calculated on s1.lite.msu.edu.
> To try and narrow it down, I attempted to revert back to "pure"  
> 2.0.2 by
> running the .UPDATE script in the appropriate directory, but only  
> on the library
> server.  Also stopped and started loncontrol and httpd.  Things now  
> seem to
> "mostly" work on the library, but I still occasionally get one or  
> two students
> whose assessment spreadsheets don't come forward properly.  but  
> this is
> sporadic.  I don't remember seeing this problem with a pure 2.0.2  
> before, but
> that doesn't mean it wasn't there <g>.
> So three questions: (1) Do other people see these issues with the  
> spreadsheet/is
> this a known bug?  (2) Is there a work-around? and (3) Did I do the  
> "right
> thing" to get back to a pure 2.0.2 distribution, or did I need to  
> do something
> else?
> Thanks,
> Todd
> -- 
> Dr. Todd G. Ruskell                         Phone: 303-384-2080
> Lecturer, Department of Physics             FAX:   303-273-3919
> Colorado School of Mines
> Golden, CO 80004
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