[LON-CAPA-admin] Invalid access on first page

H. K. Ng ng at martech.fsu.edu
Tue Feb 10 09:03:06 EST 2004

Hi Mark,

What is the copyright setting for intro.html? -hk

At 08:46 AM 2/10/04 -0500, you wrote:
>I've got a strange one here - I'll submit a bug report later, but I need
>to figure this one out.
>The typical course structure here is to use DOCS with an intro.html page,
>the list of assignment sequences, and a trailer.html.
>When the student or CC chooses the course, the intro.html page is the
>first page to come up.
>Just last night, one of my instructors updated intro.html and students and
>CC now get the following error:
>Invalid access
>* They CAN still go into NAV and access anything, including that page.
>* The same file at the beginning of a Dry Run course works fine. I even
>    added the assignments to this dry run course to have the map look the
>    same (though ID's will be different).
>* I get the following errors in httpd/error.log:
>[Tue Feb 10 08:26:55 2004] [error] access to
>/res/ohiou/psc/101/Winter2004/intro.html failed for, reason:
>Invalid symb for /res/ohiou/psc/101/Winter2004/intro.html:
>[Tue Feb 10 08:26:55 2004] [error] access to
>/res/ohiou/psc/101/Winter2004/intro.html failed for, reason:
>Invalid Access for lucas domain ohiou access bre
>     I don't see anything wrong with the symb, but I've got to be missing
>     something.
>     The top of the sequence has:
><resource id="9" src="/res/ohiou/psc/101/Winter2004/intro.html"
>type="start" tit
>le="Physical Science 101 Homepage"></resource>
><link from="9" to="6" index="1"></link>
>* For the time being I've inserted NAV at the top of the sequence.
>Mark Lucas                          email: lucasm at ohiou.edu
>252D Clippinger Lab                       phone: (740)597-2984
>Department of Physics and Astronomy             fax:   (740)593-0433
>Ohio University
>Athens, OH 45701
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>LON-CAPA-admin at mail.lon-capa.org

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