[LON-CAPA-admin] Re: upgrading

H. K. Ng ng at martech.fsu.edu
Fri Dec 17 09:57:13 EST 2004

Hi Guy,

> > >>1. Is it safe to upgrade to perl 5.8.6? Currently, it is 5.8.3.
> > >
> > >I'm not sure what you mean by "Safe".  If this is a LON-CAPA server, I
> > >don't understand why you'd be installing Oracle and in fact I would 
> advise
> > >against doing.
> >
> > Safe as to whether lon-capa will run. I need oracle for the 
> auto-enrollment.
>Well we don't know if it'll run, it is likely to cause issues with at
>least some of the horde of perl modules we need.
>It might be safeest for you to install a second perl in /usr/local/bin
>which is what perl does by default if you download it and
>build/install it.
>Then the /usr/local/bin/perl will look in /usr/local/lib for it
>modules and thus not disturb the 5.8.3 perl that lon-capa is using.
>Sound doable?

I contacted a tech guy here who handles the oracle database and he said 
that he installed it on FC3. So there is hope. Maybe FC3 uses perl 5.8.6 :-(!


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