[LON-CAPA-admin] Re: Changing Course code

Stuart Peter Raeburn raeburn at msu.edu
Wed Dec 17 13:13:29 EST 2003


Thank you for your e-mail. You have identified the one final piece that 
could usefully be added to the automated enrollment manager - namely an 
interface for use by the domain coordinator to change the following on a 
course-by-course basis: 

(a) course code
(b) default authentication scheme for auto-enrolled students in cases where 
the institutional classlist data (in XML) generated for the class by 
localenroll::fetch_enrollment does not include specific authentication type 
(e.g., krb4) and authentication parameter (e.g., MSU.EDU).
(c) course owner (in cases where your institution requires "course owner" to 
match "instructor of record" if localenroll::fetch_enrollment is to succeed 
in the retrieval of data from your institution's student information 

In addition to supporting cases where these settings have changed following 
initial course creation, this mechanism is also required if the automated 
enrollment function is to be used for courses created using the course 
creator interface available in v. 1.0 (and earlier) where setting of 
automated enrollment parameters is not supported. 

I expecting to be working on this automated enrollment interface item this 


Stuart Raeburn
Division of Science & Math Education,
Michigan State University, East Lansing MI USA 

H. K. Ng writes: 

> Is there a way to change the course code or to add the course code after 
> the course is created? Thanks, - hk 
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