[LON-CAPA-admin] Red Hat 9?

Jason Cole jrcole at sfsu.edu
Tue Aug 5 16:52:47 EDT 2003

Thanks Guy. I'll give installing the new mod_perl today or tomorrow and 
see how that goes.

On Monday, August 4, 2003, at 05:46 PM, Guy Albertelli II wrote:

> Hi Jason,
>> I'm a lon-capa newbie and I'm trying to get lon-capa installed on
>> RedHat 9. I've got a nasty suspicion that the new mod_perl that ships
>> with RH9 breaks lon-capa.
> There are 2 options when dealing with RH9, both are not fully tested
> and you may see some strange errors. Please let me know if you see any
> of these.
> Also for both of the options you will also need to build and install
> many CPAN modules by hand. Running the TEST script provided in the
> loncapa tar file will generate a CPAN_STATUS_REPORT that will let you
> know what is missing and what is needed
> 1) Run Apache 1.3.X
> uninstall apache 2 and mod_perl 1.99.X and instead install apache
> 1.X and mod_perl 1.26ish
> To make this somewhat easy I have rebuilt the 7.3 rpms on redhat 8 and
> they should work on both 8 and 9. You can find the neccessary RPMS
> here:
> http://install.loncapa.org/resources/rh8/
> You will also need to replace the tth.so in the loncapa tar file with
> the tth.so that is up in the above location.
> You will also need to use at least loncapa-0.99.3
> 2) Run Apache 2.X
> You will need at least 1.99_09 of mod_perl
> you can try building it from source (I have done this successfully) or
> get the version from Redhat RawHide (I have not tried this out)
> With this installed may need to muck around with loncapa_apache.conf
> at little to get things running.
> Either way keep me updated on any progress good or bad.
> We hopefully succeed in internally getting a machine up and running
> on RH9 in the next few weeks too.
>> Invalid command 'PerlCleanupHandler', perhaps mis-spelled or defined 
>> by
>> a module not included in the server configuration
> They finally reimplemented this directive in mod_perl 1.99_09
> -- 
> guy at albertelli.com  LON-CAPA Developer  0-7-6-1-
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Jason R. Cole, Ph.D.
Online Teaching Support Specialist
The Center for the Enhancement of Teaching
San Francisco State University
(415) 405-3536
jrcole at sfsu.edu

"The future is here, it's just not evenly distributed yet." - William 
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