[LON-CAPA-cvs] cvs: loncom /interface courseprefs.pm

faziophi faziophi@source.lon-capa.org
Fri, 08 Jan 2010 21:07:50 -0000

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Content-Type: text/plain

faziophi		Fri Jan  8 21:07:50 2010 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /loncom/interface	courseprefs.pm 
  - Adding advanced preferences to Feedback section
  - Reverting string changes for now pending localization help
  - bug 6180 - Feedback configuration does not show "Current recipient(s):"
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="faziophi-20100108210750.txt"

Index: loncom/interface/courseprefs.pm
diff -u loncom/interface/courseprefs.pm:1.19 loncom/interface/courseprefs.pm:1.20
--- loncom/interface/courseprefs.pm:1.19	Fri Jan  8 00:04:04 2010
+++ loncom/interface/courseprefs.pm	Fri Jan  8 21:07:49 2010
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # Handler to set configuration settings for a course
-# $Id: courseprefs.pm,v 1.19 2010/01/08 00:04:04 faziophi Exp $
+# $Id: courseprefs.pm,v 1.20 2010/01/08 21:07:49 faziophi Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -115,15 +115,15 @@
         %lt = (
                 conf => 'Course Configuration',
                 edit => 'Edit Course Configuration',
-                gens => 'General Settings',
-                idnu => 'ID/Number',
-                desc => 'Title',
+                gens => 'General course settings',
+                idnu => 'Course ID or number',
+                desc => 'Course Description',
                 catg => 'Categorize course',
                 excc => 'Exclude from course catalog',
                 clon => 'Users allowed to clone course',
                 rept => 'Replacement titles for standard course roles',
-                time => 'Timezone',
-                date => 'Calendar Locale',
+                time => 'Timezone in which the course takes place',
+                date => 'Locale used for course calendar',
                 coco => 'Course Content',
                 copo => 'Course Policy',
                 priv => 'Domain Coordinators in course',
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
                                    categories       => $lt{'catg'},
                                    hidefromcat      => $lt{'excc'},
                                    cloners          => $lt{'clon'}, 
-                                   externalsyllabus => 'External Syllabus URL',
+                                   externalsyllabus => 'URL of Syllabus',
                                    url              => 'Top Level Map',
                                    rolenames        => $lt{'rept'},
@@ -180,18 +180,16 @@
                       help => 'Course_Environment',
                       ordered => ['languages','timezone','datelocale'],
                       itemtext => {
-                                    languages  => 'Language(s)',
+                                    languages  => 'Languages used',
                                     timezone   => $lt{'time'}, 
                                     datelocale => $lt{'date'},
         'feedback' =>
-                    { text => 'Feedback Messages',
+                    { text => 'Feedback messages',
                       help => 'Course_Environment',
                       header => [{col1 => 'Questions about:',
-                                  col2 => 'Recipients'},
-                                 {col1 => 'Questions about:',
-                                  col2 => 'Custom Text'}],
+                                  col2 => 'Recipients'}],
                       ordered => ['question.email','comment.email','policy.email'],
                       itemtext => {
                                      'question.email' => 'Resource Content',
@@ -207,12 +205,12 @@
                       itemtext => {
-                         'plc.roles.denied'             => 'Disable resource discussion',
-                         'plc.users.denied'             => 'Disable resource discussion',
-                         'pch.roles.denied'             => 'Disable chat room',
-                         'pch.users.denied'             => 'Disable chat room',
-                         allow_limited_html_in_feedback => 'HTML in discussion',
-                         allow_discussion_post_editing  => 'Allow users to edit/delete own discussion posts',
+                         'plc.roles.denied'             => 'No Resource Discussion',
+                         'plc.users.denied'             => 'No Resource Discussion',
+                         'pch.roles.denied'             => 'No Chat room use',
+                         'pch.users.denied'             => 'No Chat room use',
+                         allow_limited_html_in_feedback => 'Allow limited HTML in discussion',
+                         allow_discussion_post_editing  => 'Users can edit/delete own discussion posts',
         'classlists' =>
@@ -238,16 +236,16 @@
         'appearance' =>
-                   { text => 'Display of Resources ',
+                   { text => 'Display of resources ',
                      help => 'Course_Environment',
                      ordered => ['default_xml_style','pageseparators',
                       itemtext => {
                           default_xml_style       => 'Default XML style file',
-                          pageseparators          => 'Separate items on composite pages',
-                          disable_receipt_display => 'Disable problem receipts display',
-                          texengine               => 'Force specific math rendering engine',
+                          pageseparators          => 'Visibly Separate Items on Pages',
+                          disable_receipt_display => 'Disable display of problem receipts',
+                          texengine               => 'Force use of a specific math rendering engine',
                           tthoptions              => 'Default set of options to pass to tth/m when converting TeX',
@@ -257,15 +255,15 @@
                     ordered => ['grading','rndseed',
                     itemtext => {
-                        grading        => 'Grading Type',
-                        rndseed        => 'Randomization algorithm',
-                        receiptalg     => 'Receipt algorithm',
-                        disablesigfigs => 'Disable significant figure checks',
+                        grading        => 'Grading',
+                        rndseed        => 'Randomization algorithm used',
+                        receiptalg     => 'Receipt algorithm used',
+                        disablesigfigs => 'Disable checking of Significant Figures',
         'printouts' =>
-                  { text => 'Printouts',
+                  { text => 'Printout generation',
                     help => 'Course_Environment',
                     ordered => ['problem_stream_switch','suppress_tries',
@@ -1762,7 +1760,11 @@
     foreach my $item (@{$ordered}) {
         $count ++;
-        $datatable .= &item_table_row_start($items{$item}{text},$count);
+        if ($position eq 'top') {
+        	$datatable .= &item_table_row_start($items{$item}{text},$count);
+        } else {
+        	$datatable .= &item_table_row_start($items{$item}{text}."<br/>(Custom text)",$count, "advanced");
+        }
         if ($position eq 'top') {
             my $includeempty = 0;
             $datatable .= &user_table($cdom,$item,\@sections,
@@ -1818,10 +1820,10 @@
         if ($num) {
             $output .= '<tr>'.
                        '<td align="left"><i>';
-            if ($num > 1) {
+            if ($num == 1) {
                 $output .= $lt->{'currone'};
             } else {
-                $output .= $lt->{'currmult'};
+                $output .= $lt->{'curmult'};
             $output .= '</i><br />'.
